Couple shoots porno inside Tesla on autopilot


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
In the future, this will become common.

A couple shot a porn film in a Tesla on Autopilot while there were 'a lot of cars driving by'

  • Taylor Jackson, an adult entertainer, and her boyfriend filmed themselves having sex in a moving Tesla and uploaded it to the adult website PornHub.
  • Jackson told INSIDER that they joked about it then "thought that would make a great porno."
  • They put the car on Autopilot, Tesla's semi-autonomous driver-assist system.
  • "Reporting you to Elon for not having two hands on the wheel with autopilot enabled," PornHub said in an Instagram post about the video.
  • Visit INSIDER's homepage for more stories.

It was only a matter of time before someone had sex in a self-driving car.

Last week, Taylor Jackson, an adult performer in Los Angeles, and her boyfriend may have been the first to hit this milestone. They uploaded a film to the adult website PornHub that appears to show the couple performing various sex acts in a moving Tesla.

Tesla is careful to point out that its semi-autonomous Autopilot driver-assist system "is intended for use with a fully attentive driver, who has their hands on the wheel and is prepared to take over at any time," so it is not fully driverless. But that didn't stop Jackson from testing its limits.

"Holy s---, I made @Tesla the #1 search on Pornhub," Jackson wrote on her (NSFW) Twitter, tagging Tesla's founder, Elon Musk.

In response, the PornHub Instagram account posted a (somewhat SFW) screenshot of the film with the caption "Reporting you to Elon for not having two hands on the wheel with autopilot enabled."

Read more: PornHub says it wants to buy Tumblr and restore its adult content

Jackson told INSIDER she was fairly new to the adult-entertainment scene when she filmed the video, as she had only just started selling clips on Snapchat and other platforms.

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"However, I did bump the steering wheel, knocked it out of Autopilot," she said. "It was mainly a straight road, but it had a lot of traffic. We had a lot of cars driving by us."

Read more: Elon Musk's 'reckless' comment about the capabilities of Tesla's Autopilot could put drivers at risk, an analyst says

Musk recently said Autopilot could be safe enough for passengers to go hands-free "very quickly," perhaps as soon as the end of this year.

"I could be wrong, but it appears to be the case that Tesla is vastly ahead of everyone," he said.

Even so, it's unlikely the company would recommend taking your eyes off the road at all. Especially not long enough to do everything the couple took part in.

But Jackson said that if the opportunity arises again, they might give it another go.

"The feedback has been great so far, and the comments, for the most part, have been amusing," Jackson said. "Looking at it now, I feel we could've made it better. Maybe we will make another one."
In the future, this will become common.

A couple shot a porn film in a Tesla on Autopilot while there were 'a lot of cars driving by'

  • Taylor Jackson, an adult entertainer, and her boyfriend filmed themselves having sex in a moving Tesla and uploaded it to the adult website PornHub.
  • Jackson told INSIDER that they joked about it then "thought that would make a great porno."
  • They put the car on Autopilot, Tesla's semi-autonomous driver-assist system.
  • "Reporting you to Elon for not having two hands on the wheel with autopilot enabled," PornHub said in an Instagram post about the video.
  • Visit INSIDER's homepage for more stories.

It was only a matter of time before someone had sex in a self-driving car.

Last week, Taylor Jackson, an adult performer in Los Angeles, and her boyfriend may have been the first to hit this milestone. They uploaded a film to the adult website PornHub that appears to show the couple performing various sex acts in a moving Tesla.

Tesla is careful to point out that its semi-autonomous Autopilot driver-assist system "is intended for use with a fully attentive driver, who has their hands on the wheel and is prepared to take over at any time," so it is not fully driverless. But that didn't stop Jackson from testing its limits.

"Holy s---, I made @Tesla the #1 search on Pornhub," Jackson wrote on her (NSFW) Twitter, tagging Tesla's founder, Elon Musk.

In response, the PornHub Instagram account posted a (somewhat SFW) screenshot of the film with the caption "Reporting you to Elon for not having two hands on the wheel with autopilot enabled."

Read more: PornHub says it wants to buy Tumblr and restore its adult content

Jackson told INSIDER she was fairly new to the adult-entertainment scene when she filmed the video, as she had only just started selling clips on Snapchat and other platforms.

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"However, I did bump the steering wheel, knocked it out of Autopilot," she said. "It was mainly a straight road, but it had a lot of traffic. We had a lot of cars driving by us."

Read more: Elon Musk's 'reckless' comment about the capabilities of Tesla's Autopilot could put drivers at risk, an analyst says

Musk recently said Autopilot could be safe enough for passengers to go hands-free "very quickly," perhaps as soon as the end of this year.

"I could be wrong, but it appears to be the case that Tesla is vastly ahead of everyone," he said.

Even so, it's unlikely the company would recommend taking your eyes off the road at all. Especially not long enough to do everything the couple took part in.

But Jackson said that if the opportunity arises again, they might give it another go.

"The feedback has been great so far, and the comments, for the most part, have been amusing," Jackson said. "Looking at it now, I feel we could've made it better. Maybe we will make another one."

Just two American being creative.
This could have had a much different ending, not a happy one either.
And in related news, Tesla just announced it will be reintroducing the Good Time Van to the American highways :abgg2q.jpg:


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