Weeping 4 year old accused of carrying a gun


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Good grief. The little girl hugged her grandmother and all hell broke loose in Wichita airport.

Here's part of the story:

In her terror, Isabella tried to run away rather than face a full body pat-down, which unsurprisingly enraged the TSA officers further.

One officer even told the girl's mother that the airport would have to be shut down and every flight cancelled if the four-year-old did not co-operate.

They also apparently described the little girl as a 'high security threat'.

As Isabella was taken into a side room for a pat-down, accompanied by her mother, she could not stop crying and refused to let the agents touch her.

An officer repeatedly said she had 'seen a gun in a teddy bear' in the past, in an apparent attempt to justify the situation.

Ms Brademeyer continued: 'The TSO loomed over my daughter, with an angry grimace on her face, and ordered her to stop crying.

'When my scared child could not do so, two TSOs called for backup saying, "The suspect is not cooperating." The suspect, of course, being a frightened child. They treated my daughter no better than if she had been a terrorist.'

Read more: Weeping four-year-old girl accused of carrying a GUN by TSA officers after she hugged her grandmother while passing through security | Mail Online


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TSA agents are out of control. Stealing stuff from luggages, groping kids, and drug smuggling.

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