Could Jack Smith seize millions of Trump's fraudulent campaign donations?

Of course they can.
The money would be returned to the donors and they're free to do what they will with it.
I’m not sure how the donation system works, but I’m assuming there is an option for people to donate anonymously, how would those people get a refund?
This may end up going nowhere. I’ve not actually seen his pac website but:

Bloomberg reported that as of Dec. 4 the total spent on overturning the election by the Trump campaign was $8.8 million. The fine print at the bottom of some emails disclosed that large portions of the donations would go to Trump’s leadership PAC, Save America, which was created in the days after the election. Unlike contributions to a regular PAC, money in leadership PACs can be used “to fund basically anything,” explainsthe Washington Post’s Philip Bump.

If that is true, then 1) some of the money was used for the fight to overturn the election, and 2) the fine print says that large portions may go to his PAC. If this is true, then his legal bases are covered?
BREAKING: Donald Trump gets the worst news to date about Jack Smith's investigation as legal experts announce that the Special Counsel might seize millions of dollars from his presidential campaign — a death knell for his White House run.

This one is just too perfect...

According to NBC News national security analyst Frank Figliuzzi — who was a former top FBI official — the Justice Department might seize huge amounts of money from Trump's campaign because much of it was raised off of fraudulent claims after the 2020 election.

The January 6th Committee revealed that the Trump campaign raked in $250 million in donations after the Capitol insurrection, claiming that the money would go to a legal fund to overturn the 2020 election. That fund was never created and instead the money was funneled to the Save America PAC.

"This isn’t over yet," said Figliuzzi. "When you raise millions based on a fraudulent claim, you’ve committed a crime. And, you just might have to give those millions back."

His remarks come in the wake of a new report from Politico which revealed that at least one of the interviews the Special Counsel conducted recently was "focused on fundraising and spending by Trump’s political action committee."

Bernard Kerk, the former NYPD commissioner who has been a longtime associate of Rudy Giuliani, was interviewed by investigators and "asked multiple questions about the Save America PAC’s enormous fundraising haul in the weeks between Election Day and the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol."

NYU Law School professor Andrew Weissmann appears to agree with Figliuzzi. He said that there could be a "criminal case about the Trump PAC and forfeiture allegations/seizures." Better still, the case would not even have to reach all the way up to Trump before Smith would be able to seize assets.

What do you think? Should the Justice Department seize Donald Trump's ill-gotten cash?

May be a meme of 2 people, beard and text

Sounds reasonable to me since Trump raised millions of dollars under false pretenses - based on the BIG LIE. What do you think?
The Deep State will keep pushing and pushing until they really piss people off. Trump gets screwed and the Biden Crime Family waltzes away scot-free.

If Trump becomes a martyr he will win the Presidential election in a landslide. If he is not able to run, someone like DeSantis will win in his place and pardon him if he is convicted.

People are growing aware of how deeply corrupt the Swamp is and they are not fond of that fact. The voters want a FBI and DOJ they can trust. Most want to live in a constitutional republic and not a banana republic Ike we have today.

The Deep State will keep pushing and pushing until they really piss people off. Trump gets screwed and the Biden Crime Family waltzes away scot-free.

If Trump becomes a martyr he will win the Presidential election in a landslide. If he is not able to run, someone like DeSantis will win in his place and pardon him if he is convicted.

People are growing aware of how deeply corrupt the Swamp is and they are not fond of that fact. The voters want a FBI and DOJ they can trust. Most want to live in a constitutional republic and not a banana republic Ike we have today.

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Doesn't a constitutional Republic imply that the leader actually respects the constitution?

“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,”

Donald J. Trump

In case you think that's old news or just misunderstood. This is Trump's lawyer on Sunday.

24 sec in his lawyer is literally saying a technical violation of the constitution is not a crime.

The idea that prosecuting a former president somehow is at odds with the constitution is wrong to the point of being an argument in bad faith.

The framers of the Constitution wanted the US to be a place were EVERYBODY was equal under the law. At least who they considered everybody. (slaves not so much)

In fact, the reason they wanted to be separate from Britain was precisely because they felt that their King had to much and the people not enough power.
Without a complainant it would be difficult for Jack Smith to claim
I would conjecture that if this was to come to pass (the seizure of some funds contributed under the fraudulent "Stop-the-Steal" rubric)....well, finding some dissatisfied contributors wouldn't be all that hard.

One doesn't need every contributor.....just a representative sample. Maybe just a single stalking-horse complainant?


"You are a delusional lunatic. And stupid."

The prolific poster 'Nostra' is referencing the poster Lahkota.

Actually, I think the poster Lahkota ofttimes offers the forum credible insights....albeit sometimes with a somewhat Leftfield lean.
So be it. His/her (preferred pronoun unknown) postings frequently offer rationales that can provide context to some of the uber-Rightfield's, often-histrionic, polemics offered to this gossip-board.

Still, Lahkota's posts are usually articulate and well constructed in presentation ---- in clear contradistinction to so many of the Rightfield postings from the under-educated MAGA's on this forum.

And, it must be said, refreshingly relatively free of f-bombs. Also in contradistinction to the MAGAzoids who so prolifically post here.....often drenched in their go-to vulgarity. True that.

BREAKING: Donald Trump gets the worst news to date about Jack Smith's investigation as legal experts announce that the Special Counsel might seize millions of dollars from his presidential campaign — a death knell for his White House run.

This one is just too perfect...

According to NBC News national security analyst Frank Figliuzzi — who was a former top FBI official — the Justice Department might seize huge amounts of money from Trump's campaign because much of it was raised off of fraudulent claims after the 2020 election.

The January 6th Committee revealed that the Trump campaign raked in $250 million in donations after the Capitol insurrection, claiming that the money would go to a legal fund to overturn the 2020 election. That fund was never created and instead the money was funneled to the Save America PAC.

"This isn’t over yet," said Figliuzzi. "When you raise millions based on a fraudulent claim, you’ve committed a crime. And, you just might have to give those millions back."

His remarks come in the wake of a new report from Politico which revealed that at least one of the interviews the Special Counsel conducted recently was "focused on fundraising and spending by Trump’s political action committee."

Bernard Kerk, the former NYPD commissioner who has been a longtime associate of Rudy Giuliani, was interviewed by investigators and "asked multiple questions about the Save America PAC’s enormous fundraising haul in the weeks between Election Day and the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol."

NYU Law School professor Andrew Weissmann appears to agree with Figliuzzi. He said that there could be a "criminal case about the Trump PAC and forfeiture allegations/seizures." Better still, the case would not even have to reach all the way up to Trump before Smith would be able to seize assets.

What do you think? Should the Justice Department seize Donald Trump's ill-gotten cash?

May be a meme of 2 people, beard and text

Sounds reasonable to me since Trump raised millions of dollars under false pretenses - based on the BIG LIE. What do you think?
After everything you guys have done and continue to do, you think interfering with the election by taking his campaign money is a good idea? Do you retards have ANY political instincts?

Please try that, im begging you.
BREAKING: Donald Trump gets the worst news to date about Jack Smith's investigation as legal experts announce that the Special Counsel might seize millions of dollars from his presidential campaign — a death knell for his White House run.

This one is just too perfect...

According to NBC News national security analyst Frank Figliuzzi — who was a former top FBI official — the Justice Department might seize huge amounts of money from Trump's campaign because much of it was raised off of fraudulent claims after the 2020 election.

The January 6th Committee revealed that the Trump campaign raked in $250 million in donations after the Capitol insurrection, claiming that the money would go to a legal fund to overturn the 2020 election. That fund was never created and instead the money was funneled to the Save America PAC.

"This isn’t over yet," said Figliuzzi. "When you raise millions based on a fraudulent claim, you’ve committed a crime. And, you just might have to give those millions back."

His remarks come in the wake of a new report from Politico which revealed that at least one of the interviews the Special Counsel conducted recently was "focused on fundraising and spending by Trump’s political action committee."

Bernard Kerk, the former NYPD commissioner who has been a longtime associate of Rudy Giuliani, was interviewed by investigators and "asked multiple questions about the Save America PAC’s enormous fundraising haul in the weeks between Election Day and the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol."

NYU Law School professor Andrew Weissmann appears to agree with Figliuzzi. He said that there could be a "criminal case about the Trump PAC and forfeiture allegations/seizures." Better still, the case would not even have to reach all the way up to Trump before Smith would be able to seize assets.

What do you think? Should the Justice Department seize Donald Trump's ill-gotten cash?

May be a meme of 2 people, beard and text

Sounds reasonable to me since Trump raised millions of dollars under false pretenses - based on the BIG LIE. What do you think?
So, you're saying that Jack Smith should be above the law?
Millions of Trump's BIG LIE donations could be frozen or seized.
A lot of Dim politicians like Slick have legal defense funds. I guess Republican lawyers can start going after all of those too, right?
He can if they are fraudulently obtained, which is within the realm of possibility.
Then every politician can have his campaign funds seized because they all lied about what the money would be used for. I doubt that's a road the Dim scumbags want to go down.
BREAKING: Donald Trump gets the worst news to date about Jack Smith's investigation as legal experts announce that the Special Counsel might seize millions of dollars from his presidential campaign — a death knell for his White House run.

This one is just too perfect...

According to NBC News national security analyst Frank Figliuzzi — who was a former top FBI official — the Justice Department might seize huge amounts of money from Trump's campaign because much of it was raised off of fraudulent claims after the 2020 election.

The January 6th Committee revealed that the Trump campaign raked in $250 million in donations after the Capitol insurrection, claiming that the money would go to a legal fund to overturn the 2020 election. That fund was never created and instead the money was funneled to the Save America PAC.

"This isn’t over yet," said Figliuzzi. "When you raise millions based on a fraudulent claim, you’ve committed a crime. And, you just might have to give those millions back."

His remarks come in the wake of a new report from Politico which revealed that at least one of the interviews the Special Counsel conducted recently was "focused on fundraising and spending by Trump’s political action committee."

Bernard Kerk, the former NYPD commissioner who has been a longtime associate of Rudy Giuliani, was interviewed by investigators and "asked multiple questions about the Save America PAC’s enormous fundraising haul in the weeks between Election Day and the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol."

NYU Law School professor Andrew Weissmann appears to agree with Figliuzzi. He said that there could be a "criminal case about the Trump PAC and forfeiture allegations/seizures." Better still, the case would not even have to reach all the way up to Trump before Smith would be able to seize assets.

What do you think? Should the Justice Department seize Donald Trump's ill-gotten cash?

May be a meme of 2 people, beard and text

Sounds reasonable to me since Trump raised millions of dollars under false pretenses - based on the BIG LIE. What do you think?
Frank Figliuzzi LOL
Mr. Trump is a criminal. He tried to steal an election. He got caught. He is going to prison,
Democrats are criminals, they did steal an election with organized interstate ballot fraud

and got away with it. They're probably not going to prison.

That doesn't make it right or any of the disenfranchised Americans any less slighted or angry.

In fact, just the opposite.
The way your conservative media insulates you from reality.

That is not what you were referring to and what I asked, but you are normally dishonest.

I am not insulated from anything.
I have access to everything that you do.
I read your Cult materials and I find a lot of the information to be incredible.
As in not credible.
You on the other hand, simply believe everything that they tell you.
When everything they tell you turns out to be lies, or at best, simply wrong.
You don't alter your opinion.
So your theory here is democrat politicians are going to seize money and give it back to people who don’t vote for them?
Uhhhhhh …..OK.
Well, I guess if you interpret it through the lens of ignorance and stupidity you may have a point.
But I don't do ignorant or stupid.
That's a MAGAT thing.

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