Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death?

Trump knows nothing about insurance, he thought his workers were on the ACA. He is so clueless , I mean this POS has never cared about anyone or anything but himself.
He may not be the traditional idea of a president but he runs businesses that have brought in millions of dollars. Businesses create jobs so if before he ran for president we had not heard of any problems in the enterprise that the President formerly ran how can people say that he is clueless or selfish? His policies may not reflect the Democratic agenda but that does not make him evil.

You need to read his history. I'm a bit older than you, well a lot. Its good you are interested in politics at your age, I wasn't at that age.
Maybe I should read up more, but anybody who runs a worldwide business enterprise even close to the level that the president and his family runs is no idiot. If you attend the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania you clearly are capable. Not to mention, as an elected official such as the president you have the power to surround yourself with experts in all fields who keep you in check to make decisions that benefit the whole country.
Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death? What I am saying do you accept that a few tens of thousands will die yearly being worth not having healthcare for all.

Is this moral?
How is it any different than now when tens of thousands don't have health care? WTF are you blabbering about?
Conservatives fear the first amendment. You know , everyone being equal.
Penelope fears the 2nd amendment because when people are FREE to defend themselves, people like her, cant steal from those who are armed.

First of all I do not steal, and second of all, a person with a gun has the power of death in his trigger finger and many of you are unstable but we do not know it till they shoot someone.
the have the power of life too.

funny you just see it one way.
Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death? What I am saying do you accept that a few tens of thousands will die yearly being worth not having healthcare for all.

Is this moral?


Do you remember that meeting of the Springfield conservatives on The Simpsons? That's exactly how it goes!

you're being snide about it, but how else does one explain the relish with which the GOP wants to divest tens of millions of people of the ability to obtain medical care?
Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death? What I am saying do you accept that a few tens of thousands will die yearly being worth not having healthcare for all.

Is this moral?


Do you remember that meeting of the Springfield conservatives on The Simpsons? That's exactly how it goes!

you're being snide about it, but how else does one explain the relish with which the GOP wants to divest tens of millions of people of the ability to obtain medical care?
10 of millions of people, who never wanted to by medical care, were FORCED to buy medical care, with the Unaffordable Healthcare "Mandate". I thought liberals were all for CHOICE, until it is their programs that they want to have enforced. Dumbass people vote Dumbocrat.
Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death? What I am saying do you accept that a few tens of thousands will die yearly being worth not having healthcare for all.

Is this moral?


Do you remember that meeting of the Springfield conservatives on The Simpsons? That's exactly how it goes!

you're being snide about it, but how else does one explain the relish with which the GOP wants to divest tens of millions of people of the ability to obtain medical care?
10 of millions of people, who never wanted to by medical care, were FORCED to buy medical care, with the Unaffordable Healthcare "Mandate". I thought liberals were all for CHOICE, until it is their programs that they want to have enforced. Dumbass people vote Dumbocrat.
And if you didn't buy it purple peter lips taxed you.
Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death? What I am saying do you accept that a few tens of thousands will die yearly being worth not having healthcare for all.

Is this moral?


Do you remember that meeting of the Springfield conservatives on The Simpsons? That's exactly how it goes!

you're being snide about it, but how else does one explain the relish with which the GOP wants to divest tens of millions of people of the ability to obtain medical care?
10 of millions of people, who never wanted to by medical care, were FORCED to buy medical care, with the Unaffordable Healthcare "Mandate". I thought liberals were all for CHOICE, until it is their programs that they want to have enforced. Dumbass people vote Dumbocrat.
They thought by putting this mandate in place they were going to be some kind of savior to the lesser people (what they build their party demographic out of) but in reality they helped some and pissed a lot more off than they wanted to.
Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death? What I am saying do you accept that a few tens of thousands will die yearly being worth not having healthcare for all.

Is this moral?

Look at them as opportunities for you, a bleeding heart, to prove you care as much as you claim. I provide coverage for the only ones to which I am responsible for doing so. MY family. Since I'm not responsible for anyone but them, I can't be held accountable is you're unwilling to do what you say should be done.
Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death? What I am saying do you accept that a few tens of thousands will die yearly being worth not having healthcare for all.

Is this moral?
Most likely the goal of conservatives in politics i to get reelected. Anything beside this is of no importance to them.

Are you saying that isn't the goal of Liberals? I guess you want us to believe they give a shit about the people for which they claim to care.
I thought liberals were all for CHOICE…

Only if you define “choice”—as LIbErals do—to mean killing babies in cold blood.

Ask them about school choice, the choice to not have to fund freeloaders unwilling to do for themselves, or the choice to be able to invest your money as you see fit instead of being required to be part of the SS Ponzi scheme. Choice goes out the window with them on that.
Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death? What I am saying do you accept that a few tens of thousands will die yearly being worth not having healthcare for all.

Is this moral?
My goal is for all those demanding the government provide them all sorts of things they're unwilling to provide themselves to start being personally responsible for themselves. Whatever it takes to get there.
Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death? What I am saying do you accept that a few tens of thousands will die yearly being worth not having healthcare for all.

Is this moral?


Do you remember that meeting of the Springfield conservatives on The Simpsons? That's exactly how it goes!

you're being snide about it, but how else does one explain the relish with which the GOP wants to divest tens of millions of people of the ability to obtain medical care?
10 of millions of people, who never wanted to by medical care, were FORCED to buy medical care, with the Unaffordable Healthcare "Mandate". I thought liberals were all for CHOICE, until it is their programs that they want to have enforced. Dumbass people vote Dumbocrat.
They thought by putting this mandate in place they were going to be some kind of savior to the lesser people (what they build their party demographic out of) but in reality they helped some and pissed a lot more off than they wanted to.

I guess you're clueless about the fact that the mandate was a conservative plan created by the heritage foundation.
Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death? What I am saying do you accept that a few tens of thousands will die yearly being worth not having healthcare for all.

Is this moral?


Do you remember that meeting of the Springfield conservatives on The Simpsons? That's exactly how it goes!

you're being snide about it, but how else does one explain the relish with which the GOP wants to divest tens of millions of people of the ability to obtain medical care?
10 of millions of people, who never wanted to by medical care, were FORCED to buy medical care, with the Unaffordable Healthcare "Mandate". I thought liberals were all for CHOICE, until it is their programs that they want to have enforced. Dumbass people vote Dumbocrat.
They thought by putting this mandate in place they were going to be some kind of savior to the lesser people (what they build their party demographic out of) but in reality they helped some and pissed a lot more off than they wanted to.

I guess you're clueless about the fact that the mandate was a conservative plan created by the heritage foundation.

Conservationism has become savagism since that time. Living standards and making sure we're a first world country isn't part of the platform.

Do you remember that meeting of the Springfield conservatives on The Simpsons? That's exactly how it goes!

you're being snide about it, but how else does one explain the relish with which the GOP wants to divest tens of millions of people of the ability to obtain medical care?
10 of millions of people, who never wanted to by medical care, were FORCED to buy medical care, with the Unaffordable Healthcare "Mandate". I thought liberals were all for CHOICE, until it is their programs that they want to have enforced. Dumbass people vote Dumbocrat.
They thought by putting this mandate in place they were going to be some kind of savior to the lesser people (what they build their party demographic out of) but in reality they helped some and pissed a lot more off than they wanted to.

I guess you're clueless about the fact that the mandate was a conservative plan created by the heritage foundation.

Conservationism has become savagism since that time. Living standards and making sure we're a first world country isn't part of the platform.

they are bitter and angry... which is their right.

it's the delusion that is troubling.
Conservatives: Is your goal to cause suffering and death? What I am saying do you accept that a few tens of thousands will die yearly being worth not having healthcare for all.

Is this moral?
My goal is for all those demanding the government provide them all sorts of things they're unwilling to provide themselves to start being personally responsible for themselves. Whatever it takes to get there.
Moonbattery: Psychiatrist Confirms: Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder
Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded. Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.
The roots of liberalism — and its associated madness — can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind. When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious.
With liberalism, there are no adults in the room, and which is why when their children, who gets past the abortion doctors knife, end up fucked in the head also, which perpetuates the mess and reliance on the government to take care of them. Those children that grow up and realize that their life of liberalism has been a lie, turn away from their parents, and become conservative, and with that, find a happiness, through family and self reliance. It pisses the fuck out of their liberal parents, who disown their children, because liberals hate everyone.

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