Could Trump sell Russia the same uranium deal as Hillary & Obama?

Could the Trump administration do the same uranium sale as the Obama-Clinton admin?

  • Yes, Russia is a big Teddy Bear, Putin is a bare chested cutie, and generous too

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, Russia is an enemy, it was then, and it is now, and Putin is a thug

    Votes: 1 100.0%

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Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
So Hillary's fingerprints are not on the deal, the basic facts remain, US uranium was sold to Russia, and approved by the Obama administration, and the Clinton Foundation got $145,000,000

From the article below:
"Individuals related to Uranium One and UrAsia, including Giustra and Telfer, donated to the Clinton Foundation, totaling about $145 million. The Times reported that Telfer also donated to the Clinton Foundation using his family charity based in Canada. These were donations made to the Clinton Foundation, not directly to the Clintons."

The Clinton Foundation is a slush fund for the Clinton's i.e. approved the Uranium deal and got cash. FOLLOW THE MONEY

The facts behind Trump’s repeated claim about Hillary Clinton’s role in the Russian uranium deal

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