Couple sues/wins against internet trolls who defamed them


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
This is a biggie.

Couple win $14million after un-masking anonymous internet trolls who labeled them sexual deviants

Ruling could have effect on social networking sites such as Twitter
Internet forum forced to give up IP addresses to identify those who had posted abuse

From the article:

The jury in the defamation lawsuit heard that since the ultimately unfounded rape allegations were heard in 2008, a total of 25,000 comments on 70 threads on Topix message boards were posted onto the Internet.

Read more: Couple wins $14million after un-masking anonymous internet trolls who labeled them sexual deviants | Mail Online
And people are actually facing jail time in Britain.


John Graham Kerlan faces jail after he attacked Bexley councillor Melvyn Seymour on Twitter.

Here are some of the tweets which led to his conviction.

'Which c*** lives in a house like this. Answers on a postcard to #bexleycouncil.'

'It’s silly posting a picture of a house on Twitter without an address, that will come later. Please feel free to post actual s**t.'

Read more: Blogger who used four-letter term to describe councillor on Twitter facing jail for 'offensive' tweet | Mail Online


The case follows that of Azhar Ahmed, 19, who has denied posting a grossly offensive message on Facebook about the deaths of six British soldiers in Afghanistan.

He has appeared in court charged under the Communications Act 2003 with sending a message that was grossly offensive on March 8.

Ahmed, from Ravensthorpe, West Yorkshire, was bailed and will stand trial at Huddersfield Magistrates’ Court on July 3.

Read more: Blogger who used four-letter term to describe councillor on Twitter facing jail for 'offensive' tweet | Mail Online

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