Crooked Hillary calls Trump 'sexual assaulter' in BBC interview, says Bill's behavior 'in the past'

^^^ She says that Bill's "behavior" is in the past? How does she know that he doesn't continue to go behind her back and do whatever to this day?

God bless you always!!!
You could change that dirtbags blood out with pure Viagra and water an lil Willy still couldn't rise up to any event.
Why do these assholes seem to live forever ? GO AWAY
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I just can't stop thinking about how liberals were actually trying to elect a corrupt fraud to run America. That walking abomination (Crooked Hillary) could've done some serious damage to our country. That's honestly really scary to think about.

Crooked Hillary makes worse decisions than the time my ex boyfriend got a random tattoo after drinking 15 shots of whisky.
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Corey Lewandowski: 'There was a sexual assaulter in the White House. He was called Bill Clinton'

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She knew about Bill Clinton's crimes

She knew about Anthony Weiner's crimes

She knew about Harvey Weinstein's crimes

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"What happened" in 2016 is a crooked criminal married to a sexual predator had a campaign ran by a woman married to a sexual predator and received donations from a sexual predator and lost her election.

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