Consumer Sentiment Plummets to 63.8!!!


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Oct 10, 2009
In your head
Shocking - Consumer Sentiment Plummets to 63.8!!!

Great Job Obamacrats on Killing the Economy & the US Credit Rating.
Shocking - Consumer Sentiment Plummets to 63.8!!!

Great Job Obamacrats on Killing the Economy & the US Credit Rating.

The credit rating plunge is OWNED by the Republicans, because of the uncertainty caused by their refusal to take the deficit seriously. Projections show we can't just spend less to get out of it. That means either new revenue or debt restructuring, but given the intransigence of the Tea Partiers, that option will be much more expensive now. Thanks a lot, Mr.Cantor.
Obama, Stimulus & Democrats = Epic Fail!

Investors pulled money out of stock funds at the fastest rate in over two years in the month of June. According to data released by Strategic Insight, U.S. stock mutual funds saw net outflow of $17.3 billion in the month of June, the biggest monthly outflow since March 2009.
Shocking - Consumer Sentiment Plummets to 63.8!!!

Great Job Obamacrats on Killing the Economy & the US Credit Rating.

The credit rating plunge is OWNED by the Republicans, because of the uncertainty caused by their refusal to take the deficit seriously. Projections show we can't just spend less to get out of it. That means either new revenue or debt restructuring, but given the intransigence of the Tea Partiers, that option will be much more expensive now. Thanks a lot, Mr.Cantor.

Democrats gained the majority in both houses of congress half way into Bush's 2nd term. Fannie Mae collapsed while democrats were in the majority in congress bringing the banking industry down while the democrat chairman of the House Banking Committee was telling Americans that Fannie was doing well. If it wasn't for the Tea Party puting some backbone into republicans we wouldn't be having a debate about the economy. Democrats would be promoting the global warming extortion scheme and spending our grand kids money and driving the ship of state into an iceburg and blaming it on Bush.
Shocking - Consumer Sentiment Plummets to 63.8!!!

Great Job Obamacrats on Killing the Economy & the US Credit Rating.

The credit rating plunge is OWNED by the Republicans, because of the uncertainty caused by their refusal to take the deficit seriously. Projections show we can't just spend less to get out of it. That means either new revenue or debt restructuring, but given the intransigence of the Tea Partiers, that option will be much more expensive now. Thanks a lot, Mr.Cantor.

The GOP has put forth several plans for dealing with teh budget.
THe Democrats have not made a single proposal. They are "the party of no." The Democrats have failed to pass a budget for 2 years. Obama's proposed budget was defeated in the Senate with no positive votes. Obama and the Democrats have consistently blocked any action on the deficit. The GOP offered a "clean bill" just like Obama and Geithner demanded. It failed because of Democrat votes.
So remind me why this is the GOP's fault? Oh yeah, you're a hack.
Shocking - Consumer Sentiment Plummets to 63.8!!!

Great Job Obamacrats on Killing the Economy & the US Credit Rating.

I rather thought that Congress was not entirely in the control of Obama and the Democrats.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there a recent election that gave the GOP some measure of control (ergo) shared responsibility in Congress for what is now happening?
Shocking - Consumer Sentiment Plummets to 63.8!!!

Great Job Obamacrats on Killing the Economy & the US Credit Rating.

I rather thought that Congress was not entirely in the control of Obama and the Democrats.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there a recent election that gave the GOP some measure of control (ergo) shared responsibility in Congress for what is now happening?

Did they have control over Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, The Consumer protection agency, and the EPA?
No, I think not. The damage was done.
Shocking - Consumer Sentiment Plummets to 63.8!!!

Great Job Obamacrats on Killing the Economy & the US Credit Rating.

I rather thought that Congress was not entirely in the control of Obama and the Democrats.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there a recent election that gave the GOP some measure of control (ergo) shared responsibility in Congress for what is now happening?

Yes they do even having only months controlling congress. But you have to admit,the Dems had some real opportunities,and havn't produced much in the line of positives.

DC is a mess both parties are awash in ineptitude. Obama is after all the guy that should be steering the ship,and he ain;t doing so well at that.

Something about the buck stops here??

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