CSM - Planned Parenthood investigation: Missouri AG finds no wrongdoing

Here's the thing: My experience with RW accusations is this: They are ALWAYS either gross exaggerations of flat out lies. Frankly, I wish there was some kind of a betting website I could go to at the first hint of a pending RW accusation of someone or some organization. And I don't give a flip what the odds were, I would lay my money down on 'fabrication" each and every time, and do you know what? I would win a bundle of money over time.

Planned Parenthood investigation: Missouri AG finds no wrongdoing

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Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster conducted a 30-day audit of more than 300 abortions performed by Planned Parenthood in St. Louis and found no evidence of workers selling fetal tissue obtained during the procedures.

By Henry Gass, Staff writer September 28, 2015
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    Andrew Ward (l.), and Bill Pauls discuss their positions on abortion on July 28 during a rally across the street from the Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri in Columbia, Mo. The Missouri Attorney General's office announced on Monday that a 30-day audit of the St. Louis Planned Parenthood yielded no evidence of mishandled fetal tissue or unlawful activity.

    Don Shrubshell/Columbia Daily Tribune/AP
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An investigation in Missouri found no evidence that the Planned Parenthood clinic in St. Louis is selling fetal tissue from abortions, the state attorney general announced on Monday.

Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster launched the investigation after an anti-abortion group released videos over the summer alleging that Planned Parenthood illegally sold fetal tissue in other states. National outrage over the videos triggered similar investigations in a number of states, but so far no Planned Parenthood clinics have been found to be illegally selling fetal tissue.

Planned Parenthood investigation: Missouri AG finds no wrongdoing
Lol it's been a really bad day for PP.Caught lying multiple times, exposed as a racket....87% of their income comes from abortions....when abortions allegedly constitute 3% of what they do. Ouch, how is that possible? Oh you charge Medicaid for services you don't provide...you tell women Medicaid won't pay so you get cash from them...then you sell the dead babies. Nice!
Six states have audited PP and found the lies to be . . . lies.

So Vigi and kg and those who support lies are . . . liars.
Six states have audited PP and found the lies to be . . . lies.

So Vigi and kg and those who support lies are . . . liars.

So JakeAss you claim all 6 states found it to be lies...I see the Democrat AG and PP supporter from Missouri has, you have links to the other five saying it was lies?...Please post them, as I couldn't find any that said so, they were still being investigated, BUT if you can, I'll be surprised!
No need to. You are lying again, as well all know you do when trapped.

And Cruz's percentage of nine is NC, which means nothing.

And your Trump is a clear and dear progressive statist.
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Besides, how can one possibly expect an impartial investigation from a Democratic Attorney General?

You might as well be saying that if the AG was a conservative Republican you would fully expect them to falsify a report saying that Planned Parenthood was guilty even if they hadn't done anything illegal or unethical.

No. I'd expect them to do their job. How about you?

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