Cons, relax, the game is still going, but we inevitably will win.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Just a quick realization about this heated union debate.

Cons, we are gonna win. It's just pure fact. The money for unions simply isn't there anymore. The private sector is only 7% union and shrinking.

The public sector is flat-out bankrupt and can't afford it. The unions will cry and scream and protest and........unfortunately, likely get violent before it's all over with.

But fact is, the money just isn't there anymore, and the economic and political reality these days means taxes simply will not go up.

We've already won this ideological debate as far as end result is concerned.

I'm just gonna sit back, watch the liberal hypocrisy and childish behavior, and pray that the left wing union sector's final, violent push won't be too severe.
probably no one will take the bait on this one. i think you are right though. the unions are dinosaurs, teachers don't need a mouthpiece union anymore, the good ones can speak for themselves, the shitty ones just fade away.. or seemingly not
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Oh, it's not bait. Just a message for conservatives.

One lib was trying to say the good academic states are unionized, and the bad ones aren't, thus unions make kids smarter.

He didn't realize teachers nationwide are unionized, regardless of state.

For example one of the absolute WORST places in America for education, New Orleans, has a teachers union: United Teachers of New Orleans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So unions have no effect on end result education at all.
Oh, it's not bait. Just a message for conservatives.

One lib was trying to say the good academic states are unionized, and the bad ones aren't, thus unions make kids smarter.

He didn't realize teachers nationwide are unionized, regardless of state.

For example one of the absolute WORST places in America for education, New Orleans, has a teachers union: United Teachers of New Orleans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So unions have no effect on end result education at all.

what about time lost while on strike, yeah, you're probably right.
I think the days of the big unions are gone....US manufacturing is slipping out the door

A workers right to collective bargaining must be maintained. A Viable middle class depends on a workers ability to effectively negotiate a fair wage and fair working conditions
do the teachers want the union?

It's an ongoing debate, good guy:

NEA - A Tribute to Bob Chanin

A Tribute to Bob Chanin

A Life Dedicated to Public Education

NEA General Counsel Bob Chanin has called his 41 years at NEA "the closest you can get to having a well-paying job doing pro bono work."

Chanin has briefed and argued five cases before the U.S. Supreme Court and has filed amicus curiae briefs in another 25. Under Chanin's legal guidance, the NEA achieved a breakthrough in 1965 by becoming the first professional organization to desegregate. The then-predominantly White NEA merged at the national level with the American Teachers Association, which represented Black teachers. It took 10 years to enforce the merger on sometimes reluctant state affiliates. Chanin helped to oust all-White Mississippi and Louisiana teachers' groups that refused to integrate...

Not so nice:

NEA's Bob Chanin says conservatives and right-wing bas**rds are picking on NEA - Charlotte Christianity |

NEA's Bob Chanin says conservatives and right-wing bas**rds are picking on NEA

* July 22nd, 2009 10:59 am ET

Bob Chanin - NEA

The National Education Association - NEA has been at cross purposes with conservatives and Christians for decades.

They have gotten so bold that NEA's general counsel Bob Chanin has bragged publicly that they have their clout because of the money they are extorting in the form of dues from unwilling teachers. It is very obvious that he feels that he and the NEA are invincible.

He further states that "NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power."


Full context:

NEA General Counsel: It is not because we care about children - Denver Charter Schools |

Despite what some among us would like to believe it is not because of our creative ideas; it is not because of the merit of our positions; it is not because we care about children; and it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child.

The NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of million of dollars in dues each year because they believe that we are the unions that can most effectively represent them; the union that can protect their rights and advance their interests as education employees.

This is not to say that the concern of NEA and its affiliates with closing achievement gaps, reducing drop rate rates, improving teacher quality, and the like are unimportant or inappropriate. To the contrary these are the goals that guide the work we do. But they need not and must not be achieved at the expense of due process, employee rights, or collective bargaining.

That is simply too high a price to pay.


Sometimes the veils do come down.
Most unions lost there members backing when they started representing the Workers of the World instead of taking care of their members. I was a long time union member that became disillusioned when our President retired and he turned the union over to his son. A legal vote by the membership taken at 2am with just a few members in attendance. Most of us didn't find out about a vote for President until it was over. Unions aren't what they used to be.
Just a quick realization about this heated union debate.

Cons, we are gonna win. It's just pure fact. The money for unions simply isn't there anymore. The private sector is only 7% union and shrinking.

The public sector is flat-out bankrupt and can't afford it. The unions will cry and scream and protest and........unfortunately, likely get violent before it's all over with.

But fact is, the money just isn't there anymore, and the economic and political reality these days means taxes simply will not go up.

We've already won this ideological debate as far as end result is concerned.

I'm just gonna sit back, watch the liberal hypocrisy and childish behavior, and pray that the left wing union sector's final, violent push won't be too severe.

Violent push? I'm sure cons would love to see some violence, but it's not going to happen. The protests have been nothing but peaceful. And I wouldn't go blowing the victory horn just yet.

Also, you claim that this is about money. At this point it is no longer about money. The unions gave in to the cuts. They agreed to ALL cuts. The only thing they want is for Walker to take his attack on collective bargaining rights off the table. And since Walker refused to negotiate that point, he made it clear that money is not the only issue. He wants to see the end of unions in his state, and probably nationwide. That much is plainly clear.

If you expect unions to just rollover and give up their right to collective bargaining, you've got another thing coming.
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Just a quick realization about this heated union debate.

Cons, we are gonna win. It's just pure fact. The money for unions simply isn't there anymore. The private sector is only 7% union and shrinking.

The public sector is flat-out bankrupt and can't afford it. The unions will cry and scream and protest and........unfortunately, likely get violent before it's all over with.

But fact is, the money just isn't there anymore, and the economic and political reality these days means taxes simply will not go up.

We've already won this ideological debate as far as end result is concerned.

I'm just gonna sit back, watch the liberal hypocrisy and childish behavior, and pray that the left wing union sector's final, violent push won't be too severe.

Violent push? I'm sure cons would love to see some violence, but it's not going to happen. The protests have been nothing but peaceful. And I wouldn't go blowing the victory horn just yet.

Also, you claim that this is about money. At this point it is no longer about money. The unions gave in to the cuts. They agreed to ALL cuts. The only thing they want is for Walker to take his attack on collective bargaining rights off the table. And since Walker refused to negotiate that point, he made it clear that money is not the only issue. He wants to see the end of unions in his state, and probably nationwide. That much is plainly clear.

If you expect unions to just rollover and give up their right to collective bargaining, you've got another thing coming.

The SEIU already showed violence against the Tea Party in 2009. Union thugs have gotten physically violent in a handful of incidents.

And of course, we've seen violent outbursts by the hundreds from pissed off government union workers in Greece and France and Spain.

I don't see much of a difference. When the final vote is cast, and unions lose, I fear violence.
I think the days of the big unions are gone....US manufacturing is slipping out the door

A workers right to collective bargaining must be maintained. A Viable middle class depends on a workers ability to effectively negotiate a fair wage and fair working conditions

Every time you say "worker" instead of "employee" it gives me images of lines of people dressed in drab grey uniforms marching in for their shift, laboring and taking their guaranteed check and going home to their assigned housing unit.

Why do they need this? We have Dept of Labor to ensure safe and fair conditions. And in today's world, an individual "employee" can bargain on his own merits, or, if talented enough, go to the competitor of his boss and get a job there where they'll treat him better.
Wisconsin and the GREEDY teachers and their Unions couldn't of happened at a better time.

Over 10% unemployment, prices of food going up, gas going up, and you have these "spoiled Union babies" out there DEMANDING shit.

way to overplay your hand. The American people aren't in the MOOD for your crap.

but whatever you do, KEEP IT UP...the ELECTIONS are just around the corner.

bravo, now do we get an encore? I hope so:clap2::clap2:
I think the days of the big unions are gone....US manufacturing is slipping out the door

A workers right to collective bargaining must be maintained. A Viable middle class depends on a workers ability to effectively negotiate a fair wage and fair working conditions

Every time you say "worker" instead of "employee" it gives me images of lines of people dressed in drab grey uniforms marching in for their shift, laboring and taking their guaranteed check and going home to their assigned housing unit.

Why do they need this? We have Dept of Labor to ensure safe and fair conditions. And in today's world, an individual "employee" can bargain on his own merits, or, if talented enough, go to the competitor of his boss and get a job there where they'll treat him better.

no kidding.
to them that is all they are.
Stephanie, you are exactly right.

Lots of people out there are looking at a Democrat president, and unions full of employed people with compensation packages averaging $90,000 a year, protesting in Madison.

They see greed, pure greed, and whining child like behavior.

Meanwhile, millions of non-union employees are out there working their asses off to make ends meet, often taking less in exchange for keeping their jobs. They are paying attention. They sympathize with the taxpayers of Wisconsin. These other millions of nonunion folks are thinking "MY TAXES would have to go up in order to meet their union demands" and think NO FREAKING WAY. No way they should pay more taxes to fund demands of spoiled union members who have sweetheart deals already.

They'll remember this come election time.

Shitty move Democrats, but PLEASE keep it up!
Just a quick realization about this heated union debate.

Cons, we are gonna win. It's just pure fact. The money for unions simply isn't there anymore. The private sector is only 7% union and shrinking.

The public sector is flat-out bankrupt and can't afford it. The unions will cry and scream and protest and........unfortunately, likely get violent before it's all over with.

But fact is, the money just isn't there anymore, and the economic and political reality these days means taxes simply will not go up.

We've already won this ideological debate as far as end result is concerned.

I'm just gonna sit back, watch the liberal hypocrisy and childish behavior, and pray that the left wing union sector's final, violent push won't be too severe.

Cons, we are gonna win. It's just pure fact. The money for unions simply isn't there anymore. The private sector is only 7% union and shrinking.

So why, every time I come on here, I hear you uninformed, unsophisticated white trash fucks whining about America becoming socialist???? Can you answer that, you hypocritical white trash piece of shit??? Didn't think so.

I'm not sure how this is a "win" for an unemployed worthless Repug fuckhole such as yourself. I guess you just enjoy sucking the cock of the rich corporate Repugs that fuck you up the ass. You're just a poor Repug trailer trash bitch and it is your PEASANT DUTY to protect the wealth of rich Repugs. They are your moral and intellectual superiors, after all.
Just a quick realization about this heated union debate.

Cons, we are gonna win. It's just pure fact. The money for unions simply isn't there anymore. The private sector is only 7% union and shrinking.

The public sector is flat-out bankrupt and can't afford it. The unions will cry and scream and protest and........unfortunately, likely get violent before it's all over with.

But fact is, the money just isn't there anymore, and the economic and political reality these days means taxes simply will not go up.

We've already won this ideological debate as far as end result is concerned.

I'm just gonna sit back, watch the liberal hypocrisy and childish behavior, and pray that the left wing union sector's final, violent push won't be too severe.

Cons, we are gonna win. It's just pure fact. The money for unions simply isn't there anymore. The private sector is only 7% union and shrinking.

So why, every time I come on here, I hear you uninformed, unsophisticated white trash fucks whining about America becoming socialist???? Can you answer that, you hypocritical white trash piece of shit??? Didn't think so.

I'm not sure how this is a "win" for an unemployed worthless Repug fuckhole such as yourself. I guess you just enjoy sucking the cock of the rich corporate Repugs that fuck you up the ass. You're just a poor Repug trailer trash bitch and it is your PEASANT DUTY to protect the wealth of rich Repugs. They are your moral and intellectual superiors, after all.

Wow, that was civil and educated of you.

Well, we whine about becoming socialist because we have socialists in government at all levels trying to take us there. But they're losing, thankfully, due to our efforts on the right to stop them.

Next, are you sure I'm white?

And I'm not unemployed.

But after reading your response, I'm not sure if I want to take my intellect down far enough to debate you, so I'll just leave it at that, and find comfort in knowing my side is gonna inevitably win this ideological battle being played out in Wisconsin, and coming soon to states and cities across the country.
Just a quick realization about this heated union debate.

Cons, we are gonna win. It's just pure fact. The money for unions simply isn't there anymore. The private sector is only 7% union and shrinking.

The public sector is flat-out bankrupt and can't afford it. The unions will cry and scream and protest and........unfortunately, likely get violent before it's all over with.

But fact is, the money just isn't there anymore, and the economic and political reality these days means taxes simply will not go up.

We've already won this ideological debate as far as end result is concerned.

I'm just gonna sit back, watch the liberal hypocrisy and childish behavior, and pray that the left wing union sector's final, violent push won't be too severe.

Cons, we are gonna win. It's just pure fact. The money for unions simply isn't there anymore. The private sector is only 7% union and shrinking.

So why, every time I come on here, I hear you uninformed, unsophisticated white trash fucks whining about America becoming socialist???? Can you answer that, you hypocritical white trash piece of shit??? Didn't think so.

I'm not sure how this is a "win" for an unemployed worthless Repug fuckhole such as yourself. I guess you just enjoy sucking the cock of the rich corporate Repugs that fuck you up the ass. You're just a poor Repug trailer trash bitch and it is your PEASANT DUTY to protect the wealth of rich Repugs. They are your moral and intellectual superiors, after all.

now now, remember..
the Republicans WON in November, Kerry and his Comrades in arms in the Democrat-Progressive-Commie party, lost AFTER ONLY TWO YEARS... get used to it.
Your vulgar unintelligent ranting are now just good for laughs. As is your Party, just look at the gang of 14 Democrats who FLED instead of being stand up Representatives.
They and you all who support them are a laughing stock.
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Just a quick realization about this heated union debate.

Cons, we are gonna win. It's just pure fact. The money for unions simply isn't there anymore. The private sector is only 7% union and shrinking.

The public sector is flat-out bankrupt and can't afford it. The unions will cry and scream and protest and........unfortunately, likely get violent before it's all over with.

But fact is, the money just isn't there anymore, and the economic and political reality these days means taxes simply will not go up.

We've already won this ideological debate as far as end result is concerned.

I'm just gonna sit back, watch the liberal hypocrisy and childish behavior, and pray that the left wing union sector's final, violent push won't be too severe.

Cons, we are gonna win. It's just pure fact. The money for unions simply isn't there anymore. The private sector is only 7% union and shrinking.

So why, every time I come on here, I hear you uninformed, unsophisticated white trash fucks whining about America becoming socialist???? Can you answer that, you hypocritical white trash piece of shit??? Didn't think so.

I'm not sure how this is a "win" for an unemployed worthless Repug fuckhole such as yourself. I guess you just enjoy sucking the cock of the rich corporate Repugs that fuck you up the ass. You're just a poor Repug trailer trash bitch and it is your PEASANT DUTY to protect the wealth of rich Repugs. They are your moral and intellectual superiors, after all.

this is a good example of someone who never became anyone. sort of a tragic angry loser.
Just a quick realization about this heated union debate.

Cons, we are gonna win. It's just pure fact. The money for unions simply isn't there anymore. The private sector is only 7% union and shrinking.

The public sector is flat-out bankrupt and can't afford it. The unions will cry and scream and protest and........unfortunately, likely get violent before it's all over with.

But fact is, the money just isn't there anymore, and the economic and political reality these days means taxes simply will not go up.

We've already won this ideological debate as far as end result is concerned.

I'm just gonna sit back, watch the liberal hypocrisy and childish behavior, and pray that the left wing union sector's final, violent push won't be too severe.

Violent push? I'm sure cons would love to see some violence, but it's not going to happen. The protests have been nothing but peaceful. And I wouldn't go blowing the victory horn just yet.

Also, you claim that this is about money. At this point it is no longer about money. The unions gave in to the cuts. They agreed to ALL cuts. The only thing they want is for Walker to take his attack on collective bargaining rights off the table. And since Walker refused to negotiate that point, he made it clear that money is not the only issue. He wants to see the end of unions in his state, and probably nationwide. That much is plainly clear.

If you expect unions to just rollover and give up their right to collective bargaining, you've got another thing coming.

The SEIU already showed violence against the Tea Party in 2009. Union thugs have gotten physically violent in a handful of incidents.

And of course, we've seen violent outbursts by the hundreds from pissed off government union workers in Greece and France and Spain.

I don't see much of a difference. When the final vote is cast, and unions lose, I fear violence.

So an isolated incident in 2009 equals union violence in Wisconsin? And what do Greece, France and Spain have to do with protests in America?

Gotta love that conservative logic.
Just a quick realization about this heated union debate.

Cons, we are gonna win. It's just pure fact. The money for unions simply isn't there anymore. The private sector is only 7% union and shrinking.

The public sector is flat-out bankrupt and can't afford it. The unions will cry and scream and protest and........unfortunately, likely get violent before it's all over with.

But fact is, the money just isn't there anymore, and the economic and political reality these days means taxes simply will not go up.

We've already won this ideological debate as far as end result is concerned.

I'm just gonna sit back, watch the liberal hypocrisy and childish behavior, and pray that the left wing union sector's final, violent push won't be too severe.

Cons, we are gonna win. It's just pure fact. The money for unions simply isn't there anymore. The private sector is only 7% union and shrinking.

So why, every time I come on here, I hear you uninformed, unsophisticated white trash fucks whining about America becoming socialist???? Can you answer that, you hypocritical white trash piece of shit??? Didn't think so.

I'm not sure how this is a "win" for an unemployed worthless Repug fuckhole such as yourself. I guess you just enjoy sucking the cock of the rich corporate Repugs that fuck you up the ass. You're just a poor Repug trailer trash bitch and it is your PEASANT DUTY to protect the wealth of rich Repugs. They are your moral and intellectual superiors, after all.

Wow, that was civil and educated of you.

Well, we whine about becoming socialist because we have socialists in government at all levels trying to take us there. But they're losing, thankfully, due to our efforts on the right to stop them.

Next, are you sure I'm white?

And I'm not unemployed.

But after reading your response, I'm not sure if I want to take my intellect down far enough to debate you, so I'll just leave it at that, and find comfort in knowing my side is gonna inevitably win this ideological battle being played out in Wisconsin, and coming soon to states and cities across the country.

Well, we whine about becoming socialist because we have socialists in government at all levels trying to take us there.

Just give me one legitimate example of how they are trying to take us there, tea bagger pussy. You can't do it, you worthless lightweight, no-nothing mother fucker.

And you still haven't explained how this is a "win" for you, unsophisticated white trash. How is not being able to collectively bargain for better wages and benefits a "win" for you, unsophisticated white trash? How is a corporation making you work more hours for less pay a "win" for you, unsophisticated white trash? Is a CEO making 300 times as much as your worthless fucking ass a "win" for you, unsophisticated white trash?? Is the richest 1% of Americans controlling 40% of the nation's wealth a "win" for you, unsophisticated white trash?? Is that kind of inequitable distribution of wealth a "win" for the country, unsophisitcated white trash??

I know, I know...CEOs "deserve" to make 300 times as much as the average American. Those fucking assholes at Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs that wrecked our economy in 2008...they "deserve" to make fucking $500 million per year. :cuckoo:

You're so mother fucking stupid and naive, it's pathetic. Your sorry little uninformed peasant ass protect the wealth of your rich feudal Repug masters...that's just how you worthless tea bagger fucks roll.

Yep, I'm vulgar...but at least I vote in my best economic interest, unlike an unsophisticated, uninformed white trash piece of Repug shit such as yourself. Fucking sucker.
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