Conviction, You Got It?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
NOT talking jail time I'm talking true conviction? We "The People" have a chance to shock the world. Got a video here that describes the feeling.

Just a hair under 6 minutes {sorry}. We CAN shock the world. We CAN put Trump in the White House. This election is NOT about the party or Debbie Wasserman Shultz. It's about the people and who owns who. Do you work for them or do they work for you.

Pardon my speech but a lot of people need to look in the mirror and ask "Who the f#ck are you". MY generation had a song about that. Who are you? Are you the kind of person that would put a serial rapist wandering around the White House?
Or his co-dependent lying ass wife?


You want to TAKE from the poor American CITIZEN and give to an illegal or a Somali or Syrian refugee? You are pouring 30 to 50 BILLION a year INTO Mexico and it's NOT getting any better. You notice that? It's NOT getting any better. It is failing on a larger and larger scale DAILY.

The top drug dealer in that country hired a CREW to dig his ass out. Your wasting money okay? You are flushing it down the toilet and given the way the democrats take care of plumbing the money is most likely holding the pipe together.

MY generation, I'm 58 and we questioned government but more important ourselves. We looked in that mirror and asked "Who the f#ck are you?"
MY generation even had music that reflected that fact.

Some of you self absorbed pansy ass sons of bit#hes need to start looking. Islam is coming and people are already dying. Be-heading? Was it Oklahoma that already had one? Mass shooting? We got one in S.B. How about a bombing? Oh, Boston.

You democrats keep calling others paranoids but people ARE dying. It's NOT paranoid when people are dying its REAL life. You do realize democrats Ebola did NOT kill anybody in this country UNTIL YOU IMPORTED IT. It's kind of like you are importing islam, another deadly virus.

It takes a special kind of stupid for ANY group that says it EVIL to EXPORT death via war yet they IMPORT it on their fellow countrymen. Here's a little tune while you kick that around from MY generation. The ones THAT vote THAT think and more important ACT. We ARE going to shock the world. And just who the f#ck are you to tell us otherwise?

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Naw, most of the world believes the average american is a complete dumbass. So putting Trump in the White House would just confirm that belief. What would shock the rest of the world would be President Sanders.
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Naw, most of the world believes the average american is a complete dumbass. So putting Trump in the White House would just confirm that belief. What would shock the rest of the world would be President Sanders.
They are up to their ass in Socialists in Europe and that sh#t is getting UNHINGED. We don't need a socialist that sh#t ain't working. We are right back to the crux of the argument. Democrats and liberals are IMPORTING failure. Social and economic failure.

Who the hell needs that? Sanders IS an honest guy I give you that. I would loan him my truck most likely get it back with more gas then when it left.

If I trusted Hillary with the SAME truck? She would sell it at the closest title loan company. That is one lying ass stealing slut alright? Social government IS a failure and I don't bet on sluts.
You are simply going to have to do better then that.

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