Counter Headlines: How Hillary Clinton Removed Shit Stains From Bill's Underwear

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Well, friends and foes. It appears as though Lefty has created some kind of "Machine" to generate false and derrogatory stories in The Media every day. So I thought to myself, self, you are one damn good looking, that was this morning in the mirror when getting ready for work.

I said, Self, how should we combat this strange warped phenomena?

Then it dawned on me.

You fight fake headlines, with real headlines.

Hillary Clinton was a Glorified House Wife, who regularly washed Bill's Shit Stains from his Underwear, and other gross bodily fluid type junk!

Despite her valiant attempts to be a Domestic Goddess, needless to say, her laundry operation was often in disarray. It was utter Chaos at times. She apparently could not even match socks. Often she would accidentally throw in some red article of clothing in with Bill's Tidy Whities, leaving him with pink underwear. And she was sorta sloppy with the Bleach.

One time she ruined 30,000 very Expensive Dress Shirts of Bill's. I doubt this was intentional or that she was angry about anything at all when she did this. "What difference does it make?"... she said to Bill, when he asked what had happened to all of his shirts!

Hillary may have been a faithful spouse, but she was often "Careless & Negligent". One time she tried to groom some of Bill's suits with scissors. She accidentally slashed up Bill's expensive suits, for 13 hours straight. She was just trimming off loose threads she said, to make Bill & Herself look presentable to the Public.

She was always a dutiful wife, even though she burnt the toast & anyone that would dare cross her. She was always happy to go through Bill's pockets to find the loose change in there, and tie up any loose ends she found. But for her it was always a 50\50 shot of finding a pair of panties, or a soggy cigar, or a woman's phone number, or pocket lint and pocket change.

But such are the duties of a Lesbian Housewife, who regularly rebuffed Bill's sexual advances because he did not have a Vagina. She scrubbed, she cleaned, and she was mean, but always stood by her man. But the one thing she did that was selfless, and kind was to allow Bill to be a womanizer, and agree to an open marriage.

The Clinton Wedding Bed looked like Grand Central Station at times with so many people coming and going. And she had to change and launder those sheets at least three times a day. Often times, you'd have to buy your tickets in advance to get a seat on the Slick Willie Train, or to lay down I should say in The Lincoln Bedroom. Caligula would approve.

So the next time you criticize Hillary Clinton for being unqualified to be president of The United States of America, think about this, A House Wife like that, who could manage all of Bill's sexual exploits, keep her own Lesbianism out of the spotlight, and keep up with The Clinton Dirty Laundry and still manage to run a Criminal Empire, might actually have some skills to run a Corrupt Political Machine.

And maybe just maybe if she rigged a primary, and tried a little of her laundry magic in an election, she could be President, and someone else could do her dirty laundry for a change, or spare change, but alas, she ran out of detergent.....and couldn't get the cleaning done, so she will for the rest of her life, be a failed House Wife with dirty laundry, and a dirty house.
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Conservatives should never attempt satire. It just makes them look butthurt and crazy.
Since this comment is coming from a Liberal, let me Translate.


Exactly why would I be "butt hurt"? My candidate is not at home crying in her beer, swimming in booze, with her face planted in Markie Post's crotch!
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I think the Clintons have always had someone do their dirty laundry.
Well, if Hillary Clinton wasn't doing The Clinton Dirty Laundry, then how could anyone claim she had experience to be qualified for any Public Office?
Was she then the kind of House Wife that ate Bon Bons and watched Soap Operas every day and then convinced her husband how hard it is to be a House Wife, with backed up Laundry and Dirty Dishes in the sink?

I wonder what her reaction was then, when Bill came home after a long day of "banging bimbos," and said "Make Me A Samich!"

Could she actually bring home the bacon, and fry it up in a pan?
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since RW's are experts on shitstains, and will die being one, they have the floor.
since RW's are experts on shitstains, and will die being one, they have the floor.
We really do have the Floor.

The Floor of The House.
The Floor of The Senate.
The Floor of The Oval Office.

And across the country, Obama-Clinton and The Radical Left Wing Extremists, have caused the Democrat Party to loose 1,000 seats, the majority of governorships, and state legislatures in this country.

Currently your political strongholds are Sodom and Gomorrah......I.E. Sanctuary Cities.
So you got that going for you.
since RW's are experts on shitstains, and will die being one, they have the floor.
We really do have the Floor.

The Floor of The House.
The Floor of The Senate.
The Floor of The Oval Office.

And across the country, Obama-Clinton and The Radical Left Wing Extremists, have caused the Democrat Party to loose 1,000 seats, the majority of governorships, and state legislatures in this country.

Currently your political strongholds are Sodom and Gomorrah......I.E. Sanctuary Cities.
So you got that going for you.

speaking of which, none of the three has done a damn thing with them but bitch about Obama and Clinton.

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