COVID-19 Vaccines Being THROWN AWAY Under Leadership Award Winner Cuomo's Inept Governance


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Last week Joe Biden - the man who said President Trump would NEVER be able to come up with a COVID-19 vaccine by the end of the year (20202)...and would not take one if a vaccine was developed - attacked President Trump Biden says Trump administration is falling 'far behind' on vaccine distribution, and the Fake News media never questioned him about the MIS-INFORMATION and PROPAGANDA Joe was pushing.

The TRUTH is the problem is NOT with distribution - putting enough vaccines in the hands of governors across the country to vaccinate their citizens. In many cases, as we have seen with violent Antifa and BLM extremist destruction and crime across the US, it is the failed inept leadership of the Democrats who run those states. Governor Andrew Cuomo - the largest Mass Murderer in the US, after being responsible for the needless deaths of over 10,000 elderly Americans - is the perfect example:

"Cuomo's New York Is Just Throwing Away Vaccines Rather Than Distributing Them Competently
More than 4,100 people died of COVID-19 yesterday across the country, but some New York medical providers are dumping vaccines instead of putting them in people's arms."

"Under increasing pressure to relieve
a backlog of hundreds of thousands of unused coronavirus vaccine doses, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo on Friday expanded the eligibility groups to include three million more people, including those 75 and older."

Democrats are not only INCOMPETENT and INEPT, they are DANGEROUS, as we have seen - especially - for the last 12 years.
The Left hate older people especially bad. Cuomo has killed more New Yorkers than the 9-11 Islamos.

“The process for *senior citizens* to get the vaccine in New York City involves a 51 step online questionnaire that includes uploading multiple attachments.”

The Left hate older people especially bad. Cuomo has killed more New Yorkers than the 9-11 Islamos.

“The process for *senior citizens* to get the vaccine in New York City involves a 51 step online questionnaire that includes uploading multiple attachments.”

So Cuomo is "the left"? He only looks like one person who is so talented he trips over blades of grass..
The Left hate older people especially bad. Cuomo has killed more New Yorkers than the 9-11 Islamos.

“The process for *senior citizens* to get the vaccine in New York City involves a 51 step online questionnaire that includes uploading multiple attachments.”

Not entirely true, he hates all people that are "beneath" him, regardless of age.
The Left hate older people especially bad. Cuomo has killed more New Yorkers than the 9-11 Islamos.

“The process for *senior citizens* to get the vaccine in New York City involves a 51 step online questionnaire that includes uploading multiple attachments.”

No one knows what to do to get someone on the list. my grandfather is 101 and is eligible, but his doctor has no answers on how to get him the shots. He is willing to take the shots.

The only thing in his favor is he is computer literate, as he does tax returns for people using his computer.
We can only wonder how many thousands of vaccine vials will expire unused under the control of Cuomo. He wasted the Covid resources President Trump provided to him at warp speed and at great taxpayer expense. If nothing else, the incompetent Governor is consistent.
The Left hate older people especially bad. Cuomo has killed more New Yorkers than the 9-11 Islamos.

“The process for *senior citizens* to get the vaccine in New York City involves a 51 step online questionnaire that includes uploading multiple attachments.”

As usual Cuomo continues to step in it when he opens his mouth. His inaction and opposition to the people of the state has cost hundreds of thousands of Covid-19 vaccination shots.
I sense a big surprise is coming regarding the exposure of corruption, and Cuomo wants to insulate himself from it.
I continue to wonder why there has not been a recall for both Cuomo and DeBlasio as has being done in Kalifornia with Newsome.

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