Conservative Radio Host Attacks The Mother Of Man Killed By Police Officer


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Conservative Attacks Botham Jean’s Mother And Says ‘God Chose Amber Guyger’ To Kill Him

So in my home city of Dallas -- a conservative talk show host, Chris Krok (Rush Limbaugh wannabe) attacked the mother of Botham Jean because why not -- he also went on to say that God used Amber Guyger (the police officer who killed Botham Jean) to shoot and kill him; like it was something to praise.

To refresh people here about this case; Amber Guyger claimed on Sept. 6, that she mistook Botham Jean's apartment for her own and, after ordering Jean not to move, shot him twice before realizing the error of her ways. Obviously this story was met with doubt because of a number of factors, especially her assertion that Jean’s door was ajar -- even tho all of the doors in the luxury apartment building close automatically.

In addition to the inconsistencies in her alibis, which have changed several times, Dallas police, of which Guyger was a member for five years before being fired, appeared to be helping to cover up the shooting for their colleague. The department was accused of allowing Guyger enough time to scrub her social media accounts and get her story straight before turning herself in three days after killing Jean. It also gave Guyger enough time to move out of her apartment, which was never searched by police despite five warrants allowing them to do so.

Next after the death of Botham, there was a campaign to try to demonize Mr. Jean, by trying to imply him having weed in his home is what justified him being murdered. You would think in a case where an unarmed man, in his own fucking home, you would think in that case, he wouldn't be made to be the criminal, but according to some, he was. They tried to make every excuse in the book for Guyger, how many hours did she work? Where did she park? Did she fear for her life? -- funny how no one asked how many hours did Botham work that week, did Botham fear for his life -- especially since he is the MAIN ONE in this scenario who had reason to be in fear of his life.

But to attack his mother is beyond pathetic -- but par for the course for a racist such as Chris Krok who is no stranger to saying stupid shit like this to get attention. His complaint is that Botham's mother may receive a settlement from the city for the murder of her son -- so? This makes you angry because why?

From the article: “She is filled with bitterness and hatred and she is going to cause a riot in Dallas. Botham Jean’s mother is consumed with hate.” He also called her a liar and alleges “she wants to make money off of this for some reason.” He also added, “God took Botham away for some reason. God chose to use Amber Guyger to do that.”

She is filled with hatred because her son was murdered in his own home and she as a mother wants accountability? Do you think this bitch ass poor excuse for a human being would be saying this about the mothers of those killed in the Benghazi attacks, would he be saying this to the mothers of those killed during the Sandy Hook shootings, No! -- but when it comes to the mother of an innocent black man, for that mother to feel anything, means its open season to attack her...I say fuck Chris Krok and anyone who tries to justify this bullshit.
I'm not from Texas and i don't listen to talk radio so I've never heard of the guy.

Looked him up on facebook, seems like a grade-a retard.
Well too bad progressives get hysterical when somebody tells it like it is.

Black adults need to wear t-shirts in these communities that say, HANDS UP OR YOU'LL GET YOUR HAT KNOCKED OFF!!

No worse than what Hollywood and the democrat party says about the President of the United States every day. When a talk show host holds up a facsimle of a severed head we might get upset.
No worse than what Hollywood and the democrat party says about the President of the United States every day. When a talk show host holds up a facsimile of a severed head we might get upset.
Might get upset? That says volumes about the character or lack there of of the Trumpistas.
Conservative Attacks Botham Jean’s Mother And Says ‘God Chose Amber Guyger’ To Kill Him

So in my home city of Dallas -- a conservative talk show host, Chris Krok (Rush Limbaugh wannabe) attacked the mother of Botham Jean because why not -- he also went on to say that God used Amber Guyger (the police officer who killed Botham Jean) to shoot and kill him; like it was something to praise.

To refresh people here about this case; Amber Guyger claimed on Sept. 6, that she mistook Botham Jean's apartment for her own and, after ordering Jean not to move, shot him twice before realizing the error of her ways. Obviously this story was met with doubt because of a number of factors, especially her assertion that Jean’s door was ajar -- even tho all of the doors in the luxury apartment building close automatically.

In addition to the inconsistencies in her alibis, which have changed several times, Dallas police, of which Guyger was a member for five years before being fired, appeared to be helping to cover up the shooting for their colleague. The department was accused of allowing Guyger enough time to scrub her social media accounts and get her story straight before turning herself in three days after killing Jean. It also gave Guyger enough time to move out of her apartment, which was never searched by police despite five warrants allowing them to do so.

Next after the death of Botham, there was a campaign to try to demonize Mr. Jean, by trying to imply him having weed in his home is what justified him being murdered. You would think in a case where an unarmed man, in his own fucking home, you would think in that case, he wouldn't be made to be the criminal, but according to some, he was. They tried to make every excuse in the book for Guyger, how many hours did she work? Where did she park? Did she fear for her life? -- funny how no one asked how many hours did Botham work that week, did Botham fear for his life -- especially since he is the MAIN ONE in this scenario who had reason to be in fear of his life.

But to attack his mother is beyond pathetic -- but par for the course for a racist such as Chris Krok who is no stranger to saying stupid shit like this to get attention. His complaint is that Botham's mother may receive a settlement from the city for the murder of her son -- so? This makes you angry because why?

From the article: “She is filled with bitterness and hatred and she is going to cause a riot in Dallas. Botham Jean’s mother is consumed with hate.” He also called her a liar and alleges “she wants to make money off of this for some reason.” He also added, “God took Botham away for some reason. God chose to use Amber Guyger to do that.”

She is filled with hatred because her son was murdered in his own home and she as a mother wants accountability? Do you think this bitch ass poor excuse for a human being would be saying this about the mothers of those killed in the Benghazi attacks, would he be saying this to the mothers of those killed during the Sandy Hook shootings, No! -- but when it comes to the mother of an innocent black man, for that mother to feel anything, means its open season to attack her...I say fuck Chris Krok and anyone who tries to justify this bullshit.
How many deaths in Chicago have happened because of black on black crime, yet you are more worried about a "FEMALE" police officer who shot a black man. Doesnt it bother you more deaths are happening because of black on black, than police? OR it just doesnt fit the liberal narrative that this does?
Conservative Attacks Botham Jean’s Mother And Says ‘God Chose Amber Guyger’ To Kill Him

So in my home city of Dallas -- a conservative talk show host, Chris Krok (Rush Limbaugh wannabe) attacked the mother of Botham Jean because why not -- he also went on to say that God used Amber Guyger (the police officer who killed Botham Jean) to shoot and kill him; like it was something to praise.

To refresh people here about this case; Amber Guyger claimed on Sept. 6, that she mistook Botham Jean's apartment for her own and, after ordering Jean not to move, shot him twice before realizing the error of her ways. Obviously this story was met with doubt because of a number of factors, especially her assertion that Jean’s door was ajar -- even tho all of the doors in the luxury apartment building close automatically.

In addition to the inconsistencies in her alibis, which have changed several times, Dallas police, of which Guyger was a member for five years before being fired, appeared to be helping to cover up the shooting for their colleague. The department was accused of allowing Guyger enough time to scrub her social media accounts and get her story straight before turning herself in three days after killing Jean. It also gave Guyger enough time to move out of her apartment, which was never searched by police despite five warrants allowing them to do so.

Next after the death of Botham, there was a campaign to try to demonize Mr. Jean, by trying to imply him having weed in his home is what justified him being murdered. You would think in a case where an unarmed man, in his own fucking home, you would think in that case, he wouldn't be made to be the criminal, but according to some, he was. They tried to make every excuse in the book for Guyger, how many hours did she work? Where did she park? Did she fear for her life? -- funny how no one asked how many hours did Botham work that week, did Botham fear for his life -- especially since he is the MAIN ONE in this scenario who had reason to be in fear of his life.

But to attack his mother is beyond pathetic -- but par for the course for a racist such as Chris Krok who is no stranger to saying stupid shit like this to get attention. His complaint is that Botham's mother may receive a settlement from the city for the murder of her son -- so? This makes you angry because why?

From the article: “She is filled with bitterness and hatred and she is going to cause a riot in Dallas. Botham Jean’s mother is consumed with hate.” He also called her a liar and alleges “she wants to make money off of this for some reason.” He also added, “God took Botham away for some reason. God chose to use Amber Guyger to do that.”

She is filled with hatred because her son was murdered in his own home and she as a mother wants accountability? Do you think this bitch ass poor excuse for a human being would be saying this about the mothers of those killed in the Benghazi attacks, would he be saying this to the mothers of those killed during the Sandy Hook shootings, No! -- but when it comes to the mother of an innocent black man, for that mother to feel anything, means its open season to attack her...I say fuck Chris Krok and anyone who tries to justify this bullshit.

It wasn't "murder", it was manslaughter at the very worst.

But I think we need to give this Amber chick the benefit of the doubt and the presumption of innocence that all people in America deserve.

Mr. Botham was a big black dude- who is alleged to have been loaded on drugs- and Miss Amber was a petite young lady. Botham was acting like he owned the place, I can see where she was frightened.

I don't know what 12 Angry Men in Dallas will say when this goes to a jury, but it seems like she really didn't want to kill him but she felt intimidated and scared that something bad was going to happen. I would have to give her a pass on this, she's just a girl.
No worse than what Hollywood and the democrat party says about the President of the United States every day. When a talk show host holds up a facsimle of a severed head we might get upset.
Is Botham Jean or his mother running for office?

How much of a pathetic sycophant do you have to be to say "but but but, they said mean things about my daddy!!"

Conservative Attacks Botham Jean’s Mother And Says ‘God Chose Amber Guyger’ To Kill Him

So in my home city of Dallas -- a conservative talk show host, Chris Krok (Rush Limbaugh wannabe) attacked the mother of Botham Jean because why not -- he also went on to say that God used Amber Guyger (the police officer who killed Botham Jean) to shoot and kill him; like it was something to praise.

To refresh people here about this case; Amber Guyger claimed on Sept. 6, that she mistook Botham Jean's apartment for her own and, after ordering Jean not to move, shot him twice before realizing the error of her ways. Obviously this story was met with doubt because of a number of factors, especially her assertion that Jean’s door was ajar -- even tho all of the doors in the luxury apartment building close automatically.

In addition to the inconsistencies in her alibis, which have changed several times, Dallas police, of which Guyger was a member for five years before being fired, appeared to be helping to cover up the shooting for their colleague. The department was accused of allowing Guyger enough time to scrub her social media accounts and get her story straight before turning herself in three days after killing Jean. It also gave Guyger enough time to move out of her apartment, which was never searched by police despite five warrants allowing them to do so.

Next after the death of Botham, there was a campaign to try to demonize Mr. Jean, by trying to imply him having weed in his home is what justified him being murdered. You would think in a case where an unarmed man, in his own fucking home, you would think in that case, he wouldn't be made to be the criminal, but according to some, he was. They tried to make every excuse in the book for Guyger, how many hours did she work? Where did she park? Did she fear for her life? -- funny how no one asked how many hours did Botham work that week, did Botham fear for his life -- especially since he is the MAIN ONE in this scenario who had reason to be in fear of his life.

But to attack his mother is beyond pathetic -- but par for the course for a racist such as Chris Krok who is no stranger to saying stupid shit like this to get attention. His complaint is that Botham's mother may receive a settlement from the city for the murder of her son -- so? This makes you angry because why?

From the article: “She is filled with bitterness and hatred and she is going to cause a riot in Dallas. Botham Jean’s mother is consumed with hate.” He also called her a liar and alleges “she wants to make money off of this for some reason.” He also added, “God took Botham away for some reason. God chose to use Amber Guyger to do that.”

She is filled with hatred because her son was murdered in his own home and she as a mother wants accountability? Do you think this bitch ass poor excuse for a human being would be saying this about the mothers of those killed in the Benghazi attacks, would he be saying this to the mothers of those killed during the Sandy Hook shootings, No! -- but when it comes to the mother of an innocent black man, for that mother to feel anything, means its open season to attack her...I say fuck Chris Krok and anyone who tries to justify this bullshit.

It wasn't "murder", it was manslaughter at the very worst.

But I think we need to give this Amber chick the benefit of the doubt and the presumption of innocence that all people in America deserve.

Mr. Botham was a big black dude- who is alleged to have been loaded on drugs- and Miss Amber was a petite young lady. Botham was acting like he owned the place, I can see where she was frightened.

I don't know what 12 Angry Men in Dallas will say when this goes to a jury, but it seems like she really didn't want to kill him but she felt intimidated and scared that something bad was going to happen. I would have to give her a pass on this, she's just a girl.
Like I said, fuck Chris Krok and anyone who is trying to justify this dumb shit...including you
Conservative Attacks Botham Jean’s Mother And Says ‘God Chose Amber Guyger’ To Kill Him

So in my home city of Dallas -- a conservative talk show host, Chris Krok (Rush Limbaugh wannabe) attacked the mother of Botham Jean because why not -- he also went on to say that God used Amber Guyger (the police officer who killed Botham Jean) to shoot and kill him; like it was something to praise.

To refresh people here about this case; Amber Guyger claimed on Sept. 6, that she mistook Botham Jean's apartment for her own and, after ordering Jean not to move, shot him twice before realizing the error of her ways. Obviously this story was met with doubt because of a number of factors, especially her assertion that Jean’s door was ajar -- even tho all of the doors in the luxury apartment building close automatically.

In addition to the inconsistencies in her alibis, which have changed several times, Dallas police, of which Guyger was a member for five years before being fired, appeared to be helping to cover up the shooting for their colleague. The department was accused of allowing Guyger enough time to scrub her social media accounts and get her story straight before turning herself in three days after killing Jean. It also gave Guyger enough time to move out of her apartment, which was never searched by police despite five warrants allowing them to do so.

Next after the death of Botham, there was a campaign to try to demonize Mr. Jean, by trying to imply him having weed in his home is what justified him being murdered. You would think in a case where an unarmed man, in his own fucking home, you would think in that case, he wouldn't be made to be the criminal, but according to some, he was. They tried to make every excuse in the book for Guyger, how many hours did she work? Where did she park? Did she fear for her life? -- funny how no one asked how many hours did Botham work that week, did Botham fear for his life -- especially since he is the MAIN ONE in this scenario who had reason to be in fear of his life.

But to attack his mother is beyond pathetic -- but par for the course for a racist such as Chris Krok who is no stranger to saying stupid shit like this to get attention. His complaint is that Botham's mother may receive a settlement from the city for the murder of her son -- so? This makes you angry because why?

From the article: “She is filled with bitterness and hatred and she is going to cause a riot in Dallas. Botham Jean’s mother is consumed with hate.” He also called her a liar and alleges “she wants to make money off of this for some reason.” He also added, “God took Botham away for some reason. God chose to use Amber Guyger to do that.”

She is filled with hatred because her son was murdered in his own home and she as a mother wants accountability? Do you think this bitch ass poor excuse for a human being would be saying this about the mothers of those killed in the Benghazi attacks, would he be saying this to the mothers of those killed during the Sandy Hook shootings, No! -- but when it comes to the mother of an innocent black man, for that mother to feel anything, means its open season to attack her...I say fuck Chris Krok and anyone who tries to justify this bullshit.
It was an accident.
Conservative Attacks Botham Jean’s Mother And Says ‘God Chose Amber Guyger’ To Kill Him

So in my home city of Dallas -- a conservative talk show host, Chris Krok (Rush Limbaugh wannabe) attacked the mother of Botham Jean because why not -- he also went on to say that God used Amber Guyger (the police officer who killed Botham Jean) to shoot and kill him; like it was something to praise.

To refresh people here about this case; Amber Guyger claimed on Sept. 6, that she mistook Botham Jean's apartment for her own and, after ordering Jean not to move, shot him twice before realizing the error of her ways. Obviously this story was met with doubt because of a number of factors, especially her assertion that Jean’s door was ajar -- even tho all of the doors in the luxury apartment building close automatically.

In addition to the inconsistencies in her alibis, which have changed several times, Dallas police, of which Guyger was a member for five years before being fired, appeared to be helping to cover up the shooting for their colleague. The department was accused of allowing Guyger enough time to scrub her social media accounts and get her story straight before turning herself in three days after killing Jean. It also gave Guyger enough time to move out of her apartment, which was never searched by police despite five warrants allowing them to do so.

Next after the death of Botham, there was a campaign to try to demonize Mr. Jean, by trying to imply him having weed in his home is what justified him being murdered. You would think in a case where an unarmed man, in his own fucking home, you would think in that case, he wouldn't be made to be the criminal, but according to some, he was. They tried to make every excuse in the book for Guyger, how many hours did she work? Where did she park? Did she fear for her life? -- funny how no one asked how many hours did Botham work that week, did Botham fear for his life -- especially since he is the MAIN ONE in this scenario who had reason to be in fear of his life.

But to attack his mother is beyond pathetic -- but par for the course for a racist such as Chris Krok who is no stranger to saying stupid shit like this to get attention. His complaint is that Botham's mother may receive a settlement from the city for the murder of her son -- so? This makes you angry because why?

From the article: “She is filled with bitterness and hatred and she is going to cause a riot in Dallas. Botham Jean’s mother is consumed with hate.” He also called her a liar and alleges “she wants to make money off of this for some reason.” He also added, “God took Botham away for some reason. God chose to use Amber Guyger to do that.”

She is filled with hatred because her son was murdered in his own home and she as a mother wants accountability? Do you think this bitch ass poor excuse for a human being would be saying this about the mothers of those killed in the Benghazi attacks, would he be saying this to the mothers of those killed during the Sandy Hook shootings, No! -- but when it comes to the mother of an innocent black man, for that mother to feel anything, means its open season to attack her...I say fuck Chris Krok and anyone who tries to justify this bullshit.
How many deaths in Chicago have happened because of black on black crime, yet you are more worried about a "FEMALE" police officer who shot a black man. Doesnt it bother you more deaths are happening because of black on black, than police? OR it just doesnt fit the liberal narrative that this does?
More deflection.......

Apparently, buckdancing minstrels like yourself feels that a mother should not mourn and demand accountability for a police officer killing her son until shootings in Chicago stop (a city only being pulled out of your ass because of Obama) -- but this is typical of buckdancing minstrels.....
Conservative Attacks Botham Jean’s Mother And Says ‘God Chose Amber Guyger’ To Kill Him

So in my home city of Dallas -- a conservative talk show host, Chris Krok (Rush Limbaugh wannabe) attacked the mother of Botham Jean because why not -- he also went on to say that God used Amber Guyger (the police officer who killed Botham Jean) to shoot and kill him; like it was something to praise.

To refresh people here about this case; Amber Guyger claimed on Sept. 6, that she mistook Botham Jean's apartment for her own and, after ordering Jean not to move, shot him twice before realizing the error of her ways. Obviously this story was met with doubt because of a number of factors, especially her assertion that Jean’s door was ajar -- even tho all of the doors in the luxury apartment building close automatically.

In addition to the inconsistencies in her alibis, which have changed several times, Dallas police, of which Guyger was a member for five years before being fired, appeared to be helping to cover up the shooting for their colleague. The department was accused of allowing Guyger enough time to scrub her social media accounts and get her story straight before turning herself in three days after killing Jean. It also gave Guyger enough time to move out of her apartment, which was never searched by police despite five warrants allowing them to do so.

Next after the death of Botham, there was a campaign to try to demonize Mr. Jean, by trying to imply him having weed in his home is what justified him being murdered. You would think in a case where an unarmed man, in his own fucking home, you would think in that case, he wouldn't be made to be the criminal, but according to some, he was. They tried to make every excuse in the book for Guyger, how many hours did she work? Where did she park? Did she fear for her life? -- funny how no one asked how many hours did Botham work that week, did Botham fear for his life -- especially since he is the MAIN ONE in this scenario who had reason to be in fear of his life.

But to attack his mother is beyond pathetic -- but par for the course for a racist such as Chris Krok who is no stranger to saying stupid shit like this to get attention. His complaint is that Botham's mother may receive a settlement from the city for the murder of her son -- so? This makes you angry because why?

From the article: “She is filled with bitterness and hatred and she is going to cause a riot in Dallas. Botham Jean’s mother is consumed with hate.” He also called her a liar and alleges “she wants to make money off of this for some reason.” He also added, “God took Botham away for some reason. God chose to use Amber Guyger to do that.”

She is filled with hatred because her son was murdered in his own home and she as a mother wants accountability? Do you think this bitch ass poor excuse for a human being would be saying this about the mothers of those killed in the Benghazi attacks, would he be saying this to the mothers of those killed during the Sandy Hook shootings, No! -- but when it comes to the mother of an innocent black man, for that mother to feel anything, means its open season to attack her...I say fuck Chris Krok and anyone who tries to justify this bullshit.
It was an accident.
Can you accidentally walk into a police officer's home and shoot him or her?

And afterwards, attack the mother of that police officer and call her a liar and tell her God meant for their child to be accidentally shot?
Conservative Attacks Botham Jean’s Mother And Says ‘God Chose Amber Guyger’ To Kill Him

So in my home city of Dallas -- a conservative talk show host, Chris Krok (Rush Limbaugh wannabe) attacked the mother of Botham Jean because why not -- he also went on to say that God used Amber Guyger (the police officer who killed Botham Jean) to shoot and kill him; like it was something to praise.

To refresh people here about this case; Amber Guyger claimed on Sept. 6, that she mistook Botham Jean's apartment for her own and, after ordering Jean not to move, shot him twice before realizing the error of her ways. Obviously this story was met with doubt because of a number of factors, especially her assertion that Jean’s door was ajar -- even tho all of the doors in the luxury apartment building close automatically.

In addition to the inconsistencies in her alibis, which have changed several times, Dallas police, of which Guyger was a member for five years before being fired, appeared to be helping to cover up the shooting for their colleague. The department was accused of allowing Guyger enough time to scrub her social media accounts and get her story straight before turning herself in three days after killing Jean. It also gave Guyger enough time to move out of her apartment, which was never searched by police despite five warrants allowing them to do so.

Next after the death of Botham, there was a campaign to try to demonize Mr. Jean, by trying to imply him having weed in his home is what justified him being murdered. You would think in a case where an unarmed man, in his own fucking home, you would think in that case, he wouldn't be made to be the criminal, but according to some, he was. They tried to make every excuse in the book for Guyger, how many hours did she work? Where did she park? Did she fear for her life? -- funny how no one asked how many hours did Botham work that week, did Botham fear for his life -- especially since he is the MAIN ONE in this scenario who had reason to be in fear of his life.

But to attack his mother is beyond pathetic -- but par for the course for a racist such as Chris Krok who is no stranger to saying stupid shit like this to get attention. His complaint is that Botham's mother may receive a settlement from the city for the murder of her son -- so? This makes you angry because why?

From the article: “She is filled with bitterness and hatred and she is going to cause a riot in Dallas. Botham Jean’s mother is consumed with hate.” He also called her a liar and alleges “she wants to make money off of this for some reason.” He also added, “God took Botham away for some reason. God chose to use Amber Guyger to do that.”

She is filled with hatred because her son was murdered in his own home and she as a mother wants accountability? Do you think this bitch ass poor excuse for a human being would be saying this about the mothers of those killed in the Benghazi attacks, would he be saying this to the mothers of those killed during the Sandy Hook shootings, No! -- but when it comes to the mother of an innocent black man, for that mother to feel anything, means its open season to attack her...I say fuck Chris Krok and anyone who tries to justify this bullshit.

It wasn't "murder", it was manslaughter at the very worst.

But I think we need to give this Amber chick the benefit of the doubt and the presumption of innocence that all people in America deserve.

Mr. Botham was a big black dude- who is alleged to have been loaded on drugs- and Miss Amber was a petite young lady. Botham was acting like he owned the place, I can see where she was frightened.

I don't know what 12 Angry Men in Dallas will say when this goes to a jury, but it seems like she really didn't want to kill him but she felt intimidated and scared that something bad was going to happen. I would have to give her a pass on this, she's just a girl.
Like I said, fuck Chris Krok and anyone who is trying to justify this dumb shit...including you

I'm not trying to justify anything, just explain what happened.

I have real doubts about the liberal theory that this Amber chick set out one day to shoot and kill a black guy in his home and carried out the plan. And its really up to the libs to actually prove their theory.
It is interesting to see how totally different the Press treats accidental police shootings.
When a white person is accidentally shot by the police it's not a big deal and it only gets a small fraction of the Press coverage as compared to when a black person is accidentally killed by the police.
Bet that you never heard of Jerry Waller.
Texas grandpa shot down by cops in his own driveway
Conservative Attacks Botham Jean’s Mother And Says ‘God Chose Amber Guyger’ To Kill Him

So in my home city of Dallas -- a conservative talk show host, Chris Krok (Rush Limbaugh wannabe) attacked the mother of Botham Jean because why not -- he also went on to say that God used Amber Guyger (the police officer who killed Botham Jean) to shoot and kill him; like it was something to praise.

To refresh people here about this case; Amber Guyger claimed on Sept. 6, that she mistook Botham Jean's apartment for her own and, after ordering Jean not to move, shot him twice before realizing the error of her ways. Obviously this story was met with doubt because of a number of factors, especially her assertion that Jean’s door was ajar -- even tho all of the doors in the luxury apartment building close automatically.

In addition to the inconsistencies in her alibis, which have changed several times, Dallas police, of which Guyger was a member for five years before being fired, appeared to be helping to cover up the shooting for their colleague. The department was accused of allowing Guyger enough time to scrub her social media accounts and get her story straight before turning herself in three days after killing Jean. It also gave Guyger enough time to move out of her apartment, which was never searched by police despite five warrants allowing them to do so.

Next after the death of Botham, there was a campaign to try to demonize Mr. Jean, by trying to imply him having weed in his home is what justified him being murdered. You would think in a case where an unarmed man, in his own fucking home, you would think in that case, he wouldn't be made to be the criminal, but according to some, he was. They tried to make every excuse in the book for Guyger, how many hours did she work? Where did she park? Did she fear for her life? -- funny how no one asked how many hours did Botham work that week, did Botham fear for his life -- especially since he is the MAIN ONE in this scenario who had reason to be in fear of his life.

But to attack his mother is beyond pathetic -- but par for the course for a racist such as Chris Krok who is no stranger to saying stupid shit like this to get attention. His complaint is that Botham's mother may receive a settlement from the city for the murder of her son -- so? This makes you angry because why?

From the article: “She is filled with bitterness and hatred and she is going to cause a riot in Dallas. Botham Jean’s mother is consumed with hate.” He also called her a liar and alleges “she wants to make money off of this for some reason.” He also added, “God took Botham away for some reason. God chose to use Amber Guyger to do that.”

She is filled with hatred because her son was murdered in his own home and she as a mother wants accountability? Do you think this bitch ass poor excuse for a human being would be saying this about the mothers of those killed in the Benghazi attacks, would he be saying this to the mothers of those killed during the Sandy Hook shootings, No! -- but when it comes to the mother of an innocent black man, for that mother to feel anything, means its open season to attack her...I say fuck Chris Krok and anyone who tries to justify this bullshit.

Sadly, the whore will walk. But take hart, justice isn’t always handed out by a judge and jury. Since this slut was a cop she will indeed walk. But she will get what’s coming. People like her always do.
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It is interesting to see how totally different the Press treats accidental police shootings.
When a white person is accidentally shot by the police it's not a big deal and it only gets a small fraction of the Press coverage as compared to when a black person is accidentally killed by the police.
Bet that you never heard of Jerry Waller.
Texas grandpa shot down by cops in his own driveway

How about the Clinton siege of the church down in Waco, where Clinton's agents accidentally whacked innocents including women and children by setting the place ablaze.

Libs could have given a shit less
Conservative Attacks Botham Jean’s Mother And Says ‘God Chose Amber Guyger’ To Kill Him

So in my home city of Dallas -- a conservative talk show host, Chris Krok (Rush Limbaugh wannabe) attacked the mother of Botham Jean because why not -- he also went on to say that God used Amber Guyger (the police officer who killed Botham Jean) to shoot and kill him; like it was something to praise.

To refresh people here about this case; Amber Guyger claimed on Sept. 6, that she mistook Botham Jean's apartment for her own and, after ordering Jean not to move, shot him twice before realizing the error of her ways. Obviously this story was met with doubt because of a number of factors, especially her assertion that Jean’s door was ajar -- even tho all of the doors in the luxury apartment building close automatically.

In addition to the inconsistencies in her alibis, which have changed several times, Dallas police, of which Guyger was a member for five years before being fired, appeared to be helping to cover up the shooting for their colleague. The department was accused of allowing Guyger enough time to scrub her social media accounts and get her story straight before turning herself in three days after killing Jean. It also gave Guyger enough time to move out of her apartment, which was never searched by police despite five warrants allowing them to do so.

Next after the death of Botham, there was a campaign to try to demonize Mr. Jean, by trying to imply him having weed in his home is what justified him being murdered. You would think in a case where an unarmed man, in his own fucking home, you would think in that case, he wouldn't be made to be the criminal, but according to some, he was. They tried to make every excuse in the book for Guyger, how many hours did she work? Where did she park? Did she fear for her life? -- funny how no one asked how many hours did Botham work that week, did Botham fear for his life -- especially since he is the MAIN ONE in this scenario who had reason to be in fear of his life.

But to attack his mother is beyond pathetic -- but par for the course for a racist such as Chris Krok who is no stranger to saying stupid shit like this to get attention. His complaint is that Botham's mother may receive a settlement from the city for the murder of her son -- so? This makes you angry because why?

From the article: “She is filled with bitterness and hatred and she is going to cause a riot in Dallas. Botham Jean’s mother is consumed with hate.” He also called her a liar and alleges “she wants to make money off of this for some reason.” He also added, “God took Botham away for some reason. God chose to use Amber Guyger to do that.”

She is filled with hatred because her son was murdered in his own home and she as a mother wants accountability? Do you think this bitch ass poor excuse for a human being would be saying this about the mothers of those killed in the Benghazi attacks, would he be saying this to the mothers of those killed during the Sandy Hook shootings, No! -- but when it comes to the mother of an innocent black man, for that mother to feel anything, means its open season to attack her...I say fuck Chris Krok and anyone who tries to justify this bullshit.

Sadly, the whore will wall. But take hart, justice isn’t always handed out by a judge and jury. Since this slut was a cop she will indeed walk. But she will get what’s coming. People like her always do.

Why do you think this Amber chick decided to whack this dude? Was there prior bad blood?

I just don't see a motive here.

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