Covington HS Fake News Story About Violent Leftist Intolerance That Would Make Hillary Proud


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The full video of what happened on Friday in Washington is well over an hour long. The four minutes that made Twitter don’t tell the story, but instead distorted the story. A longer look shows that the boys from Covington Catholic in Kentucky weren’t a roving mob looking for a fight. They were, in fact -- and it shows it on the tape -- standing in place waiting to be picked up by a bus.

As they waited there, members of a group called the Black Hebrew Israelites, a black supremacist organization, began taunting them with racial epithets. Nathan Phillips, the now-famous American Indian activist, also approached them, pounding his drum. The footage seems to suggest the boys were unsure whether Phillips was hostile or taking their side against the Black Hebrew Israelites. But in any case, there is no evidence at all that anyone said, “build a wall."

(Black Anti-Semitic Supremacist organization calling themselves 'Black HEBREW ISRAELITES' is like Fascists calling themselves ANTI-Fascists (AntiFa)! :p )

Funny how racist bigots 'clothe' themselves in names completely opposite of who they truly are yet so easily, eventually, get exposed for who they are. Aside from the 'Black Hebrew Israelites' and 'Antifa', there is 'The Women's March' being fully exposed in the news as an originally emotionally-manipulated group conned into marching for 'equality' by completely racist, anti-Semitic bigots.

And once their 'victims' / 'targets' are falsely accused, the type of violent intolerance Hillary Clinton publicly called for just comes pouring out as Liberals and snowflakes can not keep from demonstrating who they truly are - vile, hate-driven, easily emotionally-manipulated ignorant violent sheep.

CNN seemed to be the VIOLENT INTOLERANCE-PUSHING FAKE NEWS group that led the 'pitch fork / torch-carrying mob of angry villagers' calling for violence against the Catholic boys falsely accused / convicted' in this scandal.

Maggie Haberman of the New York Times suggested the boys needed to be expelled from school.

Ana Navarro of CNN called the boys racists and “asswipes” and then went after their teachers and parents.

CNN legal analyst Bakari Sellers suggested one of the boys should be, "punched in the face.”
-- Former CNN contributor Reza Aslan agreed.

Longtime CNN contributor Kathy Griffin seemed to encourage a mob to rouse up and hurt these boys, tweeting, “Name these kids. I want names. Shame them. If you think these effers wouldn’t dox you in a heartbeat. Think again.”

Hollywood film producer Jack Morrissey tweeted that he wanted the boys killed: “MAGA kids go screaming, hats first, into the woodchipper.”
-- Actor Patton Oswalt linked to personal information about one of the boys, in case anyone wanted to get started on that project.


You would think the Hollywood @$$holes would have learned their lesson after Peter Fonda called for the President's son to be ripper from his mother's arms, caged, and raped by pedophiles not long ago, after Kathy Griffon posed with a bloody fake head of the President and her career was swiftly flushed down the toilet by public outrage against her.

'Meanwhile, Twitter, which claims to have a policy against encouraging violence, stood by silently as all this happened.'

One of the best things about the Trump Presidency to far is that the corrupt / criminal Leftists traitors, Conspirators, and Propaganda-pushing Fake News media are being smoked out.

And after Hillary Clinton's public call for increased violent intolerance, Liberals are seemingly flocking to her call as if she was the Radical Liberal 'Violent Intolerance' Pied Piper.

Tucker Carlson: Covington story was not about race but about people in power attacking people they've failed


The Left has lost their minds, in the age of Trump. Yet, they can’t see it. They think they are right and everyone else is wrong.

They are dividing the nation in ways we have seldom seen.
...and Democrats successfully swept this under the carpet and convinced idiots...


CNN, MSNBC, etc...have been repeatedly caught lying and spreading fake news...and snowflakes / Democrats be like...


'Cohen Fake News Story'


'Covington HS Fake News Story'


WHEN are snowflakes going to smarten up?

The full video of what happened on Friday in Washington is well over an hour long. The four minutes that made Twitter don’t tell the story, but instead distorted the story. A longer look shows that the boys from Covington Catholic in Kentucky weren’t a roving mob looking for a fight. They were, in fact -- and it shows it on the tape -- standing in place waiting to be picked up by a bus.

As they waited there, members of a group called the Black Hebrew Israelites, a black supremacist organization, began taunting them with racial epithets. Nathan Phillips, the now-famous American Indian activist, also approached them, pounding his drum. The footage seems to suggest the boys were unsure whether Phillips was hostile or taking their side against the Black Hebrew Israelites. But in any case, there is no evidence at all that anyone said, “build a wall."

(Black Anti-Semitic Supremacist organization calling themselves 'Black HEBREW ISRAELITES' is like Fascists calling themselves ANTI-Fascists (AntiFa)! :p )

Funny how racist bigots 'clothe' themselves in names completely opposite of who they truly are yet so easily, eventually, get exposed for who they are. Aside from the 'Black Hebrew Israelites' and 'Antifa', there is 'The Women's March' being fully exposed in the news as an originally emotionally-manipulated group conned into marching for 'equality' by completely racist, anti-Semitic bigots.

And once their 'victims' / 'targets' are falsely accused, the type of violent intolerance Hillary Clinton publicly called for just comes pouring out as Liberals and snowflakes can not keep from demonstrating who they truly are - vile, hate-driven, easily emotionally-manipulated ignorant violent sheep.

CNN seemed to be the VIOLENT INTOLERANCE-PUSHING FAKE NEWS group that led the 'pitch fork / torch-carrying mob of angry villagers' calling for violence against the Catholic boys falsely accused / convicted' in this scandal.

Maggie Haberman of the New York Times suggested the boys needed to be expelled from school.

Ana Navarro of CNN called the boys racists and “asswipes” and then went after their teachers and parents.

CNN legal analyst Bakari Sellers suggested one of the boys should be, "punched in the face.”
-- Former CNN contributor Reza Aslan agreed.

Longtime CNN contributor Kathy Griffin seemed to encourage a mob to rouse up and hurt these boys, tweeting, “Name these kids. I want names. Shame them. If you think these effers wouldn’t dox you in a heartbeat. Think again.”

Hollywood film producer Jack Morrissey tweeted that he wanted the boys killed: “MAGA kids go screaming, hats first, into the woodchipper.”
-- Actor Patton Oswalt linked to personal information about one of the boys, in case anyone wanted to get started on that project.


You would think the Hollywood @$$holes would have learned their lesson after Peter Fonda called for the President's son to be ripper from his mother's arms, caged, and raped by pedophiles not long ago, after Kathy Griffon posed with a bloody fake head of the President and her career was swiftly flushed down the toilet by public outrage against her.

'Meanwhile, Twitter, which claims to have a policy against encouraging violence, stood by silently as all this happened.'

One of the best things about the Trump Presidency to far is that the corrupt / criminal Leftists traitors, Conspirators, and Propaganda-pushing Fake News media are being smoked out.

And after Hillary Clinton's public call for increased violent intolerance, Liberals are seemingly flocking to her call as if she was the Radical Liberal 'Violent Intolerance' Pied Piper.

Tucker Carlson: Covington story was not about race but about people in power attacking people they've failed


Without all this video coming to light to completely exonerate the school boys, they’d all be trying on Duke lacrosse team uniforms by now.
The full video of what happened on Friday in Washington is well over an hour long. The four minutes that made Twitter don’t tell the story, but instead distorted the story. A longer look shows that the boys from Covington Catholic in Kentucky weren’t a roving mob looking for a fight. They were, in fact -- and it shows it on the tape -- standing in place waiting to be picked up by a bus.

As they waited there, members of a group called the Black Hebrew Israelites, a black supremacist organization, began taunting them with racial epithets. Nathan Phillips, the now-famous American Indian activist, also approached them, pounding his drum. The footage seems to suggest the boys were unsure whether Phillips was hostile or taking their side against the Black Hebrew Israelites. But in any case, there is no evidence at all that anyone said, “build a wall."

(Black Anti-Semitic Supremacist organization calling themselves 'Black HEBREW ISRAELITES' is like Fascists calling themselves ANTI-Fascists (AntiFa)! :p )

Funny how racist bigots 'clothe' themselves in names completely opposite of who they truly are yet so easily, eventually, get exposed for who they are. Aside from the 'Black Hebrew Israelites' and 'Antifa', there is 'The Women's March' being fully exposed in the news as an originally emotionally-manipulated group conned into marching for 'equality' by completely racist, anti-Semitic bigots.

And once their 'victims' / 'targets' are falsely accused, the type of violent intolerance Hillary Clinton publicly called for just comes pouring out as Liberals and snowflakes can not keep from demonstrating who they truly are - vile, hate-driven, easily emotionally-manipulated ignorant violent sheep.

CNN seemed to be the VIOLENT INTOLERANCE-PUSHING FAKE NEWS group that led the 'pitch fork / torch-carrying mob of angry villagers' calling for violence against the Catholic boys falsely accused / convicted' in this scandal.

Maggie Haberman of the New York Times suggested the boys needed to be expelled from school.

Ana Navarro of CNN called the boys racists and “asswipes” and then went after their teachers and parents.

CNN legal analyst Bakari Sellers suggested one of the boys should be, "punched in the face.”
-- Former CNN contributor Reza Aslan agreed.

Longtime CNN contributor Kathy Griffin seemed to encourage a mob to rouse up and hurt these boys, tweeting, “Name these kids. I want names. Shame them. If you think these effers wouldn’t dox you in a heartbeat. Think again.”

Hollywood film producer Jack Morrissey tweeted that he wanted the boys killed: “MAGA kids go screaming, hats first, into the woodchipper.”
-- Actor Patton Oswalt linked to personal information about one of the boys, in case anyone wanted to get started on that project.


You would think the Hollywood @$$holes would have learned their lesson after Peter Fonda called for the President's son to be ripper from his mother's arms, caged, and raped by pedophiles not long ago, after Kathy Griffon posed with a bloody fake head of the President and her career was swiftly flushed down the toilet by public outrage against her.

'Meanwhile, Twitter, which claims to have a policy against encouraging violence, stood by silently as all this happened.'

One of the best things about the Trump Presidency to far is that the corrupt / criminal Leftists traitors, Conspirators, and Propaganda-pushing Fake News media are being smoked out.

And after Hillary Clinton's public call for increased violent intolerance, Liberals are seemingly flocking to her call as if she was the Radical Liberal 'Violent Intolerance' Pied Piper.

Tucker Carlson: Covington story was not about race but about people in power attacking people they've failed


As a Prochoice Democrat who has long supported Prolife activists to be included and defended, with the same respect
for their beliefs as my own beliefs in defending Due process for women which Roe V Wade was ultimately based on,
I believe the Catholic students should be commended for acting so civilly, in the face of adverse confrontation that could have escalated much worse.

Not only did the leading student direct his fellow students to stop trying to answer back to the taunts,
even when the African American group started to target the black member of their student assembly,
but they ASKED PERMISSION of their chaperone if they could chant their school chants and sing their school song
in order to drown out the negative slurs and taunts that went on for about an hour.

They were given permission to do this, and so the group stayed in order and did not get divided.
They listened and complied with authority on what protocol to adhere to when challenged to pick a fight by "divide and conquer."

This tactic is how people pick out easy targets, turn one member against another, and start descending into chaotic lawless disorder.

They did not fall for that.

Instead, what the Bible warns Christian defenders is they will be persecuted and falsely blamed
"in the name of Jesus or for the sake of JUSTICE" so that they will be called to "testify before" judges and even kings.

In this case, which is rare, there was nothing wrong the students did.
Thus their testimony is purely for teaching and correction
to be used to strengthen the understanding and resolve in the truth prevailing.

I STRONGLY urge and Request that we HONOR this higher INTENT and Purpose.

The POINT of this exercise is NOT to respond in defense by
MORE bashing and ugly or unfair accusations and judgements.

The POINT is to defend the truth WITHOUT malice or blame toward anyone!
Which otherwise distracts from the true message coming out here.

I ask fellow Christians and Constitutionalists to recognize and unite in
civilized rebuke, for the sake of RESTORING GOOD FAITH RELATIONS WITH ALL GROUPS

These students did nothing wrong, but asked for instructions and followed the best course of action.
I suggest we honor and follow that example, and let's ask and support corrections that the whole
group can commit to. These students would NOT answer back with more negative remarks or personal defenses,
and the ones who started to were stopped by the lead student and advised to just remain silent and not respond.

Don't even honor people's bad mouth remarks, don't even dignify them with a response.

If they speak ill and falsely of you, that's THEIR problem NOT YOURS.
Do NOT let them BAIT you into saying something because that will be abused to make you look worse.

We should learn from this situation:

If they badmouth, let that be on THEM.

The best course of action is to "speak the truth with love"
try to "win back your brother" by addressing trespasses in an agreed setting
where there is support to correct and resolve the past issues.

Let's support the school in setting up a meeting where the purpose IS
to resolve what went wrong between the neighbors and groups.

One on one, and let's support all the members in resolving their grievances.

But let's NOT do as the instigators did and try to pick them apart from their groups.
Let's NOT bash people or groups with no intent of solving the grievances.

These students were taught to respect the civil rights of others.
We can do the same and not fall into the very traps that this video brought up in the media.

In solid support of these students and their commitment to civil obedience which worked
the way it normally does, I'm considering starting a movement of Prochoice Liberals and
Democrats wearing MAGA hats and adopting Prolife friends to walk with to demonstrations --
similar to wearing headscarves and walking with Muslim friends to Mosque as a show of solidarity.

We should not be judged by what we wear on our heads,
or the color of our skin, or the NAME of our organizations.

Dr. King Jr said to look at the content of our character.

Do you want to be like the group that chanted inciteful slurs?
Taunting the one Black student they could find, harassing him
by saying the whites were going to "harvest his organs."
Do you want to promote more of that behavior in the media?

Do you want to be like the Catholic students who withheld
reaction as much as possible until they could get to a safe environment
and consult with their school and elders how to respond to wrongful accusations and harassment.

Do you want to intervene between these groups and for what purpose?
To incite both sides to attack each other for political sport?
Or do you want to see a solid example of how leaders and groups
can make peace, so that all their other members follow the right example of how to correct problems
and avoid negative confrontations in the future.

I'd rather see sane civil responses and corrections
that restore Good Faith relations and open up dialogue
on how to truly addresss grievances between people and groups.

Sure, there are "White" scientists with a recorded history of experimenting
on and abusing Blacks.
Yes there have been Catholic missionaries who committed genocide
against Native Americans forced into sterilization and boarding schools.

If we want to have this discussion, it should be in an agreed environment
for resolving deep historic issues and injuries that are still carried and repeating to this day.

We should not wait until confrontations erupt to try to shout down each other.
That only makes things worse.

At least the students had the wisdom to hold off
and get out of a confusing situation, and work this out
after they are all out of any threat of danger.

They did the right thing.
Temporarily, they are being misunderstood and even blamed and attacked.

But when the truth comes out, justice will prevail,
and all will be set free from the strife stirred by ill will and ignorance.
When all the clouds of confusion part,
there will be one truth, and the truth shall set us all free.

We should stand for that truth, let all people be free to speak and share,
and quit blaming, shaming and shouting down each other making noise.

Let the truth be spoken and established.
I support these students, and the members and leaders of the other
groups as well, in seeking and speaking that unifying truth
that will restore peace and honor and dispel any false or ill will otherwise.

Thank you and please honor and be more like these students.
If you cannot make peace, then smile be silent and allow free speech
even if someone is venting angrily and meanly right in your faces.

I wish I could be more like that student who took the hit in the media
with faith that it's still less mess to explain and clean up afterwards
if you don't add to the confusion and give them more bait to use against you.

Wise for his young age. They did the right thing. I think that's amazing
and hope more people study, learn and teach from that example!
Discipline & Restraint. I am also proud of the Catholic students, who behaved much better than the adults who tried to bait them and those who tried to villainize them through fake news.
The full video of what happened on Friday in Washington is well over an hour long. The four minutes that made Twitter don’t tell the story, but instead distorted the story. A longer look shows that the boys from Covington Catholic in Kentucky weren’t a roving mob looking for a fight. They were, in fact -- and it shows it on the tape -- standing in place waiting to be picked up by a bus.

As they waited there, members of a group called the Black Hebrew Israelites, a black supremacist organization, began taunting them with racial epithets. Nathan Phillips, the now-famous American Indian activist, also approached them, pounding his drum. The footage seems to suggest the boys were unsure whether Phillips was hostile or taking their side against the Black Hebrew Israelites. But in any case, there is no evidence at all that anyone said, “build a wall."

(Black Anti-Semitic Supremacist organization calling themselves 'Black HEBREW ISRAELITES' is like Fascists calling themselves ANTI-Fascists (AntiFa)! :p )

Funny how racist bigots 'clothe' themselves in names completely opposite of who they truly are yet so easily, eventually, get exposed for who they are. Aside from the 'Black Hebrew Israelites' and 'Antifa', there is 'The Women's March' being fully exposed in the news as an originally emotionally-manipulated group conned into marching for 'equality' by completely racist, anti-Semitic bigots.

And once their 'victims' / 'targets' are falsely accused, the type of violent intolerance Hillary Clinton publicly called for just comes pouring out as Liberals and snowflakes can not keep from demonstrating who they truly are - vile, hate-driven, easily emotionally-manipulated ignorant violent sheep.

CNN seemed to be the VIOLENT INTOLERANCE-PUSHING FAKE NEWS group that led the 'pitch fork / torch-carrying mob of angry villagers' calling for violence against the Catholic boys falsely accused / convicted' in this scandal.

Maggie Haberman of the New York Times suggested the boys needed to be expelled from school.

Ana Navarro of CNN called the boys racists and “asswipes” and then went after their teachers and parents.

CNN legal analyst Bakari Sellers suggested one of the boys should be, "punched in the face.”
-- Former CNN contributor Reza Aslan agreed.

Longtime CNN contributor Kathy Griffin seemed to encourage a mob to rouse up and hurt these boys, tweeting, “Name these kids. I want names. Shame them. If you think these effers wouldn’t dox you in a heartbeat. Think again.”

Hollywood film producer Jack Morrissey tweeted that he wanted the boys killed: “MAGA kids go screaming, hats first, into the woodchipper.”
-- Actor Patton Oswalt linked to personal information about one of the boys, in case anyone wanted to get started on that project.


You would think the Hollywood @$$holes would have learned their lesson after Peter Fonda called for the President's son to be ripper from his mother's arms, caged, and raped by pedophiles not long ago, after Kathy Griffon posed with a bloody fake head of the President and her career was swiftly flushed down the toilet by public outrage against her.

'Meanwhile, Twitter, which claims to have a policy against encouraging violence, stood by silently as all this happened.'

One of the best things about the Trump Presidency to far is that the corrupt / criminal Leftists traitors, Conspirators, and Propaganda-pushing Fake News media are being smoked out.

And after Hillary Clinton's public call for increased violent intolerance, Liberals are seemingly flocking to her call as if she was the Radical Liberal 'Violent Intolerance' Pied Piper.

Tucker Carlson: Covington story was not about race but about people in power attacking people they've failed


Hilarious to see a Trump sheep complain about intolerance
Discipline & Restraint. I am also proud of the Catholic students, who behaved much better than the adults who tried to bait them and those who tried to villainize them through fake news.

Thanks easyt65
I agree we should all be proud, at a time I've been increasingly worried about the next generation because the adults set such a horrible example.
These students renew my hope that someone's paying attention to the right ideas despite the worse being in the majority of what we see around us.

Doesn't this make you proud that the Catholic schools are teaching the right thing?
Lots of bad things in Catholic history, as well as in the cruel wars and genocide in African and Native Tribal history.
No one is immune to having horrible genocide and wars in the past, which is part of humanity and development of all tribes coming to mature fruition.

People love to make the prolife movement look bad.
Here's a story that makes the students look good if you are looking for the truth.

So glad we have a story that is clearly not about "fault on both sides"
Even when some students sought to respond, they were stopped.

When they responded in unison, it was approved for them to sing
and chant official School songs or chants. And that can be confirmed
and find out the exact words that these contain. Those were the instructions.

I hope to work with other leaders to launch a civil peace movement to teach by this example,
and honor the school and the student leaders in starting something positive in the face of negative confrontation, blame and injustice.

Just watch, the true leadership will arise from the ashes after
groups finish burning each other down over this....
Hilarious to see a Trump sheep complain about intolerance

Why? Because in the past Conservatives and the GOP have just accepted it from the Left, and now - thanks to Trump - he has changed that?!

Pathetic to see that not only have liberals continued engaging in it, they have openly called for violent intolerance and don't care anymore who sees / knows it!
Hilarious to see a Trump sheep complain about intolerance

Why? Because in the past Conservatives and the GOP have just accepted it from the Left, and now - thanks to Trump - he has changed that?!

Pathetic to see that not only have liberals continued engaging in it, they have openly called for violent intolerance and don't care anymore who sees / knows it!
Your dotard ran on killing tolerance. I will never tolerate your kind again.
Hilarious to see a Trump sheep complain about intolerance

Why? Because in the past Conservatives and the GOP have just accepted it from the Left, and now - thanks to Trump - he has changed that?!

Pathetic to see that not only have liberals continued engaging in it, they have openly called for violent intolerance and don't care anymore who sees / knows it!

Dear easyt65 and BlackFlag
What I read in BF comment is that Conservatives should not become the very "whiny victim Snowflakes"
they complain that liberals have become. This looks like "whiny victimhood" and media meltdowns so they appear no different. "Wah wah waaah" well "Waah waah Waaah" back.
Both sides crying, making the same noise. Not solving anything.

The higher ground to take is reaching out to CORRECT the problems being complained about
so NOBODY on either side is an angry or whiny victim.

That approach is of strength in uniting on common sense solutions,
not on fearing being the victim of the other group.

We need to rise above, not sink in the same mud.

It's like being caught in quicksand.

The students in the example discussed sat back and floated to the top.
Yes, still covered in mud, but at least not sinking or flailing in it going down.

We can wash off the mud and filth after we are back on safe ground.
But fighting the mud while we are in it, flinging back and forth?
You know where that leads....
Your dotard ran on killing tolerance. I will never tolerate your kind again.
Why do lying hypocritical snowflakes insist on accusing others od doing what they have done / do and of being who they are?

Hillary Clinton, the illegitimate 2016 DNC Presidential candidate, was caught paying thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies and then publicly called for an end to civility and an increase in violent intolerance until the Democrats took back control of the US govt.

Liberal freaks like Peter Fonda and other sick Holly wood / Democrat bastards called for the President's son to be ripped from the 1st Lady's arms and raped by pedophiles, for women on Trump's team to be kidnapped, caged, beaten, and raped - all of camera for 'posterity'.

Now CNN leads the charge in calling for violence against Catholic students, some calling for them to be thrown into a wood chipper, based on the LIES and fake news propaganda they are pushing to emotionally manipulate the obviously mentally unstable, easily emotionally manipulated snowflakes like you....

and while the internet and news is abuzz about the fallout of the fake news Tsunami going on lately and the leftists extremists attempting to delete their tweets and to deny they ever did / said the things they did, you want to accuse others of doing it.


Now THAT's 'Reality' entertainment! :p
Your dotard ran on killing tolerance. I will never tolerate your kind again.
Why do lying hypocritical snowflakes insist on accusing others od doing what they have done / do and of being who they are?

Hillary Clinton, the illegitimate 2016 DNC Presidential candidate, was caught paying thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies and then publicly called for an end to civility and an increase in violent intolerance until the Democrats took back control of the US govt.

Liberal freaks like Peter Fonda and other sick Holly wood / Democrat bastards called for the President's son to be ripped from the 1st Lady's arms and raped by pedophiles, for women on Trump's team to be kidnapped, caged, beaten, and raped - all of camera for 'posterity'.

Now CNN leads the charge in calling for violence against Catholic students, some calling for them to be thrown into a wood chipper, based on the LIES and fake news propaganda they are pushing to emotionally manipulate the obviously mentally unstable, easily emotionally manipulated snowflakes like you....

and while the internet and news is abuzz about the fallout of the fake news Tsunami going on lately and the leftists extremists attempting to delete their tweets and to deny they ever did / said the things they did, you want to accuse others of doing it.


Now THAT's 'Reality' entertainment! :p
^ totally unhinged nonsense

Meanwhile, it was your dotard calling for thugs to attack protestors and saying he’d pay their legal bills
Your dotard ran on killing tolerance. I will never tolerate your kind again.
Why do lying hypocritical snowflakes insist on accusing others od doing what they have done / do and of being who they are?

Hillary Clinton, the illegitimate 2016 DNC Presidential candidate, was caught paying thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies and then publicly called for an end to civility and an increase in violent intolerance until the Democrats took back control of the US govt.

Liberal freaks like Peter Fonda and other sick Holly wood / Democrat bastards called for the President's son to be ripped from the 1st Lady's arms and raped by pedophiles, for women on Trump's team to be kidnapped, caged, beaten, and raped - all of camera for 'posterity'.

Now CNN leads the charge in calling for violence against Catholic students, some calling for them to be thrown into a wood chipper, based on the LIES and fake news propaganda they are pushing to emotionally manipulate the obviously mentally unstable, easily emotionally manipulated snowflakes like you....

and while the internet and news is abuzz about the fallout of the fake news Tsunami going on lately and the leftists extremists attempting to delete their tweets and to deny they ever did / said the things they did, you want to accuse others of doing it.


Now THAT's 'Reality' entertainment! :p
^ totally unhinged nonsense

Meanwhile, it was your dotard calling for thugs to attack protestors and saying he’d pay their legal bills

Well, so much for staying on topic...dumbass.
Dear easyt65 and BlackFlag
What I read in BF comment is that Conservatives should not become the very "whiny victim Snowflakes"
they complain that liberals have become. This looks like "whiny victimhood" and media meltdowns so they appear no different. "Wah wah waaah" well "Waah waah Waaah" back.
Both sides crying, making the same noise. Not solving anything.

The Leftists propaganda wing of the fake news media gets caught in 1 week pushing multiple epic fake news stories, attempting to villainized Conservatives, and even calling for innocent Catholic school kids to be hunted down, punished, and even thrown head-1st into a wood chipper, and you minimize the disgusting actions of the obviously mentally unstable and completely untrustworthy Liberal media while attempting to claim Conservatives are equally to blame in the midst of this liberal extremist fake news shit-storm?



Here is where I roll my eyes, laugh at you, and ignore whatever you have to say from now on. You have revealed who you really are.

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