Corporations are the very reason why Americans have it so good.

A corporation is a legal arrangement by which an enterprise facilitates capitalist distribution of wealth. The same (or greater) level of production would be achieved by the same entity if, rather than "going public," it functioned as a profit-sharing enterprise with its employees alone benefiting from their efforts and enduring any declines rather than a body of shareholders.

A lot of corporations started out that way and ended up as corporations. They all make profits so to pretend there is a truly big difference is just silly.
In fact I would be willing to bet nearly 100 percent of all things in your life were either created, distributed, or sold by a corporation.

Nope. Not even close. I'm a locavore / local business patron whenever I can be (pretty easy here in NYC), and almost no computer is made by a small company. Apple and Microsoft made sure of that. Thanks for proving my point.
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A corporation is a legal arrangement by which an enterprise facilitates capitalist distribution of wealth. The same (or greater) level of production would be achieved by the same entity if, rather than "going public," it functioned as a profit-sharing enterprise with its employees alone benefiting from their efforts and enduring any declines rather than a body of shareholders.

That model exists as well, but I am not sure if it is more or less efficent than the corporate shareholder model.

Also, if you limit it to employees you limit how much additonal captial can be raised.

Furthermore, how many employees would be willing to see thier pay decrease during times of difficulty.
In fact I would be willing to bet nearly 100 percent of all things in your life were either created, distributed, or sold by a corporation.

Nope. Not even close. I'm a locavore / local business patron whenever I can be (pretty easy here in NYC), and almost no computer is made by a small company. Apple and Microsoft made sure of that. Thanks for proving my point.

How are you posting messages on the Internet?

You can provide them?

I've worked for quite a few - I have first-hand knowledge. I will not name names.
Look at any typical American corporate culture. It sucks balls.
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In fact I would be willing to bet nearly 100 percent of all things in your life were either created, distributed, or sold by a corporation.

Nope. Not even close. I'm a locavore / local business whenever I can be (pretty easy here in NYC), and almost no computer is made by a small company. Apple and Microsoft made sure of that. Thanks for proving my point.

Yes I know Microsoft and Apple landed here on their space ship and implanted evil buildings to take over the computer production. They just appeared over night. One night small businesses were all creating computers and computer products. They were creating software the POW Microsoft and Apple corporations popped up and took over the world.

If small business ran the computer industry, it would have never made it to what it is today. There would have been no compatibility and most computers would not have been able to talk to each other. Microsoft and Apple started out small but became successful through their products they provided. They became huge because everyone wanted what they had to offer.
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If small business ran the computer industry, it would have never made it to what it is today. There would have been no compatibility and most computers would not have been able to talk to each other. Microsoft and Apple started out small but became successful through their products they provided. They became huge because everyone wanted what they had to offer.

How do you know that? If many small businesses were making computers, think of the choice we might have. C'mon. Apple and Microsoft are a feather away from being monopolies and you know it. Microsoft has already been hit by antitrust lawsuits concerning windows. Are you going to sit there and tell me that microsoft doesn't stifle and actively impede competition? And if you believe that, I've got a bridge here in Brooklyn for sale.
How many dirty corporations would you say are presently engaged in delivering your message over the Interwebs, Mr. Peepers?

I don't know. Is Monsanto into computers now? They are the dirtiest, most vile corporation in the US. And not all corporations are bad. I know you dumb righties only see things in
black and white, but it rarely is that way.
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There are good corporations and there are poor corporations. Good corporations pay their employees a fair wage, keep their wages to stay at least even with inflation and treat their employees like people. Happy workers fulfill their job much better than a disgruntled employee. Good corporations don't take over smaller companies and then ship those jobs offshore (from 2002-2008 1.2 million jobs were shipped overseas). Good corporations appreciate the fact that they wouldn't off been so successful if they had started in other countries, appreciate the infrastructure that they use more than any other entity. Good corporations don't mind paying their fair share for the tax payer funded infrastructure, where would they be without it?
Bad corporations do the polar opposite of the good corporations.
Lumping all corporations in one group and then placing them on a pedestal that God would envy is just plain wrong.
How many dirty corporations would you say are presently engaged in delivering your message over the Interwebs, Mr. Peepers?

I don't know. Are Monsanto into computers now? They are the dirtiest, most vile corporation in the US. And not all corporations are bad. I know you dumb righties only see things in
black and white, but it rarely is that way.

You are clueless, or you are afraid to venture a guess?
There are good corporations and there are poor corporations. Good corporations pay their employees a fair wage, keep their wages to stay at least even with inflation and treat their employees like people. Happy workers fulfill their job much better than a disgruntled employee. Good corporations don't take over smaller companies and then ship those jobs offshore (from 2002-2008 1.2 million jobs were shipped overseas). Good corporations appreciate the fact that they wouldn't off been so successful if they had started in other countries, appreciate the infrastructure that they use more than any other entity. Good corporations don't mind paying their fair share for the tax payer funded infrastructure, where would they be without it?
Bad corporations do the polar opposite of the good corporations.
Lumping all corporations in one group and then placing them on a pedestal that God would envy is just plain wrong.

Spoken like somebody who knows nothing about corporations. LOL
Quote: Originally Posted by Mr. Peepers
The better jobs are with corporations.

And the bigger the corporation, the better the jobs.
I respectfully disagree. American mega-corporations are THE worst. All the soul-sucking BS they make you endure...


You can provide them?

I'm not a mind-reader. Here's your dumb request. If you're not asking for examples of bad corporations, what are you asking for?

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