Conservatives, clean out your house


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Conservatism has become a joke. The term has been hijacked. In this forum there are perhaps a few real, legitimate conservatives. The rest are right wing or alt right racists. Conservatism is not about using the force of government to deny rights. Nor is conservatism about using the force of government to deny, expression, peaceful protest, religious liberty, free speech, freedom of the press, equal protection of all Americans, voter suppression or almost everything most conservatives here endorse.

Maybe it's time for conservatives to return to an emphasis on controlling excess government spending. Perhaps it's time to purge the conservative population of CINOS who want ethnic cleansing and a whites only nation.
Conservatism has become a joke. The term has been hijacked. In this forum there are perhaps a few real, legitimate conservatives. The rest are right wing or alt right racists. Conservatism is not about using the force of government to deny rights. Nor is conservatism about using the force of government to deny, expression, peaceful protest, religious liberty, free speech, freedom of the press, equal protection of all Americans, voter suppression or almost everything most conservatives here endorse.

Maybe it's time for conservatives to return to an emphasis on controlling excess government spending. Perhaps it's time to purge the conservative population of CINOS who want ethnic cleansing and a whites only nation.
You don’t like diversity do you... lol
Part of the problem is reactionaries are calling themselves conservative.
Everything is THEIR fault.

THOSE guys, over THERE.

MY side is beautiful and pristine, and needs no improvement.

I didn't say that but these right wing extremists are the problem no matter what you think.
Conservatism has become a joke. The term has been hijacked. In this forum there are perhaps a few real, legitimate conservatives. The rest are right wing or alt right racists. Conservatism is not about using the force of government to deny rights. Nor is conservatism about using the force of government to deny, expression, peaceful protest, religious liberty, free speech, freedom of the press, equal protection of all Americans, voter suppression or almost everything most conservatives here endorse.

Maybe it's time for conservatives to return to an emphasis on controlling excess government spending. Perhaps it's time to purge the conservative population of CINOS who want ethnic cleansing and a whites only nation.

Well I will agree with you about this: there are a lot of white supremacist racists on this forum, a surprising amount. If you just go by this forum you would think that all conservatives are hiding racist tendencies. But then, if I went by this site I might think a lot of black people really hate and resent whites too, and I know that's not true.

It's the Internet.

So that's for starters.

As for enders: I don't think it's conservatism that has so worry about becoming "a joke". We currently have the presidency, the Senate, and the Supreme Court. Democrats have the House but by a tenuous thread--there's a vicious fight as you must know. Not only that, but you have a weak group of contenders for president here in 2020. So I really don't think conservatism is the "joke" here.
Conservatism has become a joke. The term has been hijacked. In this forum there are perhaps a few real, legitimate conservatives. The rest are right wing or alt right racists. Conservatism is not about using the force of government to deny rights. Nor is conservatism about using the force of government to deny, expression, peaceful protest, religious liberty, free speech, freedom of the press, equal protection of all Americans, voter suppression or almost everything most conservatives here endorse.

Maybe it's time for conservatives to return to an emphasis on controlling excess government spending. Perhaps it's time to purge the conservative population of CINOS who want ethnic cleansing and a whites only nation.
Project much? Democrats took innocent concervative elected men, tried to build a criminal House of Cards around numerous prominent Republicans, not a blemish in sight, and turned your own Congress into a minefield of calumny. You tapped a helpless old man, who happened to be the richest man in the world, to fund the largest criminal hoax in American history against the BEST men in the world, and here you are again, slinging feces at the best President in America's fiscal history because your politicians are so vacuous and corrupt all that they have left is you to continue on, paid well and steeped in your atheists' religion of casting spells on people you cannot beat down with the old one-two anymore.

Go fling your damn feces someplace else. Your ugly, nasty, lying Clintonistas have been examined and found to be dealing from the bottom of the deck, perverting tax money into pocket-liners to augment your Soros gleanings.

What sick, pathetic, nasty rotton people would go after more innocent men who've done nothing except try to fight you with volunteer armies of conservatives barely able to pay their bills after you send your minions out to kicks us in our homes, through high taxes on property, expropriation of our resources, destruction of people with your army of not-a-soul-among-them lawyering who bring up the same hoaxes six deep now, monitoring bank accounts to make certain they're empty and no longer able to pay fees without selling the American dream it took them a lifetime of honest hard work to earn.

What a bunch of god damn Communists you are, forcing people who defended this nation to go broke after living a sterling life of hard work and devotion to God and country. You make me sick, IM2. You're going on ignore.
I think the left wing has more problems than the right wing. The people you gotta watch for is the Antifa’s. The open borders crowd. Both of these faction are against the rule of law. You have democrats leaders right now shielding illegals who have court orders to be deported. The left wings are lawless and rife with violence. So may I suggest you worry less about conservatives and clean up your own mess.
Not possible, the "deplorables" own the republican party now. They have it pretty good too. Run-of-the-mill voters fear their wrath nearly as much as they fear the various boogymen used to keep them obedient. It must really suck to be so afraid.
"I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism- Ronald Reagan

It's what I firmly believe. I will take it a step further than the Gipper and say, the soul of America is libertarianism.
"I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism- Ronald Reagan

It's what I firmly believe. I will take it a step further than the Gipper and say, the soul of America is libertarianism.

I am probably halfway between libertarian and conservative if there is such a thing. In truth I cannot go "full libertarian" because I do believe the Free Markets, for example, do need a LIGHT (keyword: light) hand in gov't oversight. But I completely understand the philosophy behind this post.
Conservatism has become a joke. The term has been hijacked. In this forum there are perhaps a few real, legitimate conservatives. The rest are right wing or alt right racists. Conservatism is not about using the force of government to deny rights. Nor is conservatism about using the force of government to deny, expression, peaceful protest, religious liberty, free speech, freedom of the press, equal protection of all Americans, voter suppression or almost everything most conservatives here endorse.

Maybe it's time for conservatives to return to an emphasis on controlling excess government spending. Perhaps it's time to purge the conservative population of CINOS who want ethnic cleansing and a whites only nation.

They should of done that before the tax cuts for the elites. Now they are working on cutting all social programs.
Maybe it's time for conservatives to return to an emphasis on controlling excess government spending. Perhaps it's time to purge the conservative population of CINOS who want ethnic cleansing and a whites only nation.

It's probably just a matter of careless wording, but... what the heck were you thinking while targeting "ethnic cleansing" to call for a "purge"?
Not possible, the "deplorables" own the republican party now. They have it pretty good too. Run-of-the-mill voters fear their wrath nearly as much as they fear the various boogymen used to keep them obedient. It must really suck to be so afraid.
Deplorables is just another fear based boogyman term.
It did so well last time, you should triple down on it.

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