Cons....dont be so sure this disastrous bill won't get done!!


Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2021
Pelosi and the corrupt establishment just hasn't had enough time yet to make the proper bribes and line the right pockets!!!!!
I wouldn't even be surprised to see a couple of (R)s vote for this thing in the end.

corruption, money, power, are all powerful influencers!!!!!
Let the government pick another Solyndra.
I'm glad you trust the government even with their scrupulous track record for the paybacks.
That worked out so well. What did we get for the hundreds of billions of Obama's shovel ready jobs spending? Well you know after all the Dem's union pals sucked up most of the money to make payroll to avoid layoffs, that small bit of money that was left over for shovel ready jobs I mean.
The money won't get spent on what Dems say they will spend it on, they LIE! Time and again Dems divert the money into their own pockets and the pockets of their big donors.
The first thing Dems will do with this money is pump money into the UNDER FUNDED Dem state public employee (aka government) pension funds to fully fund their gold plated pensions and benefits after only 20 years of service. These state government retirement pensions and benefits are under funded by 100's of billions of dollars. I bet that whacks off half a trillion dollars right off the rip.
The money won't get spent on what Dems say they will spend it on, they LIE! Time and again Dems divert the money into their own pockets and the pockets of their big donors.
Accusations with no evidence...


Why were they not sued for it?
The first thing Dems will do with this money is pump money into the UNDER FUNDED Dem state public employee (aka government) pension funds to fully fund their gold plated pensions and benefits after only 20 years of service. These state government retirement pensions and benefits are under funded by 100's of billions of dollars. I bet that whacks off half a trillion dollars right off the rip.
Any Proof of that... Wouldn't want anyone calling you a bullshitter..
The first bill the $1.5 Trillion one...

Please tell us what you object too and why...

What's in the bipartisan infrastructure bill?​

$545.1B Total

Roads, bridges and major projects


Passenger and freight rail




Power and grid


Water infrastructure




Public transit




Addressing legacy pollution


Ports and waterways


Road safety


Western water infrastructure


Clean school buses and ferries


Electric vehicle charging*


Reconnecting communities*


I'm against anything that isn't listed here in the 1.5 TRILLION dollar Bill.
So, 1.5 trillion minus the 545 Billion is what I'm against
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It absolutely will go through, even if they have to pass it piece by piece. The bribes will work and anything they agree to omit from this bill will be slipped into another bill down the road.
It isn't just about the amount of money they are about to print, but the freedoms we lose. They want our bank accounts tied to IRS agents. < Billions and billions of tax dollars worth of them. They want to know about anything we spend money on that costs over $600.
They want control of the credit card companies and our credit scores.
They want control of our elections, i.e. they will never lose control.
They only way to stop this is to try to vote them out of office. Thing is, if they can steal an election and get away with it, why wouldn't they do it again? Will we still be voting on Dominion machines? With Smartmatic software connected to the worldwide web in the mid-terms? Will they stop counting en mass long enough for downloads to come in?
I don't believe for one minute they are willing to risk losing power for the sake of morality.
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Meister, they have renamed it the Human Infrastructure Bill. Don't look for any new bridges any time soon.

This is all going to rebuild the illegal immigrant middle class. At the expense of our middle class citizens. Our middle class are the domestic terrorists of which they speak so badly...

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