Eagles-Cowboys: A Democratic Parable


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a sports gambling-culture vignette inspired by the Vegas shooting tragedy and the fortune-arena film Casino.

Signing off,


Alas was a wandering prince and vigilante who believed he was a 'democracy-knight.' Alas was fascinated by old kingdom folklore, especially lore regarding Camelot and Troy. Alas was intrigued by the manmade 'design-machinery' and machinations of civilization itself. For such reasons, Alas was intrigued by the avatar Scarecrow, a symbol of the harvest and omens about fertility. Alas often dressed up as Scarecrow and talked about the value of literacy in the age of Internet and commerce.


Alas read the story of an American politician caught in a scandalous gambling controversy regarding the much-hyped match-up between the two high-profile NFL teams the Philadelphia Eagles and the Dallas Cowboys. This politician, Senator Kennedy, was accused of looking for inside-information regarding locker-room gossip about team-morale and injuries (which he planned to use in determining his stakes-driven gambling decision for the Eagles-Cowboys game on Sunday night --- a nationally televised game!). Senator Kennedy believed that a big winner in the gambling pool would be much spiritually 'thrilled' about the entire NFL season!


Unfortunately, Senator Kennedy's gamble was much more impactful than people realized. Because the Trump Administration was heavily-invested in new age society focus on media and commerce-driven intelligentsia (e.g., NASDAQ), gambling and high-stakes 'politics' were hallmarks of controversy and spiritual vertigo (arguably). Kennedy's Eagles-Cowboys gamble released a potent demon, a ghoul from the underworld named Thor (a mighty helmeted ancient warrior who wielded a terrible hammer-of-punishment). Thor's intention was to punish gambling mercilessly. It was up to Alas the Internet-vigilante (aka, 'Scarecrow') to restore sanity and the 'sanctity' of TrumpUSA.


Alas knew that both the Eagles and Cowboys were popular NFL teams which boasted exciting QBs (Carson Wentz and Dak Prescott). Alas decided to post a message about the gamble of modern politics on a Political Message Board. Alas's blog referenced the mystical and proverbial 'wheel of fate,' which it seemed all modern capitalists needed to meditate on if they were to deeply understand the complex 'links' between risk and teamwork. The Wheel of Fate was, to Alas, the new Ark itself. Alas wrote in his blog that turning the Wheel to control the anarchic forces of unpredictable risk revealed an imaginative desire to understand fate itself and therefore ruin. Thor was furious and realized Alas's work was inspiring those idealistic about commerce and capitalism in the age of teamwork negotiation.


Thor decided to return to the underworld, realizing Alas was a true knight of democracy who would undermine any terror regarding commerce vulnerabilities. Alas (aka, 'Scarecrow') wrote, "It is with great delight that I report that my comments on the proverbial commercial modern 'Wheel of Fate' have drawn much insights and interest among those passionately involved in the analysis of the links between politics and risk/economics!" Alas decided to retire to Cape Cod (USA) and write poems about optimistic Americans seeking fortunes through risk-adventures and gambling-games on Wall Street, in Las Vegas, and in the general emerging global pro-mercantilism oriented market (e.g., NASDAQ). Meanwhile, Senator Kennedy, now absolved of all gambling charges involving the much-hyped Eagles-Cowboys game, retired quietly to a life of democratic peace in Puerto Rico (where it was rumored he spent his final days making 'Pilgrim-era pottery').



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