Cruz' Dirty trick in Iowa


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
(a) Why has Trump-io not mentioned having heard from a SINGLE Iowa voter who was deceived and changed his vote? Curious, isn't it? Maybe there are NONE.

(b) Rather than abandoning Carson as a result of this "underhanded" tweet, isn't it just as likely that some Cruz voters would have seen the tweet and decided to vote AGAINST Cruz, thinking it was an underhanded trick? Iowans don't like cheaters...or so they say. Do adults change their votes based on effluvia?

(c) Who is to say that any gullible person who decided not to vote for Carson as a result of this tweet would have changed his vote to Cruz? In fact, if a person was a committed Carson voter, then his second choice would not likely be Cruz, but rather Kasich or someone lower-key.

(d) Where is the evidence that Carson polled worse than he would have otherwise? It doesn't exist, because it isn't true.

(d) Why do the media never call Trump on his stupid, illogical, self-serving bullshit? Are they intimidated? Why don't they throw it back in his face when he claims that "every single poll" found that he "won" all the previous debates. This is preposterous. Maybe the polls taken in Manhattan. Half of America seems to be believing that Trump is unstoppable because.......Trump SAYS he unstoppable.

(e) Why did I not hear or see the words, "sore loser" associated with Trump after his ridiculous shenanigans of this past Tuesday? Talk about your classic case!
I'm glad this controversy has damaged him regardless of if it's true or not.
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(a) Why has Trump-io not mentioned having heard from a SINGLE Iowa voter who was deceived and changed his vote? Curious, isn't it? Maybe there are NONE.

(b) Rather than abandoning Carson as a result of this "underhanded" tweet, isn't it just as likely that some Cruz voters would have seen the tweet and decided to vote AGAINST Cruz, thinking it was an underhanded trick? Iowans don't like cheaters...or so they say. Do adults change their votes based on effluvia?

(c) Who is to say that any gullible person who decided not to vote for Carson as a result of this tweet would have changed his vote to Cruz? In fact, if a person was a committed Carson voter, then his second choice would not likely be Cruz, but rather Kasich or someone lower-key.

(d) Where is the evidence that Carson polled worse than he would have otherwise? It doesn't exist, because it isn't true.

(d) Why do the media never call Trump on his stupid, illogical, self-serving bullshit? Are they intimidated? Why don't they throw it back in his face when he claims that "every single poll" found that he "won" all the previous debates. This is preposterous. Maybe the polls taken in Manhattan. Half of America seems to be believing that Trump is unstoppable because.......Trump SAYS he unstoppable.

(e) Why did I not hear or see the words, "sore loser" associated with Trump after his ridiculous shenanigans of this past Tuesday? Talk about your classic case!

(a) Why has Trump-io not mentioned having heard from a SINGLE Iowa voter who was deceived and changed his vote? Curious, isn't it? Maybe there are NONE.

How are they going to tell him? Got his number?

(b) Rather than abandoning Carson as a result of this "underhanded" tweet, isn't it just as likely that some Cruz voters would have seen the tweet and decided to vote AGAINST Cruz, thinking it was an underhanded trick? Iowans don't like cheaters...or so they say. Do adults change their votes based on effluvia?

Why would they vote against Cruz? There was nothing to indicate he was lying or pulling a dirty trick.

(c) Who is to say that any gullible person who decided not to vote for Carson as a result of this tweet would have changed his vote to Cruz? In fact, if a person was a committed Carson voter, then his second choice would not likely be Cruz, but rather Kasich or someone lower-key.

Cruz was "nice enough" to tell them of Carson's "decision." Cruz asked them to vote for him for there wasn't a great deal of time to review all the policies of other candidates.

(d) Where is the evidence that Carson polled worse than he would have otherwise? It doesn't exist, because it isn't true.

Not sure of your question...

(d) Why do the media never call Trump on his stupid, illogical, self-serving bullshit? Are they intimidated? Why don't they throw it back in his face when he claims that "every single poll" found that he "won" all the previous debates. This is preposterous. Maybe the polls taken in Manhattan. Half of America seems to be believing that Trump is unstoppable because.......Trump SAYS he unstoppable.

I think they are a bit intimidated. Media outlets don't want to be the butt of his next fiery rhetoric.

(e) Why did I not hear or see the words, "sore loser" associated with Trump after his ridiculous shenanigans of this past Tuesday? Talk about your classic case!

There was too much proof to determine that Cruz did indeed pull a fast one on Carson and made Trump just another victim.

There are no two ways about it. Cruz was a jerk. Carson had every right to be angry and Trump has now learned that politics isn't fair. He was not as much as the victim as Carson was.
(a) Why has Trump-io not mentioned having heard from a SINGLE Iowa voter who was deceived and changed his vote? Curious, isn't it? Maybe there are NONE.

(b) Rather than abandoning Carson as a result of this "underhanded" tweet, isn't it just as likely that some Cruz voters would have seen the tweet and decided to vote AGAINST Cruz, thinking it was an underhanded trick? Iowans don't like cheaters...or so they say. Do adults change their votes based on effluvia?

(c) Who is to say that any gullible person who decided not to vote for Carson as a result of this tweet would have changed his vote to Cruz? In fact, if a person was a committed Carson voter, then his second choice would not likely be Cruz, but rather Kasich or someone lower-key.

(d) Where is the evidence that Carson polled worse than he would have otherwise? It doesn't exist, because it isn't true.

(d) Why do the media never call Trump on his stupid, illogical, self-serving bullshit? Are they intimidated? Why don't they throw it back in his face when he claims that "every single poll" found that he "won" all the previous debates. This is preposterous. Maybe the polls taken in Manhattan. Half of America seems to be believing that Trump is unstoppable because.......Trump SAYS he unstoppable.

(e) Why did I not hear or see the words, "sore loser" associated with Trump after his ridiculous shenanigans of this past Tuesday? Talk about your classic case!

It is so obvious that the Cruz gang saw a way to get ahead and ran with it.. What is he the candidate police..?
He had no right to do that unless if he heard from Carson himself.

Cruz is a smart man, I will give him that....but if he didn't know what was going on in his own camp how is he to run the white house. I will say the same thing about Hillary being unaware of things..

Well, Clinton does dirty deeds every night from the time she crawls out of her coffin until dawn when she crawls back into her coffin.

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