"CRISIS?" Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year LOW.

------------------------------------------- Still not low enough , when none are arrested we won't need the WALL but thankfully the WALL will have already been built and in place and will just be being maintained Faun .

Did you see where a hacksaw defeated Trumps latest steel wall design.

Trump delivering the commencement address at Wagner College in Staten Island in 2004

“If there’s a concrete wall in front of you, go through it, go over it, go around it,” Trump told graduates. “But get to the other side of that wall.”
/----/ So now testing various designs before implementing them is bad. Further proof liberalism is a mental disorder.

Testing is good. Holding the government hostage for $5.6 billion before you even have a working prototype is a waste of money.

Would you buy something, sight unseen, that they haven't even come up with a working design for?

You sound like one of the folks who invested in Acting AG Whitakers "time machine patent"
----------------------------------------------------- WALL will need to be maintained and repaired but not many 'mex' traveling through the desert carrying chop saws or cutting torches RichS ,

It was breached with a hacksaw.

Make your cutting works easier by using this HDX Standard Hacksaw.
Made of heavy duty steel ... Price. $3.97. $5.47. $5.47. $7.88. Product Weight(lb.) 0.91lb. Returnable.
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
December 5, 2017
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

....Border officers apprehended 310,531 people for being in the country illegally in fiscal 2017, a 25% Decrease from the year before.

Arrests of people trying to cross illegally into the U.S. from Mexico PLUNGED to the Lowest level since 1971,
as Fewer people attempted the trek, the Department of Homeland Security announced Tuesday......​

That was 2017. Have you heard of the Caravans from South America???
Big news on border security
Aliens trying to enter the United States
to claim asylum will no longer be released into our country, where they often disappear before an immigration judge can determine their claim’s merits.

Instead, these individuals will be processed by the Department of Homeland Security and given a “Notice to Appear” date. The Mexican government has made its own determination to provide humanitarian visas, work authorization, and other protections while these aliens await their hearing in a U.S. immigration court. They will also have access to immigration attorneys.

Those whose claims are upheld by U.S. judges will be allowed to enter the United States. Those without valid claims will be deported to their home countries.

Thanks to Trump.
----------------------------------------------------- WALL will need to be maintained and repaired but not many 'mex' traveling through the desert carrying chop saws or cutting torches RichS ,

It was breached with a hacksaw.

Make your cutting works easier by using this HDX Standard Hacksaw.
Made of heavy duty steel ... Price. $3.97. $5.47. $5.47. $7.88. Product Weight(lb.) 0.91lb. Returnable.
---------------------------------------------- i don't believe that but if true it just needs heavier steel of a different , harder blend . But hey , if you have links Put'em Up RichS .
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
December 5, 2017
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

....Border officers apprehended 310,531 people for being in the country illegally in fiscal 2017, a 25% Decrease from the year before.

Arrests of people trying to cross illegally into the U.S. from Mexico PLUNGED to the Lowest level since 1971,
as Fewer people attempted the trek, the Department of Homeland Security announced Tuesday......​

That was 2017. Have you heard of the Caravans from South America???
Big news on border security
Aliens trying to enter the United States
to claim asylum will no longer be released into our country, where they often disappear before an immigration judge can determine their claim’s merits.

Instead, these individuals will be processed by the Department of Homeland Security and given a “Notice to Appear” date. The Mexican government has made its own determination to provide humanitarian visas, work authorization, and other protections while these aliens await their hearing in a U.S. immigration court. They will also have access to immigration attorneys.

Those whose claims are upheld by U.S. judges will be allowed to enter the United States. Those without valid claims will be deported to their home countries.

Thanks to Trump.
---------------------------------------------- problem i hear about is that reasons for the claim to asylum now include a husband beating up the 'mamasita' over a cold burrito or claimed spousal rape , yada , yada , yada .
It was breached with a hacksaw.

Make your cutting works easier by using this HDX Standard Hacksaw.
Made of heavy duty steel ... Price. $3.97. $5.47. $5.47. $7.88. Product Weight(lb.) 0.91lb. Returnable.
---------------------------------------------- i don't believe that but if true it just needs heavier steel of a different , harder blend . But hey , if you have links Put'em Up RichS .

You can make it out of aerospace grade materials. But that will raise the cost to over $100 billion.
if the USA lasts long enough i can envision bus loads of 'screwl chilren' being bused to the Border to view that Trump WALL ..

Just like there are trips to view Frances Maginot line.
-------------------------------------- i think that the Germans attacked the 'maginot line' with weapons , tanks , bombs , explosives and MANY Soldiers and i'd love seeing the 'mex' do the same exact thing RichS .
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----------------------------------------------------- WALL will need to be maintained and repaired but not many 'mex' traveling through the desert carrying chop saws or cutting torches RichS ,

It was breached with a hacksaw.

Make your cutting works easier by using this HDX Standard Hacksaw.
Made of heavy duty steel ... Price. $3.97. $5.47. $5.47. $7.88. Product Weight(lb.) 0.91lb. Returnable.
---------------------------------------------- i don't believe that but if true it just needs heavier steel of a different , harder blend . But hey , if you have links Put'em Up RichS .
-------------------------------------- but where is the link on the hacksaw story RichS ??
Four hundred thousand aliens apprehended illegally entering the U.S.in just a year isn't a "crisis" to the left? The families of U.S. citizens who lost loved ones including the Police Officer who was killed on Christmas day due to criminal illegal aliens are just "collateral damage" in the quest for a brave new world with open borders?
Like Acosta the moron pointing out how well walls actually work while doing a lame attempt at trying to claim Trump is a liar...

The OP is proving that Trump's tougher border policies are working.

In the meantime, I am not sure what news he is getting. Is he claiming there are no caravans trying to cross our borders?

Has anyone seen any do gooder lefty volunteer to take in an illegal family into their gated private communities?

Has any hollywooder that live in the Pacific Palisades allowed any poor people or illegals to live in their 25 bedroom mansions?



Fucking liberals everyone.
----------------------------------------------------- WALL will need to be maintained and repaired but not many 'mex' traveling through the desert carrying chop saws or cutting torches RichS ,

It was breached with a hacksaw.

Make your cutting works easier by using this HDX Standard Hacksaw.
Made of heavy duty steel ... Price. $3.97. $5.47. $5.47. $7.88. Product Weight(lb.) 0.91lb. Returnable.
---------------------------------------------- i don't believe that but if true it just needs heavier steel of a different , harder blend . But hey , if you have links Put'em Up RichS .
-------------------------------------- but where is the link on the hacksaw story RichS ??
---------------------------------- or are you just BSing about the HACKSAW story RichL eh ??
Deport illegals. They are a drain on our resources, and are essentially stealing our tax dollars. Many are criminals, drug dealers, cartel members, gang members, and potential terrorists.

Do everything to stop these people from coming here illegally. We have a legal, immigration process. Let them use that. Build the wall, use technology, and our military to enforce our border like every other country does. It is very simple. We are not the dumping ground for ILLEGAL people
/----/ Libs think they carry 40 ft extension ladders and dynamite.

Or a fire escape ladder and a rope

Here's one to get over Trumps 30 foot wall
  • Length 33'
  • Materials: Steps - aircraft grade aluminum rungs, webbing rails, steel hook
  • Stored Dimensions: 13" x 7" x 13"
  • Weight: 12 lbs
  • Warranty: 10 year limited
poll vault.jpg
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-------------------------------------- i think that the Germans attacked the 'maginot line' with weapons and i'd love seeing the 'mex' do the same exact thing RichS .

Don't they teach history where you come from?

The Germans didn't attack the Maginot line with weapons. They went around it through Belgium.
--------------------------------- good enough , thankyou . Let the 'mex' go around the TRUMP WALL and thats just another problem that needs solving RichS .
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
December 5, 2017
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

....Border officers apprehended 310,531 people for being in the country illegally in fiscal 2017, a 25% Decrease from the year before.

Arrests of people trying to cross illegally into the U.S. from Mexico PLUNGED to the Lowest level since 1971,
as Fewer people attempted the trek, the Department of Homeland Security announced Tuesday......​

But, but........they are all murderers and rapists and have horrible diseases

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