COVID has become 'pandemic of the unvaccinated'


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Interesting..the vaccine is dividing the country in more ways than one, eh?

All 50 states reported more COVID-19 cases in the most recent 7-day period than in the week before, a USA TODAY analysis of Johns Hopkins University data showed.
The data marks a concerning trend for public health officials as the country enters its fourth wave of cases, with a nearly 70% spike overall in the average number of daily cases this past week compared to the week prior, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
While the number of cases is increasing, the most concerning outbreaks continue to occur in areas with low vaccination rates, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the CDC director, said at a news conference Friday.
"This is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated," Walensky added. The average number of hospitalizations and deaths has also increased in the past seven days, rising roughly 36% and 26%, respectively, per the CDC.
Jeff Zients, the White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator, said four states accounted for more than 40% of all new COVID-19 cases in the U.S. last week, with 1 in 5 cases occurring Florida. Zients didn't name the other three, but CDC data shows Arkansas, Missouri, Florida and Louisiana with the highest case rates per 100,000 people – each averaging over 150 in the past seven days.
My Dr. compared vaccination to playing craps, they might have gotten the the right strain at the right time and the efficacy, it might work, might not, it depends...It might have side effects that negate its promised effect...So to paraphrase A.E. Vogt: The right to CHOOSE vaccination is the right to be free.
..well for sure...someone is~

But Darwin always year we'll count the unvaccinated dead..and just shake our heads.
Why has shit hole LA require indoor masks again......LOLOL.All other shit holes will follow.......Then businesses will have to shut again and then an explosion of anger.........lolol

It is liberal shit holes having the problem......lolol

I hope this virus ravages again. No school this year either

Now I'll stand for The Black Natinals now
..well for sure...someone is~

But Darwin always year we'll count the unvaccinated dead..and just shake our heads.
Why has shit hole LA require indoor masks again......LOLOL.All other shit holes will follow.......Then businesses will have to shut again and then an explosion of anger.........lolol

It is liberal shit holes having the problem......lolol

I hope this virus ravages again. No school this year either

Now I'll stand for The Black Natinals now
Hate to break it to you---but it's the rural south that's being slammed.
The issues in LA are also with the unvaxxed--seems stupidity has no political component--who knew?
I'm amused, and just a little horrified at how much glee you drive out of the possibility of suffering and death visiting your fellow Americans. Says volumes about your character~
..well for sure...someone is~

But Darwin always year we'll count the unvaccinated dead..and just shake our heads.
Why has shit hole LA require indoor masks again......LOLOL.All other shit holes will follow.......Then businesses will have to shut again and then an explosion of anger.........lolol

It is liberal shit holes having the problem......lolol

I hope this virus ravages again. No school this year either

Now I'll stand for The Black Natinals now
Hate to break it to you---but it's the rural south that's being slammed.
The issues in LA are also with the unvaxxed--seems stupidity has no political component--who knew?
I'm amused, and just a little horrified at how much glee you drive out of the possibility of suffering and death visiting your fellow Americans. Says volumes about your character~
Fuck you. You only care about this politically you fucking pofs. I hope this shuts the blue states to nothing you garbage
..well for sure...someone is~

But Darwin always year we'll count the unvaccinated dead..and just shake our heads.
Why has shit hole LA require indoor masks again......LOLOL.All other shit holes will follow.......Then businesses will have to shut again and then an explosion of anger.........lolol

It is liberal shit holes having the problem......lolol

I hope this virus ravages again. No school this year either

Now I'll stand for The Black Natinals now
Hate to break it to you---but it's the rural south that's being slammed.
The issues in LA are also with the unvaxxed--seems stupidity has no political component--who knew?
I'm amused, and just a little horrified at how much glee you drive out of the possibility of suffering and death visiting your fellow Americans. Says volumes about your character~
Fuck you. You only care about this politically you fucking pofs. I hope this shuts the blue states to nothing you garbage
I'm pretty sure that I don't care about it at all, politically or otherwise. I think the Blue state/Red state thing is a sham..every state in the Union has a Blue section and a Red one. We like to call this Urban and Rural. You hurt the Blue cities and you hurt the Red country--Yin and Yang. Only fools look past that essential truth.
But you don't care..'cause it's lot easier to parrot lame talking points and breathlessly predict the next disaster.
But once i vaxxed..and my people vaxxed--I don't care what others do--I just feel bad for all the misery that could have been avoided.
Hate to break it to you---but it's the rural south that's being slammed.
The issues in LA are also with the unvaxxed--seems stupidity has no political component--who knew?
I'm amused, and just a little horrified at how much glee you drive out of the possibility of suffering and death visiting your fellow Americans. Says volumes about your character~
With a 95% to 99% survival rate, vaccinations were never really going to impact the virus that much. The whole COVID pandemic REACTION was a Democrat hoax perpetrated to further de legitimize their boogey man......"Orange Man Bad."
..well for sure...someone is~

But Darwin always year we'll count the unvaccinated dead..and just shake our heads.
Why has shit hole LA require indoor masks again......LOLOL.All other shit holes will follow.......Then businesses will have to shut again and then an explosion of anger.........lolol

It is liberal shit holes having the problem......lolol

I hope this virus ravages again. No school this year either

Now I'll stand for The Black Natinals now
Hate to break it to you---but it's the rural south that's being slammed.
The issues in LA are also with the unvaxxed--seems stupidity has no political component--who knew?
I'm amused, and just a little horrified at how much glee you drive out of the possibility of suffering and death visiting your fellow Americans. Says volumes about your character~
Fuck you. You only care about this politically you fucking pofs. I hope this shuts the blue states to nothing you garbage
I'm pretty sure that I don't care about it at all, politically or otherwise. I think the Blue state/Red state thing is a sham..every state in the Union has a Blue section and a Red one. We like to call this Urban and Rural. You hurt the Blue cities and you hurt the Red country--Yin and Yang. Only fools look past that essential truth.
But you don't care..'cause it's lot easier to parrot lame talking points and breathlessly predict the next disaster.
But once i vaxxed..and my people vaxxed--I don't care what others do--I just feel bad for all the misery that could have been avoided.
Not me.
I'm in favor of those who want to die, dying.
And given where these flies will be dropping
FL, TX, could get interesting next year.
So for those refusing a little prick because they're big pricks
Here we go Covid Here we go!!!!!
..well for sure...someone is~

But Darwin always year we'll count the unvaccinated dead..and just shake our heads.
Why has shit hole LA require indoor masks again......LOLOL.All other shit holes will follow.......Then businesses will have to shut again and then an explosion of anger.........lolol

It is liberal shit holes having the problem......lolol

I hope this virus ravages again. No school this year either

Now I'll stand for The Black Natinals now
Hate to break it to you---but it's the rural south that's being slammed.
The issues in LA are also with the unvaxxed--seems stupidity has no political component--who knew?
I'm amused, and just a little horrified at how much glee you drive out of the possibility of suffering and death visiting your fellow Americans. Says volumes about your character~
Fuck you. You only care about this politically you fucking pofs. I hope this shuts the blue states to nothing you garbage
I'm pretty sure that I don't care about it at all, politically or otherwise. I think the Blue state/Red state thing is a sham..every state in the Union has a Blue section and a Red one. We like to call this Urban and Rural. You hurt the Blue cities and you hurt the Red country--Yin and Yang. Only fools look past that essential truth.
But you don't care..'cause it's lot easier to parrot lame talking points and breathlessly predict the next disaster.
But once i vaxxed..and my people vaxxed--I don't care what others do--I just feel bad for all the misery that could have been avoided.
Not me.
I'm in favor of those who want to die, dying.
And given where these flies will be dropping
FL, TX, could get interesting next year.
So for those refusing a little prick because they're big pricks
Here we go Covid Here we go!!!!!
Looks lie their going to lock the shit holes down again then an explosion will happen....lolol

I hope no one gets a shot starting now. Close the shit hole skewls another yr
They've talked themselves into hysteria over a virus that they need to lie about the death statistics
It's worse than that. Much worse.

Fools such as Dadoalex and EvilEyeFleegle have allowed themselves to be deceived and manipulated into being deathly afraid of an exaggerated flu bug with better than a 99% survival rate. They've been brainwashed to the point that they truly believe that people will be dropping dead all around them, unless all we give up our freedom, our financial stability, and even our health and safety; and do exactly what Big Brother tells us to do.

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