Conspiracy theories always come from the far right.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
Roger Ailes knew his audience and that the right-wing were fools for conspiracy theories. You think it is by accident that Fox has has hosts, Tucker, Hannity and every other assortment of right-wing loon. That is what the right-wing audience craves.

The reason that conservatives are draw to conspiracies is because they don’t like disorder. They want order. They seek confirmation of their world view. Conspiracy theories give conservatives easy answers to complex questions. I.e. there are mysterious and unseen forces behind every story. That is why you have stupendous idiocy like the Biden earplug and q-anon, and rightists absolutely convinced that they are true.
Conspiracy theories always come from the far right.


In the past, at least, the most persistent conspiracy theories were held by the left, who argued for years that the assassination of the JFK was a right-wing plot to continue the war in Vietnam and peruse other vile goals.
Trump is now trumping conspiracy theories with the facts of science at Walter Reed. His bold experimental antibody therapy meshes with Putin’s daughter taking the new Russian vaccine. Da svidaniya, COVID-19.
Roger Ailes knew his audience and that the right-wing were fools for conspiracy theories. You think it is by accident that Fox has has hosts, Tucker, Hannity and every other assortment of right-wing loon. That is what the right-wing audience craves.

The reason that conservatives are draw to conspiracies is because they don’t like disorder. They want order. They seek confirmation of their world view. Conspiracy theories give conservatives easy answers to complex questions. I.e. there are mysterious and unseen forces behind every story. That is why you have stupendous idiocy like the Biden earplug and q-anon, and rightists absolutely convinced that they are true.

Conservatives also use conspiracy theories as a partisan weapon – spreading fear, mistrust, and chaos and seeking to undermine the political process, all perceived by the right as beneficial to Republican candidates and officeholders.

Anyone notice how conspiracy theories, QAnon, deep state, "Chinese Virus," voter fraud, fake news, among many others, always seem to come from the far right?

The Russia hoax? The greatest political scandal in our time was created by hilary and moron.

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