
Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2012
Let’s take a trip back a year and a half ago.

Booming economy.
Two weeks to flatten the curve. That’s all we need. Do that and we can get back to work. No masks needed. Chill out. Be patriotic!

a month later we have essential workers and everyone else gets an extra beefed up unemployment check. Just for a month or so. That will flatten the curve. Need a mask everywhere you go though. Staple that fucker to your head.

Please don’t horde toilet paper. The economy will be up and running soon.

Businesses are forced to close, evictions are made illegal. Just until we get a vaccine. Essential workers are still out there but people now on welfare are making more than their old job paid. Still no toilet paper.

The election is coming up and we weren’t prepared for Trump getting a vaccine rolled out but vote for us because he has mean tweets. BTW- you may need two masks. Also BTW- Never trust a vaccine that came out during Trump. PS- this Trump is responsible for the worst economy ever. Look at all these people out of work. PSS- if you don’t vote democrat this is how it’s going to be forever.

We won! Yes! No more Trump. All we have to do now is get a vaccine, we’ll look at that, we have one thanks Bidumb. Next we need a million shots a day… well that was easy Bidumb made that happen even before he was sworn in.

Get the shot take off the mask! Let’s roll people, also the unemployment checks can keep rolling, and eviction moratoriums and you can’t open your business yet but soon. Just be patient. July 4th Independence Day! As long as you do as your told.

This week- The economy is tanking.

Just a couple weeks with masks. Even with the vaccine, small price to pay. Be patriotic!

Everything will be fine. Wear your masks and we’re going to need about another 6 trillion dollars to make sure the climate doesn’t get you next. Infrastructure kinda shit.

Anyone else see a theme developing here?
At this point I could pass a fence post without hittin the sides.

Fuck the government. Fuck big pharma. Fuck big tech.

All active partners in my rape.
March 2021: Lol

"Covid-19 vaccines from Pfizer Inc. and Moderna Inc. effectively prevented coronavirus infections, not just illness, with substantial protection evident two weeks after the first dose, government researchers said."

July 2021: Lol

CDC says fully vaccinated people spread the Delta variant and should wear masks: 'This new science is worrisome'​

"Walensky said CDC investigations have found that the amount of virus present in vaccinated people infected with Delta is similar to the levels found in unvaccinated people with Delta infections. That's an indication that vaccinated people can easily transmit the virus — even though they're less likely to get sick on the whole."

Let’s take a trip back a year and a half ago.

Booming economy.
Two weeks to flatten the curve. That’s all we need. Do that and we can get back to work. No masks needed. Chill out. Be patriotic!

a month later we have essential workers and everyone else gets an extra beefed up unemployment check. Just for a month or so. That will flatten the curve. Need a mask everywhere you go though. Staple that fucker to your head.

Please don’t horde toilet paper. The economy will be up and running soon.

Businesses are forced to close, evictions are made illegal. Just until we get a vaccine. Essential workers are still out there but people now on welfare are making more than their old job paid. Still no toilet paper.

The election is coming up and we weren’t prepared for Trump getting a vaccine rolled out but vote for us because he has mean tweets. BTW- you may need two masks. Also BTW- Never trust a vaccine that came out during Trump. PS- this Trump is responsible for the worst economy ever. Look at all these people out of work. PSS- if you don’t vote democrat this is how it’s going to be forever.

We won! Yes! No more Trump. All we have to do now is get a vaccine, we’ll look at that, we have one thanks Bidumb. Next we need a million shots a day… well that was easy Bidumb made that happen even before he was sworn in.

Get the shot take off the mask! Let’s roll people, also the unemployment checks can keep rolling, and eviction moratoriums and you can’t open your business yet but soon. Just be patient. July 4th Independence Day! As long as you do as your told.

This week- The economy is tanking.

Just a couple weeks with masks. Even with the vaccine, small price to pay. Be patriotic!

Everything will be fine. Wear your masks and we’re going to need about another 6 trillion dollars to make sure the climate doesn’t get you next. Infrastructure kinda shit.

Anyone else see a theme developing here?
Six months into Biden's presidency, the U.S. economy has experienced the highest economic growth rate in nearly 40 years.
It will do that when the fed is pumping 6 trillion dollars in 6 months into a corpse.
I wish you crazy trump supporters would make up your minds. Just a few posts previous, one of you crazies said the economy was tanking. Get your conspiracy theories strait bitch.
March 2021: Lol

"Covid-19 vaccines from Pfizer Inc. and Moderna Inc. effectively prevented coronavirus infections, not just illness, with substantial protection evident two weeks after the first dose, government researchers said."

July 2021: Lol

CDC says fully vaccinated people spread the Delta variant and should wear masks: 'This new science is worrisome'​

"Walensky said CDC investigations have found that the amount of virus present in vaccinated people infected with Delta is similar to the levels found in unvaccinated people with Delta infections. That's an indication that vaccinated people can easily transmit the virus — even though they're less likely to get sick on the whole."

Trust the science, the CDC is sciencing the fuck out of this. Never mind they used a survey from India that uses a vaccine illegal in the US and was rejected by peer review. Trust Us!
Republicans refused to social distance, wear a mask, refrain from rallies and large gatherings, and refused to get vaccines. Republicans are destroying this country one bad decision at a time just to own the libs. I’m gonna feel really owned when 1% of them are dead. Morons.
Six months into Biden's presidency, the U.S. economy has experienced the highest economic growth rate in nearly 40 years.
Imagine that. You shit down an entire economy for over a year and then open it up the numbers should be amazing. Yet somehow Bidumb fell short by 25% of the estimates. How in the flying fuck do you take over an economy completely shut down and when you open it up you fail to hit the numbers by a quarter?

How fucking inept do you have to be to fuck up an intentional walk with three on?

Bidumb has a five lap lead at Daytona after the white flag and somehow hits the fucking wall.

This economy was a fucking given, lay up, free shot. And he fucked it.
Republicans refused to social distance, wear a mask, refrain from rallies and large gatherings, and refused to get vaccines. Republicans are destroying this country one bad decision at a time just to own the libs. I’m gonna feel really owned when 1% of them are dead. Morons.
Did you fuck up and spell BLM as Republican?
Yeah, its junk science.
It’s worse than junk science. It’s science they are searching for anywhere in the world they can find it to keep their politics mainstream. The CDC will go anywhere to promote their ideology. Nothing is out of bounds.

BTW- get the shots and put on a mask. The science we dug out of the toilet says so.

Economy grew at 6.5% annual rate in second quarter, slower than expected, as US emerges from pandemic​

Trump never made it to 4%....
Yeah shocker how democrats can’t even get phenomenal economic growth following a complete shut down. Trump wouldn’t have fucked up that gimme.
Six months into Biden's presidency, the U.S. economy has experienced the highest economic growth rate in nearly 40 years.

Don’t you leftists usually insert a graph or something when your trying to convince yourselves your president isn’t a massive failure?
It’s worse than junk science. It’s science they are searching for anywhere in the world they can find it to keep their politics mainstream. The CDC will go anywhere to promote their ideology. Nothing is out of bounds.

BTW- get the shots and put on a mask. The science we dug out of the toilet says so.

Uh huh, here you go:

"If we're seeing more breakthroughs, is it just because the virus is better and the vaccines don't hold up quite as well, or is the efficacy of the vaccines beginning to wane, independent of the delta?" asked Robert Wachter, chair of the Department of Medicine at the University of California at San Francisco. "This is three-dimensional chess, there's a hundred things going on at the same time."

Translation: We have no idea of whats happening but we'll make it up as we go.


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