Covid Evolution


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2021
Now that coronavirus has been loosed upon mankind after it was tinkered with in a lab by brainless Chinese scientist and technicians...
It going to follow an evolutionary path that is rather predictable...
We have several viruses that have provided models of how a virus mutates.

Omicron was something of a surprise but not by much.

They actually can fairly accurately predict how Covid-19 is going to continue to mutate in the future and can fairly accurately create vaccines to prevent infection.
If they wanted to.
If they were given incentives to do so.

Currently everyone is busy arguing over such things as vaccine mandates. (Why even trying to enact them is beyond my comprehension level but it does reinforce my idea of the "Ivory Tower is Empty" )

So... while people continue to argue whether they should protect others from themselves by wearing a mask or not. They are actually distancing themselves from the goalposts of living with an endemic virus.

Everyone wants life to return to some semblance of normality. It actually is possible. But the lies and deceit have to stop.

The current vaccines are almost worthless for Omicron and especially for the variant.
The true professionals in virology and epidemiology have counseled that they would be.

We need not only omicron vaccines but for the next iteration as well. We need not rapid testing but more volume of PCR testing and speed at which it can happen. (Indefinitely)
Because more variants are coming from low medical treatment level countries. (Brazil, India, South Africa, and Middle East to name a few)

Can the real truth and less rhetoric prevail?
Or will the political wrangling rule the day and keep us in the current mess we are in?
I had it really bad for 5 Days...Just got over it.Day three I was spitting the nastiest was white n yellow and really sticky paste ...actually had a fever chills night got sever headaches and dizziness

Broke out the ivermectin ,nyquil ,doubled my vitiams added b6 to the mix ...
I feel fine today

No big deal

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