Cops Killed Per Year By President


so you were saying, Donald?
That chart is 100% bullshit.

There were the following cop killings in each year: National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund: Officer Deaths by Year

2009: 125
2010: 161
2011: 171
2012: 131
2013: 109
2014: 122
2015: 123
2016: 63 up 6% -> National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund: Preliminary 2015 Fatality Statistics


Officer safety has generally improved, but this past year under Obama the trend has reversed again as OBama rushes to justify the killing of police officers nationwide on a recurring basis.

I would like to see a link to any statement by Obama that cop killing is justified. I don't believe such a statement exists. AKA you are full of shit.
I dont have to spoon feed retards like you.

Try using google, ass hat.

I did use google, thank you and guess what? You are full of crap. If the ass hat fits...wear it.
Crime and murder is also way down.

Donald is just using the riots and the highway blocking these past few years for political points.

of course.

Shillian, how are things in Chicago? (snicker).......

Snicker? So, you think it's a snickering matter that people have been murdered?
Wow, what a piece of crap you are. Of course this is typical of quite a few Trump-lovers. Statements like yours have been posted by your fellow dumbed-down and hated up Trump tools. That speaks volumes about Trump, his campaign and his ass-kissers.

I was snickering at Shillian, ass-wipe. I don't participate in the farce that is the election process because I know more than go fuck yourself.

so you were saying, Donald?
That chart is 100% bullshit.

There were the following cop killings in each year: National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund: Officer Deaths by Year

2009: 125
2010: 161
2011: 171
2012: 131
2013: 109
2014: 122
2015: 123
2016: 63 up 6% -> National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund: Preliminary 2015 Fatality Statistics


Officer safety has generally improved, but this past year under Obama the trend has reversed again as OBama rushes to justify the killing of police officers nationwide on a recurring basis.

That says DEATHS per year not KILLINGS. Youre throwing in heart attacks, suicides etc.

Because those are Obama's fault too
It means Reagan started the downward trend and Obama's going to reverse it with his support of thugs.

68 so far this year.


Using your source here are the deaths from 1981-1989


Why are you conflating the OP which is referencing murders and you referencing overall Police deaths and pretending they are the same thing while having not a fucking clue what you are talking about?
Simply because the OP used a snap of a printout with no link.

Don't be such a hack. Shootings of cops is up 82%. On the same link, just look for it.

And you didn't bother to look into it? So, you decided the best course of action was to conflate those numbers with something else all together?

For comparison here are Obama's numbers of total police officer deaths (most likely completely out of the President's hands):


2016 YTD:68

Lower than Reagan.

Again, meaningless. Obama supports and encourages those who do the killings. He has the blood of cops on his hands. No other POTUS has done that.

That is hallucinatory and that type of garbage just keeps us from actual resolution of issues.

Stupid bull shit on your part. My statement is straight and exactly to the point. Your meaningless stats are nothing but a deflection from the truth.

so you were saying, Donald?
That chart is 100% bullshit.

There were the following cop killings in each year: National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund: Officer Deaths by Year

2009: 125
2010: 161
2011: 171
2012: 131
2013: 109
2014: 122
2015: 123
2016: 63 up 6% -> National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund: Preliminary 2015 Fatality Statistics


Officer safety has generally improved, but this past year under Obama the trend has reversed again as OBama rushes to justify the killing of police officers nationwide on a recurring basis.

That says DEATHS per year not KILLINGS. Youre throwing in heart attacks, suicides etc.

Because those are Obama's fault too

Does not matter you celebrated each and every death, just like all far left drones so..
As one of the last adults in the room, let me point out black males are BY far a larger threat TO EACH other than racism, racist white cops, or sickle cell anemia. Let's pause a moment and reflect on that. All the Black lives matter people , and all the kings men, won't put Humpty back together again . Blacks are their own worst enemies, rioting and vitriol wont save poor blacks from themselves. Blacks need to realize that and get on with life. Stop the blame game.
As one of the last adults in the room, let me point out black males are BY far a larger threat TO EACH other than racism, racist white cops, or sickle cell anemia. Let's pause a moment and reflect on that. All the Black lives matter people , and all the kings men, won't put Humpty back together again . Blacks are their own worst enemies, rioting and vitriol wont save poor blacks from themselves. Blacks need to realize that and get on with life. Stop the blame game.

And whites are BY FAR a worse danger to each other than blacks or racism. Whites need to realize that and stop pretending is different somehow

so you were saying, Donald?
That chart is 100% bullshit.

There were the following cop killings in each year: National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund: Officer Deaths by Year

2009: 125
2010: 161
2011: 171
2012: 131
2013: 109
2014: 122
2015: 123
2016: 63 up 6% -> National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund: Preliminary 2015 Fatality Statistics


Officer safety has generally improved, but this past year under Obama the trend has reversed again as OBama rushes to justify the killing of police officers nationwide on a recurring basis.

That says DEATHS per year not KILLINGS. Youre throwing in heart attacks, suicides etc.

Because those are Obama's fault too

Does not matter you celebrated each and every death, just like all far left drones so..

Poor delusional loon. How disgusting you freaks are. No wonder dumb Donald is your guy

so you were saying, Donald?
That chart is 100% bullshit.

There were the following cop killings in each year: National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund: Officer Deaths by Year

2009: 125
2010: 161
2011: 171
2012: 131
2013: 109
2014: 122
2015: 123
2016: 63 up 6% -> National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund: Preliminary 2015 Fatality Statistics


Officer safety has generally improved, but this past year under Obama the trend has reversed again as OBama rushes to justify the killing of police officers nationwide on a recurring basis.

That says DEATHS per year not KILLINGS. Youre throwing in heart attacks, suicides etc.

Because those are Obama's fault too

Does not matter you celebrated each and every death, just like all far left drones so..

Poor delusional loon. How disgusting you freaks are. No wonder dumb Donald is your guy

This from the OP who celebrates the deaths of cops and uses it for their debunked religious narratives.

Silly far left drone!
As one of the last adults in the room, let me point out black males are BY far a larger threat TO EACH other than racism, racist white cops, or sickle cell anemia. Let's pause a moment and reflect on that. All the Black lives matter people , and all the kings men, won't put Humpty back together again . Blacks are their own worst enemies, rioting and vitriol wont save poor blacks from themselves. Blacks need to realize that and get on with life. Stop the blame game.

Which has what to do with the fact that police are supposed to protect and not overeact. Pretending that black on black violence justifies police shooting unarmed black men is a deflection.

And I'm wondering how that deflection somehow makes you the adult in the room.
As one of the last adults in the room, let me point out black males are BY far a larger threat TO EACH other than racism, racist white cops, or sickle cell anemia. Let's pause a moment and reflect on that. All the Black lives matter people , and all the kings men, won't put Humpty back together again . Blacks are their own worst enemies, rioting and vitriol wont save poor blacks from themselves. Blacks need to realize that and get on with life. Stop the blame game.

And whites are BY FAR a worse danger to each other than blacks or racism. Whites need to realize that and stop pretending is different somehow
Actually. no. I have no idea what the hell you are referring to. I hear pop pop pop of gunshots, then see yellow police tape stung across the road, the only white people involved are the crime scene investigators, the original contact officers or the clean up crew,. The victim becomes irrelevant, male, black or white. And that is sad.
As one of the last adults in the room, let me point out black males are BY far a larger threat TO EACH other than racism, racist white cops, or sickle cell anemia. Let's pause a moment and reflect on that. All the Black lives matter people , and all the kings men, won't put Humpty back together again . Blacks are their own worst enemies, rioting and vitriol wont save poor blacks from themselves. Blacks need to realize that and get on with life. Stop the blame game.

Which has what to do with the fact that police are supposed to protect and not overeact. Pretending that black on black violence justifies police shooting unarmed black men is a deflection.

And I'm wondering how that deflection somehow makes you the adult in the room.

You stupid kunt the cops are supposed to save your ass....

Not kiss it bitch.
As one of the last adults in the room, let me point out black males are BY far a larger threat TO EACH other than racism, racist white cops, or sickle cell anemia. Let's pause a moment and reflect on that. All the Black lives matter people , and all the kings men, won't put Humpty back together again . Blacks are their own worst enemies, rioting and vitriol wont save poor blacks from themselves. Blacks need to realize that and get on with life. Stop the blame game.

Which has what to do with the fact that police are supposed to protect and not overeact. Pretending that black on black violence justifies police shooting unarmed black men is a deflection.

And I'm wondering how that deflection somehow makes you the adult in the room.

See how the far left deflects with yet another debunked religious narrative?

They distract from the fact that they celebrate the killing of police.

Note: the OP finds the death of cops to be funny, which explains their mentality towards such subjects!
Last edited:
As one of the last adults in the room, let me point out black males are BY far a larger threat TO EACH other than racism, racist white cops, or sickle cell anemia. Let's pause a moment and reflect on that. All the Black lives matter people , and all the kings men, won't put Humpty back together again . Blacks are their own worst enemies, rioting and vitriol wont save poor blacks from themselves. Blacks need to realize that and get on with life. Stop the blame game.

Which has what to do with the fact that police are supposed to protect and not overeact. Pretending that black on black violence justifies police shooting unarmed black men is a deflection.

And I'm wondering how that deflection somehow makes you the adult in the room.

You stupid kunt the cops are supposed to save your ass....

Not kiss it bitch.
Now, that isn't what cops are about. We wouldn't need cops if it weren't for disrespectful idiotic childish twits like know.
Using your source here are the deaths from 1981-1989


Why are you conflating the OP which is referencing murders and you referencing overall Police deaths and pretending they are the same thing while having not a fucking clue what you are talking about?
Simply because the OP used a snap of a printout with no link.

Don't be such a hack. Shootings of cops is up 82%. On the same link, just look for it.

And you didn't bother to look into it? So, you decided the best course of action was to conflate those numbers with something else all together?

For comparison here are Obama's numbers of total police officer deaths (most likely completely out of the President's hands):


2016 YTD:68

Lower than Reagan.

Again, meaningless. Obama supports and encourages those who do the killings. He has the blood of cops on his hands. No other POTUS has done that.

That is hallucinatory and that type of garbage just keeps us from actual resolution of issues.

Stupid bull shit on your part. My statement is straight and exactly to the point. Your meaningless stats are nothing but a deflection from the truth.

Populist no-nothings.
Simply because the OP used a snap of a printout with no link.

Don't be such a hack. Shootings of cops is up 82%. On the same link, just look for it.

And you didn't bother to look into it? So, you decided the best course of action was to conflate those numbers with something else all together?

For comparison here are Obama's numbers of total police officer deaths (most likely completely out of the President's hands):


2016 YTD:68

Lower than Reagan.

Again, meaningless. Obama supports and encourages those who do the killings. He has the blood of cops on his hands. No other POTUS has done that.

That is hallucinatory and that type of garbage just keeps us from actual resolution of issues.

Stupid bull shit on your part. My statement is straight and exactly to the point. Your meaningless stats are nothing but a deflection from the truth.

Populist no-nothings.

Says the irony impaired far left drone that celebrated the death of cops!
As one of the last adults in the room, let me point out black males are BY far a larger threat TO EACH other than racism, racist white cops, or sickle cell anemia. Let's pause a moment and reflect on that. All the Black lives matter people , and all the kings men, won't put Humpty back together again . Blacks are their own worst enemies, rioting and vitriol wont save poor blacks from themselves. Blacks need to realize that and get on with life. Stop the blame game.

Which has what to do with the fact that police are supposed to protect and not overeact. Pretending that black on black violence justifies police shooting unarmed black men is a deflection.

And I'm wondering how that deflection somehow makes you the adult in the room.

You stupid kunt the cops are supposed to save your ass....

Not kiss it bitch.
Now, that isn't what cops are about. We wouldn't need cops if it weren't for disrespectful idiotic childish twits like know.

Like you?

Thanks for proving that you're incapable of responding.

You must be PC's arrogant obnoxious sock
It means Reagan started the downward trend and Obama's going to reverse it with his support of thugs.

68 so far this year.


Using your source here are the deaths from 1981-1989


Why are you conflating the OP which is referencing murders and you referencing overall Police deaths and pretending they are the same thing while having not a fucking clue what you are talking about?
The OP says killed, not murdered.

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