Conservatives and Liberals| Are they alike?


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

As an Independent, it's been interesting to observe the similarities and differences between Conservatives and Liberals these past few years, this is not a complete list, but here is what I've found:

The similarities:

-Both spend the majority of their time and energy trash talking the "other side" while turning a blind eye to their own misdeeds.

-Both tend to be hypocritical

-Both talk a lot about reducing the national debt and fixing our infrastructure at election time, but neither side does a damn thing about it once the election is over.

- Both lie a lot

The differences:

Conservatives - Use more dirty language (how that squares with their Evangelical faith, I have no idea) Use more personal attacks, Write like little children i.e. Dims, cuz, butthurt etc. Keep their many gay and lesbian sexual habits in the closet.

Liberals - Complain about racism and sexism a lot. Have no plan regarding foreign policy, Think all white males are "the enemy" Won't vote for their party's candidate unless their candidates thinking aligns at least 95% with their own.

Regarding Donald Trump: The sum of missteps and misdeeds are too many to list here, however Trump has 2 redeeming qualities: Unlike many past GOP presidents, he has not started any new wars, nor has he expanded the one's we're in now.

What a long, strange trip it's been -

As an Independent, it's been interesting to observe the similarities and differences between Conservatives and Liberals these past few years, this is not a complete list, but here is what I've found:

The similarities:

-Both spend the majority of their time and energy trash talking the "other side" while turning a blind eye to their own misdeeds.

-Both tend to be hypocritical

-Both talk a lot about reducing the national debt and fixing our infrastructure at election time, but neither side does a damn thing about it once the election is over.

You raise some valid points and questions. However the liberals use of language regarding Trump (1 female House member saying Impeach the mother f@@@) has gone past in many ways what the right said about Obama and others.

- Both lie a lot

The differences:

Conservatives - Use more dirty language (how that squares with their Evangelical faith, I have no idea) Use more personal attacks, Write like little children i.e. Dims, cuz, butthurt etc. Keep their many gay and lesbian sexual habits in the closet.

Liberals - Complain about racism and sexism a lot. Have no plan regarding foreign policy, Think all white males are "the enemy" Won't vote for their party's candidate unless their candidates thinking aligns at least 95% with their own.

Regarding Donald Trump: The sum of missteps and misdeeds are too many to list here, however Trump has 2 redeeming qualities: Unlike many past GOP presidents, he has not started any new wars, nor has he expanded the one's we're in now.

What a long, strange trip it's been -
All “independents” do is complain and speak about how they are better than both sides, while not recognizing their own flaws.
Most independents are just terribly embarrassed conservatives who hate having to ever play defense.
Most independents are just terribly embarrassed conservatives who hate having to ever play defense.
And right wingers say that most independents are actually embarrassed left wingers.

You folks are peas in a pod.
And you seem to simply enjoy lecturing everyone from your non-committal high-horse where you never have to defend anything.
Most independents are just terribly embarrassed conservatives who hate having to ever play defense.
And right wingers say that most independents are actually embarrassed left wingers.

You folks are peas in a pod.
And you seem to simply enjoy lecturing everyone from your non-committal high-horse where you never have to defend anything.
My specific stands on the positions are listed in the link at the end of the second line of my sig.

I happily take incoming from both ends of the spectrum every single day here.

Meanwhile, you hide in your ideological Safe Space and fling poo.

Wanna try again?

As an Independent, it's been interesting to observe the similarities and differences between Conservatives and Liberals these past few years, this is not a complete list, but here is what I've found:

The similarities:

-Both spend the majority of their time and energy trash talking the "other side" while turning a blind eye to their own misdeeds.

-Both tend to be hypocritical

-Both talk a lot about reducing the national debt and fixing our infrastructure at election time, but neither side does a damn thing about it once the election is over.

- Both lie a lot

The differences:

Conservatives - Use more dirty language (how that squares with their Evangelical faith, I have no idea) Use more personal attacks, Write like little children i.e. Dims, cuz, butthurt etc. Keep their many gay and lesbian sexual habits in the closet.

Liberals - Complain about racism and sexism a lot. Have no plan regarding foreign policy, Think all white males are "the enemy" Won't vote for their party's candidate unless their candidates thinking aligns at least 95% with their own.

Regarding Donald Trump: The sum of missteps and misdeeds are too many to list here, however Trump has 2 redeeming qualities: Unlike many past GOP presidents, he has not started any new wars, nor has he expanded the one's we're in now.

What a long, strange trip it's been -
I agree 100% with you except I would say the more extreme to the right or left, the more the similarities. I personally find the extreme right more distasteful but the similarities are astounding.
All “independents” do is complain and speak about how they are better than both sides, while not recognizing their own flaws.
Independents think for themselves and expose wingers for what they are.

Anyone can be cynical. Try a new shtick. These independents like to pretend they’re babysitters when all they do is point to hypocrisy on both sides, meanwhile they either have no principles or don’t fight for their principles. I’m on the right, the fact that there are hypocrites on the right doesn’t make me a hypocrite. It just means I have principles. The fact that you’re an independent doesn’t make you any more or less virtuous than a conservative or liberal.
Most independents are just terribly embarrassed conservatives who hate having to ever play defense.
And right wingers say that most independents are actually embarrassed left wingers.

You folks are peas in a pod.
And you seem to simply enjoy lecturing everyone from your non-committal high-horse where you never have to defend anything.
Mac must've hit it pretty close to the mark, to get him all riled up like that! :laughing0301:
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I don't buy the claim from people who follow politics that they're ''independent''. If you look closely, you'll likely find that they lean heavily to one direction. To me, true ''independents'' are people who aren't much interested in politics. They don't follow it nor do they understand much about it. They'll vote either way every 2-4 years. They are the ones that determine who is president.
Good thing that Mac, the extreme centrist, never deflects.
Perfect. First a left winger, now a right winger. I love it.

From the second line of my sig: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.

Wanna try again?

You have repeatedly defended the nonsense that is the horse-shoe theory. You are an extreme centrist, no lie. How do you feel now that "extreme" is attached to your name?

Further, deflection is your super power. You are at least as good at it as I am with insults. Goes well with extreme centrism.
All “independents” do is complain and speak about how they are better than both sides, while not recognizing their own flaws.
Independents think for themselves and expose wingers for what they are.

Anyone can be cynical. Try a new shtick. These independents like to pretend they’re babysitters when all they do is point to hypocrisy on both sides, meanwhile they either have no principles or don’t fight for their principles. I’m on the right, the fact that there are hypocrites on the right doesn’t make me a hypocrite. It just means I have principles. The fact that you’re an independent doesn’t make you any more or less virtuous than a conservative or liberal.
So-called "independents" have the one thing in common with the remocrats and depublicans that makes them equally repulsive; they're statist bootlickers too.

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