Crowd-Sourcing Mitt Romney VP Dirt


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Howard Fineman

WASHINGTON -- Veep vetting is going public -- even viral -- which means a decision Mitt Romney thought he was making in private could be influenced, or undermined, by a parallel search going on beyond his headquarters in Boston.

Until now the process of researching the background of potential vice-presidential running mates was largely left to campaign lawyers conducting secret interviews and poring over stacks of documents and disclosure forms in windowless offices.

But as the Romney campaign has developed its short list, a crowd-sourcing mini-industry has sprung up on the web to dig into that list and feed the results back to the public and/or the Obama campaign.

The public in some cases may end up providing much more information about each candidate that the campaign itself could have found. That's not necessarily a bad thing for the Romney campaign, by the way. If there is a pitfall out there, the campaign may learn about it from its own enemies.

American Bridge, a progressive news and information cooperative, is focusing on four veep top-listers: Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio, former Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. American Bridge is posting its readers' findings online.

"Our research here is still underway," the editors of the site say on the page. "Have video, a tip or a lead we should follow?"

It's not clear whether the editors would necessarily want to post all the damaging information they collect. After all, you don't turn over your hole cards in Texas Hold 'Em until it's time to rake in the chips.

The Obama campaign itself is appealing for "stories" about the GOP veep prospects. Its list is slightly different: Portman, Pawlenty, Rubio, Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey and Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana. For some reason, they didn't ask about Ryan.

More: Howard Fineman: Crowd-Sourcing Mitt Romney VP Dirt
"Do you live in FLA, LA, OH, NJ or MN?" the state directors of those states asked Obama supporters.
"If you do, we have something to ask.

"Soon, Mitt Romney will announce his nominee for Vice President, and it could be someone you know.

"Over the next few posts, campaign staff in Minnesota, Florida, New Jersey, Ohio, and Louisiana will be sharing what they know about Tim Pawlenty, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, Rob Portman, and Bobby Jindal, and asking you what you know.

"If you live in a state that has elected one of these potential VP picks to another office, we'd love to hear from you -- you must have some stories to share."​

The campaign promised to "share" them. But don't expect to see the juiciest stuff -- otherwise known as crowd-sourced "oppo" -- until after Romney names his pick.

And if you are a Republican who wants to drop a dime on your rival, now you know where to do it: the Obama website.

From the OP link. I love it...
This re-election campaign by Obama has been the dirtiest I have ever seen

Is this what you want running YOUR COUNTRY?
This re-election campaign by Obama has been the dirtiest I have ever seen

Is this what you want running YOUR COUNTRY?


what a load of crap.

this one has been pretty standard and uneventful
Far out, man. Lefties helping Romney vet his VPs is priceless.

its hard to pick a VP with only brain washed cons to advise you.

they needed to get some intelligent help with the pick I guess

no thanks, they don't want your alls help, you people put a inexperienced Junior Senator community agitator in AS OUR PRESIDENT..

you all can sit on your so called "intelligent" advice
This re-election campaign by Obama has been the dirtiest I have ever seen

Is this what you want running YOUR COUNTRY?

Yea, the lefties are starting to play hardball and the Rethugs are starting to really whine.
Funny shit right there.

I thought this election was gonna be a walk in the park for Mittens? I thought you Rethugs were supposed to be good at this shit.

What happened? If Mittens can't run a decent election campaign, you really think he can lead this country? Ain't happening.
Okay, rumor has it he's down to three... Paul, Pawlenty and Portman...

So let's for the sake of simplicity call them Moe, Larry and Curley.

Moe (Paul) is kind of the mean but slightly smarter one. He probably appeals to the Wingnuts and Teabaggers because he supports cutting off money to help the poor, the elderly and children, because Jesus would have been totally down with that, really. I think he would be a total disaster as pick because it really allows Obama to hang the unpopularity of a congress with a 17% approval rate right around Romney's neck.

Larry (Pawlenty) is kind of the wimpy, inoffensive one who takes abuse well. I kind of like Tim, I would vote for him if he were the nominee. But Pawlenty's problem is that he simply doesn't have the stones for a fight. He completely wimped out when he lost a meaningless straw poll to Bachmann and Ron Paul. I just don't see him holding up when the MSM goes full Palin on his ass. Still, he wouldn't outshine Romney, and that might be what Romney is looking for.

Curley (Portman) would probably be the best pick. He's got the insider knowledge, he possibly makes Romney competitive in Ohio, he won't outshine Romney, he's been in a few fights, but doesn't alienate people.

Will any of this make a difference? Probably not. The selection of a vice president has never turned the tide in a candidate's favor and it won't this time, either.
By Howard Fineman

WASHINGTON -- Veep vetting is going public -- even viral -- which means a decision Mitt Romney thought he was making in private could be influenced, or undermined, by a parallel search going on beyond his headquarters in Boston.

Until now the process of researching the background of potential vice-presidential running mates was largely left to campaign lawyers conducting secret interviews and poring over stacks of documents and disclosure forms in windowless offices.

But as the Romney campaign has developed its short list, a crowd-sourcing mini-industry has sprung up on the web to dig into that list and feed the results back to the public and/or the Obama campaign.

The public in some cases may end up providing much more information about each candidate that the campaign itself could have found. That's not necessarily a bad thing for the Romney campaign, by the way. If there is a pitfall out there, the campaign may learn about it from its own enemies.

American Bridge, a progressive news and information cooperative, is focusing on four veep top-listers: Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio, former Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin. American Bridge is posting its readers' findings online.

"Our research here is still underway," the editors of the site say on the page. "Have video, a tip or a lead we should follow?"

It's not clear whether the editors would necessarily want to post all the damaging information they collect. After all, you don't turn over your hole cards in Texas Hold 'Em until it's time to rake in the chips.

The Obama campaign itself is appealing for "stories" about the GOP veep prospects. Its list is slightly different: Portman, Pawlenty, Rubio, Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey and Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana. For some reason, they didn't ask about Ryan.

More: Howard Fineman: Crowd-Sourcing Mitt Romney VP Dirt

It doesn't matter who he picks. The Obama campaign will simply make shit up about them.

They'll call him a boring white guy, a woman hater, a racist, a murderer, killer of puppies, take you're pick.
This re-election campaign by Obama has been the dirtiest I have ever seen

Is this what you want running YOUR COUNTRY?

Yea, the lefties are starting to play hardball and the Rethugs are starting to really whine.
Funny shit right there.

I thought this election was gonna be a walk in the park for Mittens? I thought you Rethugs were supposed to be good at this shit.

What happened? If Mittens can't run a decent election campaign, you really think he can lead this country? Ain't happening.

Oh for sure, you people don't mind the lying and gutter shit Obama and his comrades are throwing out...didn't expect you by all means is your all motto
Far out, man. Lefties helping Romney vet his VPs is priceless.

its hard to pick a VP with only brain washed cons to advise you.

they needed to get some intelligent help with the pick I guess

no thanks, they don't want your alls help, you people put a inexperienced Junior Senator community agitator in AS OUR PRESIDENT..

you all can sit on your so called "intelligent" advice

dEAR IDIOT, that is what the article says
its hard to pick a VP with only brain washed cons to advise you.

they needed to get some intelligent help with the pick I guess

no thanks, they don't want your alls help, you people put a inexperienced Junior Senator community agitator in AS OUR PRESIDENT..

you all can sit on your so called "intelligent" advice

dEAR IDIOT, that is what the article says

dear idiot, the title said, dig UP SOME DIRT...this is the gutter you Democrats have now crawled into bed with...I just hope you all choke on the sewage
The Book of Revelation Chapters 17 & 18, Mystery Babylon. I hope you guys are ready...

The Beast lives...

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