Corporate Tax Revenue Came In 31% Below Predictions, And It's Getting Worse


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Federal tax payments by big businesses are falling much faster than anticipated in the wake of Republicans’ tax cuts, providing ammunition to Democrats who are calling for corporate tax increases.
The U.S. Treasury saw a 31 percent drop in corporate tax revenues last year, almost twice the decline official budget forecasters had predicted. Receipts were projected to rebound sharply this year, but so far they’ve only continued to fall, down by almost 9 percent or $11 billion.

Though business profits remain healthy and the economy is strong, total corporate taxes are at the lowest levels seen in more than 50 years.

Big businesses paying even less than expected under GOP tax law

But the frightening thing is that, despite all the sugar Trump and the Republicans have poured into the system, dark clouds continue to gather on the horizon. The economy looks set to slide into a recession with interest rates near record lows and corporations already basking in gifts even bigger than predicted. Any “stimulus” that happens to pull the U.S. out of this one, isn’t going to come through tax breaks for corporations. That well is already dry.
Though business profits remain healthy and the economy is strong, total corporate taxes are at the lowest levels seen in more than 50 years.

That's awesome! Now that the tax cuts are locked in next we need to boot all the deadbeat mooching losers off welfare and cut spending.
So people kept money in their pockets....

Only a libturd parasite could find a problem there.

Federal tax payments by big businesses are falling much faster than anticipated in the wake of Republicans’ tax cuts, providing ammunition to Democrats who are calling for corporate tax increases.
The U.S. Treasury saw a 31 percent drop in corporate tax revenues last year, almost twice the decline official budget forecasters had predicted. Receipts were projected to rebound sharply this year, but so far they’ve only continued to fall, down by almost 9 percent or $11 billion.

Though business profits remain healthy and the economy is strong, total corporate taxes are at the lowest levels seen in more than 50 years.

Big businesses paying even less than expected under GOP tax law

But the frightening thing is that, despite all the sugar Trump and the Republicans have poured into the system, dark clouds continue to gather on the horizon. The economy looks set to slide into a recession with interest rates near record lows and corporations already basking in gifts even bigger than predicted. Any “stimulus” that happens to pull the U.S. out of this one, isn’t going to come through tax breaks for corporations. That well is already dry.

anytime a person or company gets to keep more of their own money and the government gets less is a good thing,,
The system must be working if the GDP hit over 4% for the first time in a decade and the DOW hovers around 25,000 while unemployment is at it's lowest since the early 70's. What's the point? Do lefties want to punish corporations during republican administrations or the neo-socialists just hate what makes America great?
The system must be working if the GDP hit over 4% for the first time in a decade and the DOW hovers around 25,000 while unemployment is at it's lowest since the early 70's. What's the point? Do lefties want to punish corporations during republican administrations or the neo-socialists just hate what makes America great?
When did GDP hit 4% for the first time in a decade?! I must have missed that news
Though business profits remain healthy and the economy is strong, total corporate taxes are at the lowest levels seen in more than 50 years.

That's awesome! Now that the tax cuts are locked in next we need to boot all the deadbeat mooching losers off welfare and cut spending.
How much do we spend on welfare?
to much,,,
How much?

one dollar is to much,

not the job of the fed gov to steal from one person and give that money to another,,,let alone someone that hates their/my guts,,,
Though business profits remain healthy and the economy is strong, total corporate taxes are at the lowest levels seen in more than 50 years.

That's awesome! Now that the tax cuts are locked in next we need to boot all the deadbeat mooching losers off welfare and cut spending.
How much do we spend on welfare?
to much,,,
How much?

one dollar is to much,

not the job of the fed gov to steal from one person and give that money to another,,,let alone someone that hates their/my guts,,,
That’s exactly what taxation is, that’s how our system is set up. We steal from everybody and pay for our military, the VA, our roads, Trumps golf... all kinds of things. So now it comes down to budgeting and prioritizing. You want to cut welfare. To make a case for that you should know how much is being spent, what % of our spending it compromises, and what we will save by the cuts. Also what additional costs or issues will result from making those cuts. So how about you attempt to have a smart conversation about this and address these points with thoughtful answers.
That's awesome! Now that the tax cuts are locked in next we need to boot all the deadbeat mooching losers off welfare and cut spending.
How much do we spend on welfare?
to much,,,
How much?

one dollar is to much,

not the job of the fed gov to steal from one person and give that money to another,,,let alone someone that hates their/my guts,,,
That’s exactly what taxation is, that’s how our system is set up. We steal from everybody and pay for our military, the VA, our roads, Trumps golf... all kinds of things. So now it comes down to budgeting and prioritizing. You want to cut welfare. To make a case for that you should know how much is being spent, what % of our spending it compromises, and what we will save by the cuts. Also what additional costs or issues will result from making those cuts. So how about you attempt to have a smart conversation about this and address these points with thoughtful answers.

I would love for you to show me where the welfare program is in the constitution???

taxs are for paying operating cost,bills and debt not handouts to one group of people from another,,,,
This is ok if the real workers, those that do the heavy lifting, benefit. If the management only benefits then it's a nothing burger.

one dollar is to much,

not the job of the fed gov to steal from one person and give that money to another,,,let alone someone that hates their/my guts,,,
That’s exactly what taxation is, that’s how our system is set up. We steal from everybody and pay for our military, the VA, our roads, Trumps golf... all kinds of things. So now it comes down to budgeting and prioritizing. You want to cut welfare. To make a case for that you should know how much is being spent, what % of our spending it compromises, and what we will save by the cuts. Also what additional costs or issues will result from making those cuts. So how about you attempt to have a smart conversation about this and address these points with thoughtful answers.

I would love for you to show me where the welfare program is in the constitution???

taxs are for paying operating cost,bills and debt not handouts to one group of people from another,,,,
So would you say that the VA is unconstitutional?

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