Crude Talk - ok for men but not for women....?


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
... is there a double standard?

If a man talks crude about women/sex is it funny and/or acceptable?
If a woman talks crude about men/sex is it trashy and unflattering?

Isn't the common (heh) thought that if men talk that way well "that's just men"
but if women talk that way they are "trashy sluts"?

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... is there a double standard?

If a man talks crude about women/sex is it funny and/or acceptable?
If a woman talks crude about men/sex is it trashy and unflattering?

Isn't the common (heh) thought that if men talk that way well "that's just men"
but if women talk that way they are "trash sluts"?


... is there a double standard?

If a man talks crude about women/sex is it funny and/or acceptable?
If a woman talks crude about men/sex is it trashy and unflattering?

Isn't the common (heh) thought that if men talk that way well "that's just men"
but if women talk that way they are "trash sluts"?


I think either one when done outside of a given circle is seen as crude. but that's just me.

There is a double standard, and to me it is more enforced by other women then men.
Is it something that can be "changed"?

Do you find women that are crude to be compelling at first, but, then, a turn off?
... is there a double standard?

If a man talks crude about women/sex is it funny and/or acceptable?
If a woman talks crude about men/sex is it trashy and unflattering?

Isn't the common (heh) thought that if men talk that way well "that's just men"
but if women talk that way they are "trashy sluts"?

That was back in the old days. In today's world, women talk just as much trash as do men, some even more so. But, it's more common among women under the age of 50, than it is women over the age of 50. Also, there are a lot of men that like to hear women talk trashy. In a way, it shows that a woman is comfortable with herself, confident, and basically has very few sexual hang-ups. In addition, a lot of it has to do with the people you're with. Everyone, men and women, tend to tone down the language while in certain groups or crowds. It's basically a sign of the times, where gender equality, and morally acceptable behavior has changed. We tend to judge less today than in the past.

Although I'm sure that some still get offended and negatively judge those that use such language, it's my opinion that it's more common and more accepted today than at any other time.
I still think people prefer suggestive flirty talk overall (both sexes)

Do you think that talk implies they want sex?
My friends (of both sexes) and I have a tendency for crude or edgy speech. We don't hold such a double standard in our circles.

It wasn't uncommon for the women in my family to have such a trait as well. My family is mostly mill hunkies and farmers so it wasn't really that shocking to hear one of the female members launch a profanity laced tirade.
My friends (of both sexes) and I have a tendency for crude or edgy speech. We don't hold such a double standard in our circles.

It wasn't uncommon for the women in my family to have such a trait as well. My family is mostly mill hunkies and farmers so it wasn't really that shocking to hear one of the female members launch a profanity laced tirade.

I talk like that all the time. Even tell hubby I have "crushes" on celebrities - call them my boyfriends (he does the same) - or if I'm feeling really feisty will tell a girlfriend or boyfriend "I'd do him" - I don't really mean it, not like I'm going to up and proposition them.....

There are people on here I am attracted to personality wise, but I'm not looking to "hook up" or do anything crazy. But I feel I can speak "crazy" without it being taken so seriously....

I should post my "I'd do..... " list just to see what happens..... ;)
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My friends (of both sexes) and I have a tendency for crude or edgy speech. We don't hold such a double standard in our circles.

It wasn't uncommon for the women in my family to have such a trait as well. My family is mostly mill hunkies and farmers so it wasn't really that shocking to hear one of the female members launch a profanity laced tirade.

I talk like that all the time. Even tell hubby I have "crushes" on celebrities - call them my boyfriends (he does the same) - or if I'm feeling really feisty will tell a girlfriend or boyfriend "I'd do him" - I don't really mean it, not like I'm going to up and proposition them.....

There are people on here I am attracted to personality wise, but I'm not looking to "hook up" or do anything crazy. But I feel I can speak "crazy" without it being taken so seriously....

I should post my "I'd do..... " list just to see what happens..... ;)

My husband and I joke all the time about our 'Would do" lists. I would never in a million years break my vows but I am still a human being that finds other people attractive. I am married not dead. lol.
My friends (of both sexes) and I have a tendency for crude or edgy speech. We don't hold such a double standard in our circles.

It wasn't uncommon for the women in my family to have such a trait as well. My family is mostly mill hunkies and farmers so it wasn't really that shocking to hear one of the female members launch a profanity laced tirade.

I talk like that all the time. Even tell hubby I have "crushes" on celebrities - call them my boyfriends (he does the same) - or if I'm feeling really feisty will tell a girlfriend or boyfriend "I'd do him" - I don't really mean it, not like I'm going to up and proposition them.....

There are people on here I am attracted to personality wise, but I'm not looking to "hook up" or do anything crazy. But I feel I can speak "crazy" without it being taken so seriously....

I should post my "I'd do..... " list just to see what happens..... ;)

My husband and I joke all the time about our 'Would do" lists. I would never in a million years break my vows but I am still a human being that finds other people attractive. I am married not dead. lol.

I never could understand why women cry and freak out when their husbands notice other women....
Reality check!

My husband actually thinks it is weird that I DON'T mind.
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My friends (of both sexes) and I have a tendency for crude or edgy speech. We don't hold such a double standard in our circles.

It wasn't uncommon for the women in my family to have such a trait as well. My family is mostly mill hunkies and farmers so it wasn't really that shocking to hear one of the female members launch a profanity laced tirade.

I talk like that all the time. Even tell hubby I have "crushes" on celebrities - call them my boyfriends (he does the same) - or if I'm feeling really feisty will tell a girlfriend or boyfriend "I'd do him" - I don't really mean it, not like I'm going to up and proposition them.....

There are people on here I am attracted to personality wise, but I'm not looking to "hook up" or do anything crazy. But I feel I can speak "crazy" without it being taken so seriously....

I should post my "I'd do..... " list just to see what happens..... ;)

My husband and I joke all the time about our 'Would do" lists. I would never in a million years break my vows but I am still a human being that finds other people attractive. I am married not dead. lol.

I never could understand why women cry and freak out when their husbands notice other women....
Reality check!

My husband actually thinks it is weird that I DON'T mind.

Jealously is such an irrational emotion. My husband and I have different tastes when it comes to whom we find attractive. He likes guys built like fullbacks and I like guys built like swimmers. When I comment on a hot guy and he is out of the room he always asks if he is hot for me or hot for him. lol
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My friends (of both sexes) and I have a tendency for crude or edgy speech. We don't hold such a double standard in our circles.

It wasn't uncommon for the women in my family to have such a trait as well. My family is mostly mill hunkies and farmers so it wasn't really that shocking to hear one of the female members launch a profanity laced tirade.

I talk like that all the time. Even tell hubby I have "crushes" on celebrities - call them my boyfriends (he does the same) - or if I'm feeling really feisty will tell a girlfriend or boyfriend "I'd do him" - I don't really mean it, not like I'm going to up and proposition them.....

There are people on here I am attracted to personality wise, but I'm not looking to "hook up" or do anything crazy. But I feel I can speak "crazy" without it being taken so seriously....

I should post my "I'd do..... " list just to see what happens..... ;)

My husband and I joke all the time about our 'Would do" lists. I would never in a million years break my vows but I am still a human being that finds other people attractive. I am married not dead. lol.

I never could understand why women cry and freak out when their husbands notice other women....
Reality check!

My husband actually thinks it is weird that I DON'T mind.

Jealously is such an irrational emotion. My husband and I different tastes when it comes to whom we find attractive. He likes guys built like fullbacks and I like guys built like swimmers. When I comment on a hot guy and he is out of the room he always asks if he is hot for me or hot for him. lol

so for you guys it's more about the body than the face?
My friends (of both sexes) and I have a tendency for crude or edgy speech. We don't hold such a double standard in our circles.

It wasn't uncommon for the women in my family to have such a trait as well. My family is mostly mill hunkies and farmers so it wasn't really that shocking to hear one of the female members launch a profanity laced tirade.

I talk like that all the time. Even tell hubby I have "crushes" on celebrities - call them my boyfriends (he does the same) - or if I'm feeling really feisty will tell a girlfriend or boyfriend "I'd do him" - I don't really mean it, not like I'm going to up and proposition them.....

There are people on here I am attracted to personality wise, but I'm not looking to "hook up" or do anything crazy. But I feel I can speak "crazy" without it being taken so seriously....

I should post my "I'd do..... " list just to see what happens..... ;)

My husband and I joke all the time about our 'Would do" lists. I would never in a million years break my vows but I am still a human being that finds other people attractive. I am married not dead. lol.

I never could understand why women cry and freak out when their husbands notice other women....
Reality check!

My husband actually thinks it is weird that I DON'T mind.

Jealously is such an irrational emotion. My husband and I different tastes when it comes to whom we find attractive. He likes guys built like fullbacks and I like guys built like swimmers. When I comment on a hot guy and he is out of the room he always asks if he is hot for me or hot for him. lol

so for you guys it's more about the body than the face?

Face matters of course but we are more into body types. If the guy is strikingly hot the body type really doesn't matter all that much.
I talk like that all the time. Even tell hubby I have "crushes" on celebrities - call them my boyfriends (he does the same) - or if I'm feeling really feisty will tell a girlfriend or boyfriend "I'd do him" - I don't really mean it, not like I'm going to up and proposition them.....

There are people on here I am attracted to personality wise, but I'm not looking to "hook up" or do anything crazy. But I feel I can speak "crazy" without it being taken so seriously....

I should post my "I'd do..... " list just to see what happens..... ;)

My husband and I joke all the time about our 'Would do" lists. I would never in a million years break my vows but I am still a human being that finds other people attractive. I am married not dead. lol.

I never could understand why women cry and freak out when their husbands notice other women....
Reality check!

My husband actually thinks it is weird that I DON'T mind.

Jealously is such an irrational emotion. My husband and I different tastes when it comes to whom we find attractive. He likes guys built like fullbacks and I like guys built like swimmers. When I comment on a hot guy and he is out of the room he always asks if he is hot for me or hot for him. lol

so for you guys it's more about the body than the face?

Face matters of course but we are more into body types. If the guy is strikingly hot the body type really doesn't matter all that much.

Totally different for me (I won't speak for women cause I seem to so deviate from the norm......)
If they have a nice face (doesn't have to be beautiful, just attractive, kind, nice eyes) and are totally attracted to me, I don't care if they are think, fat, whatever. (As long as they are clean) - The kiss is key, I like an aggressive man - someone not phony or nervous.... self confident and take charge, but still courteous
... is there a double standard?

If a man talks crude about women/sex is it funny and/or acceptable?
If a woman talks crude about men/sex is it trashy and unflattering?

Isn't the common (heh) thought that if men talk that way well "that's just men"
but if women talk that way they are "trashy sluts"?

NO. I don't know how you ever got that impression.

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