Cruz to Republicans: Limit voting at all costs


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

The Texas senator rallied his GOP colleagues around the issue on an invitation-only call heard by The Associated Press.

On an invitation-only call last week, Sen. Ted Cruz huddled with Republican state lawmakers to call them to battle on the issue of voting rights.

Democrats are trying to expand voting rights to “illegal aliens” and “child molesters,” he claimed, and Republicans must do all they can to stop them. If they push through far-reaching election legislation now before the Senate, the GOP won’t win elections again for generations, he said.

Asked if there was room to compromise, Cruz was blunt: “No.”

There is much more in the link below...

Why are Republicans so desperate to limit voting rights? Voting fraud has been thoroughly proven to be nearly nonexistent; therefore, one can only assume they don't want certain groups of voters voting for Democrats. I predict that this will not end well for Republicans. We must not allow a resurgence of Jim Crow voter suppression. What do you think?
View attachment 470248

The Texas senator rallied his GOP colleagues around the issue on an invitation-only call heard by The Associated Press.

On an invitation-only call last week, Sen. Ted Cruz huddled with Republican state lawmakers to call them to battle on the issue of voting rights.

Democrats are trying to expand voting rights to “illegal aliens” and “child molesters,” he claimed, and Republicans must do all they can to stop them. If they push through far-reaching election legislation now before the Senate, the GOP won’t win elections again for generations, he said.

Asked if there was room to compromise, Cruz was blunt: “No.”

There is much more in the link below...

Why are Republicans so desperate to limit voting rights? Voting fraud has been thoroughly proven to be nearly nonexistent; therefore, one can only assume they don't want certain groups of voters voting for Democrats. I predict that this will not end well for Republicans. We must not allow a resurgence of Jim Crow voter suppression. What do you think?

Why are Republicans so desperate to limit voting rights?

Why are Democrats so desperate to limit voter ID?
The only individuals who should be allowed to vote in US elections, should be limited to only actual US born citizens. If someone comes to this country "legally," takes the citizenship test and is sworn in as a citizen, he or she should also be allowed to vote. "Illegal" migrants have committed a crime by coming through illegally and thus should not be allowed to vote in elections.
It doesn't take an Einstein to produce a birth certificate or citizenship papers, to obtain proper state or federal identification. This Democrat penchant of claiming that minorities shouldn't have to produce identification, boils down to the "racism of low expectations." The white Democrats think minorities, especially blacks, are too dumb to know how to obtain proper identification.
While I am pro-Republican, my significant other is pro-Democrat and despite our political differences, on this one, we agree.....only bona fide citizens should be allowed to vote.....once per election cycle.
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View attachment 470248

The Texas senator rallied his GOP colleagues around the issue on an invitation-only call heard by The Associated Press.

On an invitation-only call last week, Sen. Ted Cruz huddled with Republican state lawmakers to call them to battle on the issue of voting rights.

Democrats are trying to expand voting rights to “illegal aliens” and “child molesters,” he claimed, and Republicans must do all they can to stop them. If they push through far-reaching election legislation now before the Senate, the GOP won’t win elections again for generations, he said.

Asked if there was room to compromise, Cruz was blunt: “No.”

There is much more in the link below...

Why are Republicans so desperate to limit voting rights? Voting fraud has been thoroughly proven to be nearly nonexistent; therefore, one can only assume they don't want certain groups of voters voting for Democrats. I predict that this will not end well for Republicans. We must not allow a resurgence of Jim Crow voter suppression. What do you think?

The face you make and the desperation you resort to when you know, 1) Your party has nothing in the way of new policy initiatives, 2) You can see the writing on the wall that most of the country is fed up with Point #1 and is about to kick your party to the curb. So rather than address policy issues and renounce failed stand by's like supply side and trickle down economic policies (tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy), you retreat to old tactics of cultural wedge issues, voter suppression, gerrymandering, and division pimping.
View attachment 470248

The Texas senator rallied his GOP colleagues around the issue on an invitation-only call heard by The Associated Press.

On an invitation-only call last week, Sen. Ted Cruz huddled with Republican state lawmakers to call them to battle on the issue of voting rights.

Democrats are trying to expand voting rights to “illegal aliens” and “child molesters,” he claimed, and Republicans must do all they can to stop them. If they push through far-reaching election legislation now before the Senate, the GOP won’t win elections again for generations, he said.

Asked if there was room to compromise, Cruz was blunt: “No.”

There is much more in the link below...

Why are Republicans so desperate to limit voting rights? Voting fraud has been thoroughly proven to be nearly nonexistent; therefore, one can only assume they don't want certain groups of voters voting for Democrats. I predict that this will not end well for Republicans. We must not allow a resurgence of Jim Crow voter suppression. What do you think?

Why are Republicans so desperate to limit voting rights?

Why are Democrats so desperate to limit voter ID?

So, you think voter ID is the problem? If so - what is your solution?
From the link:

Perkins answered the question by recalling how voting laws were made stricter in his native Louisiana after a close 1996 Senate race won by Democrats. He noted that the state now votes solidly Republican.
“When you have free, fair elections, you’re going to have outcomes that are positive,” Perkins said before urging viewers to push state lawmakers to “restore election integrity.”
Stronger voting regulations have long been a conservative goal, driven by old — and some say outdated — conventional wisdom that Republicans thrive in elections with lower turnout, and Democrats in ones with more voters. That has translated to GOP efforts to tighten voter identification laws and require more frequent voter roll purges. Both efforts tend to disproportionally exclude Black and Latino voters, groups that lean Democratic.
View attachment 470248

The Texas senator rallied his GOP colleagues around the issue on an invitation-only call heard by The Associated Press.

On an invitation-only call last week, Sen. Ted Cruz huddled with Republican state lawmakers to call them to battle on the issue of voting rights.

Democrats are trying to expand voting rights to “illegal aliens” and “child molesters,” he claimed, and Republicans must do all they can to stop them. If they push through far-reaching election legislation now before the Senate, the GOP won’t win elections again for generations, he said.

Asked if there was room to compromise, Cruz was blunt: “No.”

There is much more in the link below...

Why are Republicans so desperate to limit voting rights? Voting fraud has been thoroughly proven to be nearly nonexistent; therefore, one can only assume they don't want certain groups of voters voting for Democrats. I predict that this will not end well for Republicans. We must not allow a resurgence of Jim Crow voter suppression. What do you think?

Why are Republicans so desperate to limit voting rights?

Why are Democrats so desperate to limit voter ID?

So, you think voter ID is the problem? If so - what is your solution?

So, you think voter ID is the problem?

I think it is part of the problem.

If so - what is your solution?

Requiring it.
From the link:

Perkins answered the question by recalling how voting laws were made stricter in his native Louisiana after a close 1996 Senate race won by Democrats. He noted that the state now votes solidly Republican.
“When you have free, fair elections, you’re going to have outcomes that are positive,” Perkins said before urging viewers to push state lawmakers to “restore election integrity.”
Stronger voting regulations have long been a conservative goal, driven by old — and some say outdated — conventional wisdom that Republicans thrive in elections with lower turnout, and Democrats in ones with more voters. That has translated to GOP efforts to tighten voter identification laws and require more frequent voter roll purges. Both efforts tend to disproportionally exclude Black and Latino voters, groups that lean Democratic.

conventional wisdom that Republicans thrive in elections with lower turnout, and Democrats in ones with more voters.

When Dems can't cheat, they lose more often.
View attachment 470248

The Texas senator rallied his GOP colleagues around the issue on an invitation-only call heard by The Associated Press.

On an invitation-only call last week, Sen. Ted Cruz huddled with Republican state lawmakers to call them to battle on the issue of voting rights.

Democrats are trying to expand voting rights to “illegal aliens” and “child molesters,” he claimed, and Republicans must do all they can to stop them. If they push through far-reaching election legislation now before the Senate, the GOP won’t win elections again for generations, he said.

Asked if there was room to compromise, Cruz was blunt: “No.”

There is much more in the link below...

Why are Republicans so desperate to limit voting rights? Voting fraud has been thoroughly proven to be nearly nonexistent; therefore, one can only assume they don't want certain groups of voters voting for Democrats. I predict that this will not end well for Republicans. We must not allow a resurgence of Jim Crow voter suppression. What do you think?

Why are Republicans so desperate to limit voting rights?

Why are Democrats so desperate to limit voter ID?

So, you think voter ID is the problem? If so - what is your solution?

So, you think voter ID is the problem?

I think it is part of the problem.

If so - what is your solution?

Requiring it.

Why wasn't voter ID a problem in the 2020 election?
View attachment 470248

The Texas senator rallied his GOP colleagues around the issue on an invitation-only call heard by The Associated Press.

On an invitation-only call last week, Sen. Ted Cruz huddled with Republican state lawmakers to call them to battle on the issue of voting rights.

Democrats are trying to expand voting rights to “illegal aliens” and “child molesters,” he claimed, and Republicans must do all they can to stop them. If they push through far-reaching election legislation now before the Senate, the GOP won’t win elections again for generations, he said.

Asked if there was room to compromise, Cruz was blunt: “No.”

There is much more in the link below...

Why are Republicans so desperate to limit voting rights? Voting fraud has been thoroughly proven to be nearly nonexistent; therefore, one can only assume they don't want certain groups of voters voting for Democrats. I predict that this will not end well for Republicans. We must not allow a resurgence of Jim Crow voter suppression. What do you think?

Why are Republicans so desperate to limit voting rights?

Why are Democrats so desperate to limit voter ID?

So, you think voter ID is the problem? If so - what is your solution?

So, you think voter ID is the problem?

I think it is part of the problem.

If so - what is your solution?

Requiring it.

Why wasn't voter ID a problem in the 2020 election?

I'm sure that it was.
View attachment 470248

The Texas senator rallied his GOP colleagues around the issue on an invitation-only call heard by The Associated Press.

On an invitation-only call last week, Sen. Ted Cruz huddled with Republican state lawmakers to call them to battle on the issue of voting rights.

Democrats are trying to expand voting rights to “illegal aliens” and “child molesters,” he claimed, and Republicans must do all they can to stop them. If they push through far-reaching election legislation now before the Senate, the GOP won’t win elections again for generations, he said.

Asked if there was room to compromise, Cruz was blunt: “No.”

There is much more in the link below...

Why are Republicans so desperate to limit voting rights? Voting fraud has been thoroughly proven to be nearly nonexistent; therefore, one can only assume they don't want certain groups of voters voting for Democrats. I predict that this will not end well for Republicans. We must not allow a resurgence of Jim Crow voter suppression. What do you think?

Why are Republicans so desperate to limit voting rights?

Why are Democrats so desperate to limit voter ID?

So, you think voter ID is the problem? If so - what is your solution?

So, you think voter ID is the problem?

I think it is part of the problem.

If so - what is your solution?

Requiring it.

Why wasn't voter ID a problem in the 2020 election?

I'm sure that it was.

Really? Why wasn't that proven in all the recounts and court cases?

Republicans are engaged in extreme voter suppression that has NOTHING to do with voter ID - such as various actions to limit access to the polls. Limiting access to the polls has NOTHING to do with voter ID.
View attachment 470248

The Texas senator rallied his GOP colleagues around the issue on an invitation-only call heard by The Associated Press.

On an invitation-only call last week, Sen. Ted Cruz huddled with Republican state lawmakers to call them to battle on the issue of voting rights.

Democrats are trying to expand voting rights to “illegal aliens” and “child molesters,” he claimed, and Republicans must do all they can to stop them. If they push through far-reaching election legislation now before the Senate, the GOP won’t win elections again for generations, he said.

Asked if there was room to compromise, Cruz was blunt: “No.”

There is much more in the link below...

Why are Republicans so desperate to limit voting rights? Voting fraud has been thoroughly proven to be nearly nonexistent; therefore, one can only assume they don't want certain groups of voters voting for Democrats. I predict that this will not end well for Republicans. We must not allow a resurgence of Jim Crow voter suppression. What do you think?
“Why are Republicans so desperate to limit voting rights?”

Because they know that when voter turnout is high, Republican candidates tend to lose elections.

It is an article of religious faith among Republicans that when a Republican loses an election, it’s the consequence of the myth of voter ‘fraud.’

In order for Republicans to reestablish or maintain their minority rule, they need to undermine voting rights, seek to suppress votes, and disenfranchise citizens they perceive to be likely Democratic voters.
View attachment 470248

The Texas senator rallied his GOP colleagues around the issue on an invitation-only call heard by The Associated Press.

On an invitation-only call last week, Sen. Ted Cruz huddled with Republican state lawmakers to call them to battle on the issue of voting rights.

Democrats are trying to expand voting rights to “illegal aliens” and “child molesters,” he claimed, and Republicans must do all they can to stop them. If they push through far-reaching election legislation now before the Senate, the GOP won’t win elections again for generations, he said.

Asked if there was room to compromise, Cruz was blunt: “No.”

There is much more in the link below...

Why are Republicans so desperate to limit voting rights? Voting fraud has been thoroughly proven to be nearly nonexistent; therefore, one can only assume they don't want certain groups of voters voting for Democrats. I predict that this will not end well for Republicans. We must not allow a resurgence of Jim Crow voter suppression. What do you think?

Why are Republicans so desperate to limit voting rights?

Why are Democrats so desperate to limit voter ID?

So, you think voter ID is the problem? If so - what is your solution?

So, you think voter ID is the problem?

I think it is part of the problem.

If so - what is your solution?

Requiring it.

Why wasn't voter ID a problem in the 2020 election?

I'm sure that it was.

Really? Why wasn't that proven in all the recounts and court cases?

Republicans are engaged in extreme voter suppression that has NOTHING to do with voter ID - such as various actions to limit access to the polls. Limiting access to the polls has NOTHING to do with voter ID.

Really. Anything that makes it easier for Dems to cheat is a problem.
Why are Democrats so desperate to limit voter ID?
Because it will disproportionately affect democrat voters. As it is designed to do. That is literally the only reason the GOP wants it.

Of course, on this issue, one party is on the correct side of democracy and ethics, regardless of why. That's the democrats.

Because it will disproportionately affect democrat voters.

Of course it does. Because Dem voters are too stupid to get photo ID. Or too dead.
View attachment 470248

The Texas senator rallied his GOP colleagues around the issue on an invitation-only call heard by The Associated Press.

On an invitation-only call last week, Sen. Ted Cruz huddled with Republican state lawmakers to call them to battle on the issue of voting rights.

Democrats are trying to expand voting rights to “illegal aliens” and “child molesters,” he claimed, and Republicans must do all they can to stop them. If they push through far-reaching election legislation now before the Senate, the GOP won’t win elections again for generations, he said.

Asked if there was room to compromise, Cruz was blunt: “No.”

There is much more in the link below...

Why are Republicans so desperate to limit voting rights? Voting fraud has been thoroughly proven to be nearly nonexistent; therefore, one can only assume they don't want certain groups of voters voting for Democrats. I predict that this will not end well for Republicans. We must not allow a resurgence of Jim Crow voter suppression. What do you think?

Why are Republicans so desperate to limit voting rights?

Why are Democrats so desperate to limit voter ID?

So, you think voter ID is the problem? If so - what is your solution?

So, you think voter ID is the problem?

I think it is part of the problem.

If so - what is your solution?

Requiring it.

Why wasn't voter ID a problem in the 2020 election?

I'm sure that it was.

Really? Why wasn't that proven in all the recounts and court cases?

Republicans are engaged in extreme voter suppression that has NOTHING to do with voter ID - such as various actions to limit access to the polls. Limiting access to the polls has NOTHING to do with voter ID.

Really. Anything that makes it easier for Dems to cheat is a problem.

Democrats aren't the ones doing the cheating! What does limiting access to the polls have to do with voter ID?

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