Coronavirus Simulator - Understanding The Various Strategies


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2015
A lot of stuff circulating on the internet right now about the various methods of potential action being taken and considered. Social distancing, shelter in place, total lockdown etc..

This article, which includes some simulators on various methods, makes some sense to me.

"Why outbreaks like coronavirus
spread exponentially, and
how to “flatten the curve”

Make of it what you will. Thought I would post it, as it helped me to compare some of the various solutions based on a model of the spread of this thing, which seems to be a primary concern at the moment.
A lot of stuff circulating on the internet right now about the various methods of potential action being taken and considered. Social distancing, shelter in place, total lockdown etc..

This article, which includes some simulators on various methods, makes some sense to me.

"Why outbreaks like coronavirus
spread exponentially, and
how to “flatten the curve”

Make of it what you will. Thought I would post it, as it helped me to compare some of the various solutions based on a model of the spread of this thing, which seems to be a primary concern at the moment.

Thanks man.. Mind if I pin this one as a "sticky" at the top of the listings --- until "the curves flatten" ?????
A lot of stuff circulating on the internet right now about the various methods of potential action being taken and considered. Social distancing, shelter in place, total lockdown etc..

This article, which includes some simulators on various methods, makes some sense to me.

"Why outbreaks like coronavirus
spread exponentially, and
how to “flatten the curve”

Make of it what you will. Thought I would post it, as it helped me to compare some of the various solutions based on a model of the spread of this thing, which seems to be a primary concern at the moment.

Thanks man.. Mind if I pin this one as a "sticky" at the top of the listings --- until "the curves flatten" ?????

More than welcome, and go right ahead.
A lot of stuff circulating on the internet right now about the various methods of potential action being taken and considered. Social distancing, shelter in place, total lockdown etc..

This article, which includes some simulators on various methods, makes some sense to me.

"Why outbreaks like coronavirus
spread exponentially, and
how to “flatten the curve”

Make of it what you will. Thought I would post it, as it helped me to compare some of the various solutions based on a model of the spread of this thing, which seems to be a primary concern at the moment.
According to your link, "If the number of cases were to continue to double every three days, there would be about a hundred million cases in the United States by May."

Does that imply two to three million Covid-19 deaths in the US by Mother's Day?
I believe that our military did gave the Chinese government the engineered virus. But it was the Deep state military Elites who were the ones gave China it right under our noses during the Russia hearings.

The Chicoms bought a genetically engineered version of the SARs virus in 2018, and many think this COVID19 is from that. Some Chinese professor left a US university when his work on it was defunded. So he went back to Wuhan China and worked for the Chicoms bioweapons lab instead.
A lot of stuff circulating on the internet right now about the various methods of potential action being taken and considered. Social distancing, shelter in place, total lockdown etc..

This article, which includes some simulators on various methods, makes some sense to me.

"Why outbreaks like coronavirus
spread exponentially, and
how to “flatten the curve”

Make of it what you will. Thought I would post it, as it helped me to compare some of the various solutions based on a model of the spread of this thing, which seems to be a primary concern at the moment.
According to your link, "If the number of cases were to continue to double every three days, there would be about a hundred million cases in the United States by May."

Does that imply two to three million Covid-19 deaths in the US by Mother's Day?
Your missing critical length of illness and severity calculations.

If you input these two variables your infection rate will flatten. Your 'at any one time' number of infected will reach about 230,000 people with a mortality rate well below 0.3%. If we can get that number of people 'at any one time' to stay below 160,000 the mortality rate drops to that of the flu, which is 0.1%.
I believe that our military did gave the Chinese government the engineered virus. But it was the Deep state military Elites who were the ones gave China it right under our noses during the Russia hearings.

The Chicoms bought a genetically engineered version of the SARs virus in 2018, and many think this COVID19 is from that. Some Chinese professor left a US university when his work on it was defunded. So he went back to Wuhan China and worked for the Chicoms bioweapons lab instead.

Do you have a link for this?
A lot of stuff circulating on the internet right now about the various methods of potential action being taken and considered. Social distancing, shelter in place, total lockdown etc..

This article, which includes some simulators on various methods, makes some sense to me.

"Why outbreaks like coronavirus
spread exponentially, and
how to “flatten the curve”

Make of it what you will. Thought I would post it, as it helped me to compare some of the various solutions based on a model of the spread of this thing, which seems to be a primary concern at the moment.
According to your link, "If the number of cases were to continue to double every three days, there would be about a hundred million cases in the United States by May."

Does that imply two to three million Covid-19 deaths in the US by Mother's Day?

would you like to provide those calculations and we can have a look?
There’s pandemic modeling that is forecasting as high as 1.7 million deaths from this virus. There are roughly 4 million deaths in the U.S. per year.
Someone please give these conspiracy theorist the WASHINGTON POST lecture bahahhahah. the knee deep in the CIA 600 million dollar purchase omfg!! No wonder this nation just fell to it's gawd dam knees.

They have the reputation of CNN .. But I do have to give yah credit for going through all the trouble of posting what you think is a legit source which don't get me wrong sometimes they do post truthful stuff half truthful and there is a motive behind it all.

When you douches are reined into the nwo using that NATIONAL ID lmfao it will all hit you d.a. like a ton of bricks.

they got you to bend over after 911 and they are getting you to do it all over again only it will be worse..


We still love yah though =)

The NEON green bracelets went right over your heads doesn't matter what they tell you this virus is or isn't it's a bio weapon herding their sheep in. You all think it's a real funny joke. LOL
I believe that our military did gave the Chinese government the engineered virus. But it was the Deep state military Elites who were the ones gave China it right under our noses during the Russia hearings.

The Chicoms bought a genetically engineered version of the SARs virus in 2018, and many think this COVID19 is from that. Some Chinese professor left a US university when his work on it was defunded. So he went back to Wuhan China and worked for the Chicoms bioweapons lab instead.

Do you have a link for this?

J.R. Nyquist interviewed by Mike Adams: Coronavirus, China, bioweapons and World War III
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A lot of stuff circulating on the internet right now about the various methods of potential action being taken and considered. Social distancing, shelter in place, total lockdown etc..

This article, which includes some simulators on various methods, makes some sense to me.

"Why outbreaks like coronavirus
spread exponentially, and
how to “flatten the curve”

Make of it what you will. Thought I would post it, as it helped me to compare some of the various solutions based on a model of the spread of this thing, which seems to be a primary concern at the moment.
According to your link, "If the number of cases were to continue to double every three days, there would be about a hundred million cases in the United States by May."

Does that imply two to three million Covid-19 deaths in the US by Mother's Day?

would you like to provide those calculations and we can have a look?
would you like to provide those calculations and we can have a look?
Here's the link I was quoting.
Strangely enough, the Washington Post is making its coverage of Coronavirus free.
A lot of stuff circulating on the internet right now about the various methods of potential action being taken and considered. Social distancing, shelter in place, total lockdown etc..

This article, which includes some simulators on various methods, makes some sense to me.

"Why outbreaks like coronavirus
spread exponentially, and
how to “flatten the curve”

Make of it what you will. Thought I would post it, as it helped me to compare some of the various solutions based on a model of the spread of this thing, which seems to be a primary concern at the moment.
According to your link, "If the number of cases were to continue to double every three days, there would be about a hundred million cases in the United States by May."

Does that imply two to three million Covid-19 deaths in the US by Mother's Day?

Not true.. The infection spread in America is TOO small to get accurate numbers at the moment.. Even the CDC won't venture a guess at the "number of infections".. Only the amount of reported cases... Anything else right is sheer speculation.. Including the large numbers that some irresponsible people have been leaking to the media.

Models ARE NOT facts... They depend on the quality of data and statistical VALIDITY of the numbers you put into them.. It will be several more weeks before an accurate guess at "number of infections" becomes strong enough to model...
Not true.. The infection spread in America is TOO small to get accurate numbers at the moment.. Even the CDC won't venture a guess at the "number of infections".. Only the amount of reported cases... Anything else right is sheer speculation.. Including the large numbers that some irresponsible people have been leaking to the media.



Europe is turning into a disaster.

Why isnt global data sufficient, Flacaltenn?
A lot of stuff circulating on the internet right now about the various methods of potential action being taken and considered. Social distancing, shelter in place, total lockdown etc..

This article, which includes some simulators on various methods, makes some sense to me.

"Why outbreaks like coronavirus
spread exponentially, and
how to “flatten the curve”

Make of it what you will. Thought I would post it, as it helped me to compare some of the various solutions based on a model of the spread of this thing, which seems to be a primary concern at the moment.

Just test every possible demographic and you’ll get a definitive pattern which will accurately establish who are realistically at risk.
The results will likely pinpoint a threat to those who are elderly and/or have a compromised immune system.
That denominator will prove that measures currently undertaken are way overblown.
Then we can get things back to normal with an emphasis on guarding those at risk much the same way we currently employ summertime smog alerts advising the elderly and others at risk for air quality issues.
A lot of stuff circulating on the internet right now about the various methods of potential action being taken and considered. Social distancing, shelter in place, total lockdown etc..

This article, which includes some simulators on various methods, makes some sense to me.

"Why outbreaks like coronavirus
spread exponentially, and
how to “flatten the curve”

Make of it what you will. Thought I would post it, as it helped me to compare some of the various solutions based on a model of the spread of this thing, which seems to be a primary concern at the moment.

As I said on the other thread, I really hope "flattening the curve" is worth the economic devastation that is already here, and will continue.

Stuart Varney just said, and I quote directly, "the economy is collapsing"

77 people in my county with Coronavirus. But five people THAT I KNOW who lost their jobs. Already. Within days.

We're idiots. That's it. Just idiots.
A lot of stuff circulating on the internet right now about the various methods of potential action being taken and considered. Social distancing, shelter in place, total lockdown etc..

This article, which includes some simulators on various methods, makes some sense to me.

"Why outbreaks like coronavirus
spread exponentially, and
how to “flatten the curve”

Make of it what you will. Thought I would post it, as it helped me to compare some of the various solutions based on a model of the spread of this thing, which seems to be a primary concern at the moment.
According to your link, "If the number of cases were to continue to double every three days, there would be about a hundred million cases in the United States by May."

Does that imply two to three million Covid-19 deaths in the US by Mother's Day?

would you like to provide those calculations and we can have a look?
would you like to provide those calculations and we can have a look?
Here's the link I was quoting.
Strangely enough, the Washington Post is making its coverage of Coronavirus free.

Yeah I get that it came from there. Do you have a quote or calculations that we can see so we're all looking at the same thing?
A lot of stuff circulating on the internet right now about the various methods of potential action being taken and considered. Social distancing, shelter in place, total lockdown etc..

This article, which includes some simulators on various methods, makes some sense to me.

"Why outbreaks like coronavirus
spread exponentially, and
how to “flatten the curve”

Make of it what you will. Thought I would post it, as it helped me to compare some of the various solutions based on a model of the spread of this thing, which seems to be a primary concern at the moment.

As I said on the other thread, I really hope "flattening the curve" is worth the economic devastation that is already here, and will continue.

Stuart Varney just said, and I quote directly, "the economy is collapsing"

77 people in my county with Coronavirus. But five people THAT I KNOW who lost their jobs. Already. Within days.

We're idiots. That's it. Just idiots.

I hope it's worth it too.
Models ARE NOT facts... They depend on the quality of data and statistical VALIDITY of the numbers you put into them.. It will be several more weeks before an accurate guess at "number of infections" becomes strong enough to model...
Where did you get the idea it will be several more weeks before an accurate guess at number of infections becomes strong enough to model?

Worst-Case Estimates for U.S. Coronavirus Deaths

"One of the agency’s top disease modelers, Matthew Biggerstaff, presented the group on the phone call with four possible scenarios — A, B, C and D — based on characteristics of the virus, including estimates of how transmissible it is and the severity of the illness it can cause.

"The assumptions, reviewed by The New York Times, were shared with about 50 expert teams to model how the virus could tear through the population — and what might stop it.

"The C.D.C.’s scenarios were depicted in terms of percentages of the population.

"Translated into absolute numbers by independent experts using simple models of how viruses spread, the worst-case figures would be staggering if no actions were taken to slow transmission.

"Between 160 million and 214 million people in the United States could be infected over the course of the epidemic, according to a projection that encompasses the range of the four scenarios."

"That could last months or even over a year, with infections concentrated in shorter periods, staggered across time in different communities, experts said.

"As many as 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die."

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