Cowboys' Dak Prescott on a new level in 2017: 'I know exactly what I’m doing'


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
OXNARD, Calif. — Dallas Cowboys offensive coordinator Scott Linehan chuckled when asked what he remembers about his starting quarterback early in last year’s training camp.

"Dak Prescott was splitting third-team reps with Jameil Showers," said Linehan, referring to an undrafted QB who was since converted to safety. "The media was all over Dak, asking what was wrong with him."

Those concerns quickly faded after an unexpected opportunity presented itself. Prescott replaced an injured Tony Romo and exceeded all expectations by enjoying one of the most successful rookie seasons in NFL history.

Prescott now has a new set of questions to answer after leading Dallas to a 13-3 regular-season record in 2016. The biggest: Can Prescott avoid a "sophomore slump" in his second NFL season and continue taking steps toward becoming an elite-level passer?

Prescott addressed that challenge and more in an interview with co-host Gil Brandt and me that aired Thursday on SiriusXM NFL Radio.

Cowboys' Dak Prescott on a new level in 2017: 'I know exactly what I’m doing'

It's ok. He knows exactly what he is doing.
He was as impressive as any rookie QB I've ever seen and that's coming from a Redskin's fan. I'll be interested to see how he does in his "sophomore year" that has been known to be a tough year for QBs.
OXNARD, Calif. — Dallas Cowboys offensive coordinator Scott Linehan chuckled when asked what he remembers about his starting quarterback early in last year’s training camp.

"Dak Prescott was splitting third-team reps with Jameil Showers," said Linehan, referring to an undrafted QB who was since converted to safety. "The media was all over Dak, asking what was wrong with him."

Those concerns quickly faded after an unexpected opportunity presented itself. Prescott replaced an injured Tony Romo and exceeded all expectations by enjoying one of the most successful rookie seasons in NFL history.

Prescott now has a new set of questions to answer after leading Dallas to a 13-3 regular-season record in 2016. The biggest: Can Prescott avoid a "sophomore slump" in his second NFL season and continue taking steps toward becoming an elite-level passer?

Prescott addressed that challenge and more in an interview with co-host Gil Brandt and me that aired Thursday on SiriusXM NFL Radio.

Cowboys' Dak Prescott on a new level in 2017: 'I know exactly what I’m doing'

It's ok. He knows exactly what he is doing.
Boom son. The Trump effect. :clap:

no, the Cowboys need a QB.

and yes, the "trumpi effect" of not NEARLY enough punishment for the crimes...
dui and fraud...

(and there might be more...the se"c" has a long history of covering up cheating and crimes...prosti-newton, jonni felon, serial-killing aaron the gator, etc.)
dui and fraud...

(and there might be more...the se"c" has a long history of covering up cheating and crimes...prosti-newton, jonni felon, serial-killing aaron the gator, etc.)

A DUI? And the fraud is about his selling autographs. Yeah, he should be in prison. How could they let such a dangerous man remain at large?
no, the fraud is about STEALiNG a LARGE amount of money...bernie madoff received a one hundred and fifty year prison sentence for this.

drunk driving kills over 13 thousand people a year...and you actually "think" it isn't dangerous?
The Old timer Cowboy fans will be excited about tonights game just like the LA fans are because the classic rivaly of the LOS ANGELES Rams is back in full swing tonight.:banana: I LOVE LA.!!!!!!!:D

a nationwide game baby!!!!:thup:

who can forget these classic good old days LOS ANGELES Rams and Dallas Cowboys rivalry?

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no, the fraud is about STEALiNG a LARGE amount of money...bernie madoff received a one hundred and fifty year prison sentence for this.

drunk driving kills over 13 thousand people a year...and you actually "think" it isn't dangerous?

But then, you want him punished for his DUI, when he was found not guilty in a court of law. He took 2 breathalizer tests and the both came back as inconclusive. But I guess you think him being in the SEC, he should be punished anyway?

As for the fraud, your comparison to Bernie Madoff is hilarious!! Yes, Madoff got 150 years in prison. But his fraud involved an estimated $64.8 billion. I have not seen any numbers concerning Dak's fraud, but I kinda doubt it was major money.

Keep trying though. As long as people like you keep want to whine about the SEC, it shows we are winning and winning and winning.

But next time, at least do a little research first.
no, the fraud is about STEALiNG a LARGE amount of money...bernie madoff received a one hundred and fifty year prison sentence for this.

drunk driving kills over 13 thousand people a year...and you actually "think" it isn't dangerous?

Hey, I just read more about the fraud thing. Did you know that there is no evidence that Dak knew anything about it? And that Panini, the company selling the cards, has been in trouble before for this very thing?

Next time you decide to act like someone is a dangerous criminal, you might want to look at the actual facts, and ignore your butthurt over the SEC kicking your team's ass.
Go Learn Reading Comprehension:their Offensive Line and Ezi-Ei have been totally CARRYiNG the criminal loser daki.

you are the one who needs to Go Learn how to Do Research, senilebum.

fraud is fraud...a CRiME. criminal loser daki took[STOLE] money for authentic signatures...then gave fake ones.

"not guilty"?! not even CLOSE. you mean the local police "accidentally" screwed up all the breathalyzer evidence against him.

(AGAiN, Go Learn about all the corrupt se"c"'s covering up of cheating and crimes)
oh, and you can't even answer a simple Question:drunk driving kills over 13 thousand people a year...and you actually "think" it isn't dangerous?

and here is another one:why are you making sad, little, pathetic "attempts" to "attack" The Messenger? (plus a Bonus")it is because you can't dispute The Message(nobody should support cheating, crime, and covering them up), isn't it?
oh, and you can't even answer a simple Question:drunk driving kills over 13 thousand people a year...and you actually "think" it isn't dangerous?

and here is another one:why are you making sad, little, pathetic "attempts" to "attack" The Messenger? (plus a Bonus")it is because you can't dispute The Message(nobody should support cheating, crime, and covering them up), isn't it?

Is drunk driving dangerous? Of course it is. Was Dak Prescott found not guilty in a court of law. And you are making posts about how he should be punished for his "crime". And then you comment about how the SEC routinely covers up for such monsters. And you want to talk about MY pathetic attempts?? LMAO!!

Yes, I did make some remarks about you. But, its funny, you don't mind lying about Prescott, but you get pissy when someone calls you out? How funny!

I am not supporting cheating, any crime, or covering such crimes. But the actual facts are that Dak was found not guilty of the DUI and there is no actual evidence linking him directly to the fraud. The company, Panini, has been in trouble for doing this very thing in the past. And your comparison to Bernie Madoff was laughable, while exposing your hatred for a specific conference in college football. You compared a $64 billion fraud to what he did?? Really

And yes, I DID dispute the message. The message is a lie. Unless you have evidence that Dak committed the fraud himself, there is nothing there. And the claim that he was guilty of a DUI was an outright lie.

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