Consumerism Dreariness


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a mock dialogue between American movie star Tom Cruise and a fictional idealistic Internet-blogging self-proclaimed 'consumerism vigilante' named Ajay Satan about consumer electronics propaganda.

I wonder what kinds of 'anti-industrialization rabble' will be generated by our capitalism-subjective and consumerism-biased 'TrumpUSA' in comparison to the anti-bureaucracy Reaganomics-critical rhetoric fertilized by the reign of our last celebrity-president.

Let's see how long such 'chatter' will be considered 'patriotic.'

Does anyone else feel like talking about what America would be like right now if Hillary Clinton was elected as U.S President?


CRUISE: I like how Americans have achieved battery-industry successes (i.e., Energizer, Duracell).
AJAY: Consumer electronics (e.g., Samsung, Panasonic, JVC) has created 'market chatter.'
CRUISE: The Orient (Japan, South Korea) controls the machinery, but Americans provide the elves...
AJAY: Batteries do provide the power to run all the toys, but how much do you valuate Apple/Microsoft?
CRUISE: Apple iPads and Windows Mobile have changed pedestrian shopping habits in America.
AJAY: Are you a big fan of mobile technologies?
CRUISE: I like WiFi, iPods, smartphones, and YouTube.
AJAY: The Internet has changed the way we think about playful connectivity.
CRUISE: Yes, well, the wireless technologies have changed the way artists talk about 'telepathy.'
AJAY: You're right, the Internet is like a virtual 'super-brain.'
CRUISE: I think Facebook is like Velcro.
AJAY: Haha, yes, Facebook gives everyone 'intelligentsia sneakers.'
CRUISE: The Internet is a 'passport' for modernism tourism.
AJAY: You can do virtually everything online now...
CRUISE: You can even get married!
AJAY: Haha, I wonder if that impacts our perspective on modern temperance...
CRUISE: Consumerism convenience culture is irrevocably linked to RadioShack!
AJAY: That's why I love the American 'imaginarium evolution' film The Rocketeer.
CRUISE: It seems modernism requires 'toy-store intelligence.'
AJAY: Design is an important aspect of mercantilism.




Here's a mock dialogue between Katie Holmes (Cruise's ex-wife) and Athena (goddess of wisdom from Ancient Greece and Ajay Satan's 'muse') about Starbucks fanfare and its tangible connection to the sarcasm surrounding the chauvinism of capitalism-subjective 'TrumpUSA.'

Maybe gender can accent even improve consumerism dreariness, which may draw out social fanfare for the First Lady wives of our most recent 'token-diplomacy' U.S. Presidents (Barack Obama --- the race card; and Donald Trump --- the business-world spy).


KATIE: I like Starbucks; it's a positive business in the modern world.
JANE: Everyone in your time drinks coffee.
KATIE: The mermaid-siren avatar-logo of Starbucks speaks to gender-flowery.
JANE: She's like the St. Pauli Girl.
KATIE: Maybe you and I are like Jackie-O and Marilyn Monroe...
JANE: You're saying all women are exploited in the media?
KATIE: I'm saying feminism is a joke in the modern world of celebrity.
JANE: Celebrities are the new 'Greek gods,' no?
KATIE: No, movie-stars do not exhibit the kind of temperance that the gods did...
JANE: That's just frailty; Perseus was somewhat guilty of some vanity too (even though he slew Medusa).
KATIE: What should we do, open a diner and become prophetess-waitresses?
JANE: Why not? Isn't that what Alice and 2 Broke Girls are all about?
KATIE: I suppose, but I prefer Working Girl and Baby Boom...
JANE: Would you prefer living in Ancient Greece?
KATIE: No, I like Times Square and Apple Computers...
JANE: Aaahhh, then maybe Silicon Valley truly is the new Parthenon.
KATIE: We'll become 'gender moles.'
JANE: We'll tell people, "Hey, remember the contributions of maidservants and stewardesses!"
KATIE: I'm a big fan of British Airways and British Petroleum.
JANE: Great! We'll form a woman's 'QVC-damsel duo' (for our standing-beaus --- Cruise and Ajay!).



The Bat-Mobile


Katie Holmes decided to make Batgirl after making the film Batman Begins. Batgirl, the self-proclaimed 'pro-media vigilante,' drove a red-hot Ferrari which she named Arklow (after the incredible underdog-winning horse in the American Turf Stakes preliminary race at the 2017 Kentucky Derby whom he bet on and won the necessary money to splurge on a sporty red car). Batgirl and Arklow scoured the streets of LA looking for gang-related criminal activity. Batgirl was armed with a camera, which she used to take photos of illicit drug dealings going on outside nightclubs on Halloween Eve in sophisticated night-life districts in LA. People noticed her and Arklow and remarked how cute she looked taking photos.

Two months later, an anonymous website was circulated on the Internet, which presented photos of drug-dealings going on in the streets outside LA's hot nightclubs. Batgirl of course constructed the website and she wrote message on it, such a "See how our brand of consumerism-immoral 'TrumpUSA' is no better than Reaganomics in terms of cholesterol-rich pedestrian urban traffic?" First Lady Melania Trump was enraged, especially since her husband (President Trump) had just given an important nationally televised public address regarding the importance of management/governance in commerce-heavy American cities such as LA! She wondered if consumerism cynicism was not breeding a 'terrorist army' of monkeys.

Batgirl and M. Trump were now engaged in a terrible battle over the Internet. There was mudslinging from the First Lady's side who was using an identity-masking alias/avatar on World Discussion Forum to talk about the hypocrisy of Batgirl driving a Ferrari. Batgirl retorted by suggesting that the First Lady was a 'token capitalist' just as the U.S. President was a 'token consumerist.' M. Trump started referring to Arklow as 'Christine' (after the omen-colored malice-haunted stand-out eerie vehicle of the same name from the Stephen King consumerism-sarcasm horror novel of the same name). Batgirl realized that she and Arklow were making a real splash in the media, so she started talking about the Ferrari horse-logo as a clear 'modernism symbol' of Arklow's 'primalism dark beauty' (as a defiance to consumerism 'smartphone-banalities' such as Facebook). An animal rights debate regarding the exploitation of animalia-Dianetics (e.g., Planet of the Apes) was about to ensue.



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