Conservative Bloggers Are Losing This Election


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Conservative Bloggers Are Losing This Election

There's a pattern emerging to Mitt Romney's worst gaffes: his biggest political missteps come whenever he repeats something the conservative opinion complex has already repeated endlessly. Instead of being the candidate that conservative bloggers feared as a moderate, he's been exactly the candidate they wanted. And he's losing. The most recent example, of course, are Romney's comments to private donors that 47 percent of Americans are voting for President Obama because they're getting a government handout -- which has been a meme on conservative blogs for months. In December 2011, the creator of that meme that you could divide the country between people who pay income tax and those who don't, RedState editor Erick Erickson, wrote a widely-noted post titled "Mitt Romney as the Nominee: Conservatism Dies and Barack Obama Wins." He predicted Romney's candidacy would be "an utter disaster for conservatives" because Romney was "a guy who keeps selling out the very principles conservatives claim to hold dear" and who won't "seriously take conservatives seriously." If the polls don't change in the next 49 days, Erickson will have been only half right. Obama will have won, but not because Romney ran as a moderate. It will be in part because he adopted conservative bloggers' memes as critical parts of his campaign message. Here are four examples:


Go to the article for more on each one.
I am still amazed that the Republicans allowed a candidate as incompetent as Mitt Romney to be nominated. It was clear long, long ago that he is not particularly bright; and his lack of empathy or connection with the American public seems to mark him as a sociopath. Without his family's money, he would be nowhere (well, he might have succeeded on Wall Street anyway).

The strategy he followed during the primary season--to evolve as a "severe" conservative--won him the primary by wooing the most extreme element (and, therefore, the most likely to vote) of the Republican Party. The moderate Republicans were left without a candidate as Romney tried to be more extremist than the other extremists in the primary field. This puts him in an awkward spot, though: He cannot appeal now to moderate and traditional Republicans without angering the wingnuts. And, as he continues to woo the wingnuts, he alienates more and more of the saner Republicans.

He most certainly will lose; as the election nears, he will be heard more often--and that is a very bad thing for Romney. He is an empty suit, and he always has been an empty suit.

I often wonder if the GOP is intentionally "throwing" this election to avoid responsibility for a dying economic system.

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