Consumer Financial Protection Bureau issues could reveal a bombshell


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau got Billions back to the consumers, but how much of that money made it's way into the hands of "consumers" or "the Lawyers", who in turn donated to DNC , political campaigns and suspect foundations, which is why the CFPB is 99.9% Democrat employees and why they seek to hold onto their Obama
appointed director's second in command.

Look at the Money trail, lawyer's nepotism (connections), look at their donations and there you might find-
Why are they clinging to "CONTROL"
a consumer agency?
HaShev wrote: much of that money made it's way into the hands of "consumers" or "the Lawyers", who in turn donated to DNC , political campaigns and suspect foundations...

I'm always skeptical of awards...

... in such 'public's benefit' cases...

... for the suspicions listed above.
And most suits benefit the lawyers and law firms which some of our politicians either worked at or have contacts/connections with. But as we see with the Uranium One deal, any agency can find creative ways of funneling money.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau got Billions back to the consumers, but how much of that money made it's way into the hands of "consumers" or "the Lawyers", who in turn donated to DNC , political campaigns and suspect foundations, which is why the CFPB is 99.9% Democrat employees and why they seek to hold onto their Obama
appointed director's second in command.

Look at the Money trail, lawyer's nepotism (connections), look at their donations and there you might find-
Why are they clinging to "CONTROL"
a consumer agency?

Can you provide the data to back up the fact that the CFPB is 99.9% Dem?

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau got Billions back to the consumers, but how much of that money made it's way into the hands of "consumers" or "the Lawyers", who in turn donated to DNC , political campaigns and suspect foundations, which is why the CFPB is 99.9% Democrat employees and why they seek to hold onto their Obama
appointed director's second in command.

Look at the Money trail, lawyer's nepotism (connections), look at their donations and there you might find-
Why are they clinging to "CONTROL"
a consumer agency?
Are you just making up an anti government narrative or do you have anything of substance to back up your OP?
Consumer protection... what? Can someone explain why there is such a bureau? Where is it mentioned in the constitution?
Consumer protection... what? Can someone explain why there is such a bureau? Where is it mentioned in the constitution?

Dem's created it to extort money from corporations which they then gave to liberal political groups which had nothing to do with the consumer lawsuit, so basically a filthy liberal slush fund that's why they are shitting themselves.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau got Billions back to the consumers, but how much of that money made it's way into the hands of "consumers" or "the Lawyers", who in turn donated to DNC , political campaigns and suspect foundations, which is why the CFPB is 99.9% Democrat employees and why they seek to hold onto their Obama
appointed director's second in command.

Look at the Money trail, lawyer's nepotism (connections), look at their donations and there you might find-
Why are they clinging to "CONTROL"
a consumer agency?
Are you just making up an anti government narrative or do you have anything of substance to back up your OP?
looks more bored and taking whacks at the conspiracy tree.
Trump plans to neuter consumer watchdog

He’s always screwing the common man at the expense of the power elites.

No, other agencies cover their ground and won't use an agenda, if that's the direction they go. You are confusing Mulvaney's personal opinion and assuming it's shared or through the President's wishes.
You watch to much tabloid news.
Did you see Morning Joe have a psychotic moment this morning where he told his co-host to shut up and he did a "losing it" type awkward laugh?
Consumer protection... what? Can someone explain why there is such a bureau? Where is it mentioned in the constitution?

Dem's created it to extort money from corporations which they then gave to liberal political groups which had nothing to do with the consumer lawsuit, so basically a filthy liberal slush fund that's why they are shitting themselves.

They were convinced Hillary would win and their Republican friends in Congress would keep providing cover
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau got Billions back to the consumers, but how much of that money made it's way into the hands of "consumers" or "the Lawyers", who in turn donated to DNC , political campaigns and suspect foundations, which is why the CFPB is 99.9% Democrat employees and why they seek to hold onto their Obama
appointed director's second in command.

Look at the Money trail, lawyer's nepotism (connections), look at their donations and there you might find-
Why are they clinging to "CONTROL"
a consumer agency?

Can you provide the data to back up the fact that the CFPB is 99.9% Dem?

There's only one Republican and over 1000 and something Dems per news cast guest analyst, but forget which one.

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