Conservatives react with fury to Bannon's departure


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I didn't have an interest in this narrative before, or maybe I underestimated it, I think it is far more important than I anticipated which is why Trump delayed this action as long as he did. It appears that he and Kelly-Anne Conway were/are the only ones in the WH who are committed to Trumps vision, especially economically going after CHina and addressing illegal immigration.

Does this mean Trump abandons his campaign promises? I hope not, because waiting in the wings salivating are the Democrats who will push this America First agenda and get back every lost vote from the Rust Belt and then some. They will then be pressured to pursue full blown socialism, giving the poor bread crumbs instead of economic independence.

I imagine many of the current judges who are slated to retire will now try and hang out for as long as possible in hopes of changing the WH rapidly and ensure another conservative judge isn't appointed.

Is it too early to say "well played democrats?" Or is this much ado about nothing?

Conservatives react with fury to Bannon's departure

A number of conservatives expressed fury and dismay on Friday after news broke that President Trump has parted ways with his chief strategist, Stephen Bannon.

Bannon is a hero on the right and credited with harnessing Trumpā€™s message of economic populism during the campaign.

The chief strategist had been involved in a nasty tug-of-war with what his allies view as the ā€œglobalistā€ wing of the White House, represented by Trumpā€™s son-in-law Jared Kushner, National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn and national security adviser H.R. McMaster.

On Friday, conservatives lashed out at what they viewed as Trump selling out his base and surrendering to those "liberal" forces.

ā€œIā€™m very upset,ā€ said Tea Part activist Debbie Dooley. ā€œThe deep state globalists won. They forced out Steve Bannon. I had a ā€˜CNN is fake news protestā€™ scheduled for tomorrow at their headquarters in Atlanta that Iā€™m canceling because Iā€™m so disheartened. Itā€™s a betrayal of his base. Iā€™ll continue to support Trump and his policies but Iā€™ll no longer be on the front lines defending him.ā€

There are rumors that Bannon could be headed back to Breitbart News, where as chairman he is credited with turning the outlet into a right-wing juggernaut.

Breitbart has been explicitly pro-Trump since the GOP presidential primaries and has vigorously defended the president through his tumultuous first months in office.

Regional editors at the internet publication made clear that their loyalties lie with Bannon over Trump.

There are some fears among Trump allies that Bannon could wreak havoc on the administration from outside of the White House.

For months, Breitbart has been running attacks against Kushner, Cohn and McMaster in an effort to boost Bannon's standing in the West Wing. The sense of urgency to protect Bannon grew after McMaster ousted several of Bannonā€™s allies from the national security council.

Now, with Bannon gone, his allies are cutting loose.

ā€œSteveā€™s allies in the populist nationalist movement are ready to ride to the gates of hell with him against the West Wing Democrats and globalists like [national security aide] Dina Powell, Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, Gary Cohn and H.R. McMaster,ā€ said one Bannon ally.

ā€œThey should all be very worried that their efforts to undermine the president will be exposed. If they think whatā€™s happened with Steve is rough, wait until they see what he does outside the White House," the ally said.

Last week, Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, spoke to Trump, urging him not to fire Bannon, GOP sources said.

A senior White House official told The Hill that the president had been inundated in recent days from ā€œhigh-level Republican donors and activistsā€ pleading with the president to keep Bannon on.

With both Bannon and former chief of staff Reince Priebus out, "a lot of GOP lawmakers are confused and nervous about who they are supposed to talk to in the administration," said one GOP source. "They both did the bulk of Hill outreach."
He may be a hero of the right, but he fucked up and lost his job. I'd have roundfiled his resignation and then flat-out fired him over that last interview.
ā€œBannon is a hero on the right and credited with harnessing Trumpā€™s message of economic populism during the campaign.ā€

What Bannon did was to propagate the ridiculous lie that is ā€˜economic populism.ā€™

Bannon sold a bill of goods to white conservatives to assuage their unwarranted fear of change, and duped them into believing that Trump could bring back jobs and revive industries that are in fact gone and never coming back.

Instead of pursuing a policy of education and training for those adversely effected by the advent of global markets and the international marketplace, Bannon instead preyed on the reactionary fears of white conservatives hostile to change, diversity, and inclusion.

Bannonā€™s campaign of fear, hate, and bigotry wonā€™t be bringing back jobs, and Trump voters wonā€™t be any better off as a consequence.
I'm glad he left the White House. He is now free to tell it like it is and publicize who the weak kneed and whimpy RINOs are and see to their downfall.
Well conservatives can sometimes be accused of hyperbole as well as democrats. What most Americans want is action. Accomplishment. Trump knows this with his business background and he wants to get something done. What is good about trump is that he is going to keep shuffling his people until he finds the best team. Getting some big legislative wins is mandatory, so getting people that can help make this happen is also mandatory. This,is a transition, not a retreat. But I expect trump to go postal on the congress when they get back, and the voters will be 100% behind him.
Bannon is going to do things he could not do within the administration. As a private citizen he has a lot more leeway.

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