Connolly [D-VA]: Veterans “Unqualified to Serve” in Congress

While I do find Perkins' use of his rank in his campaigning (Colonel (Ret) Perkins for Congress) distasteful, Connelley's statements are outrageous, especially in such a military-heavy district.

We've got a retired Major General from the USAF running for State Senate here in the SoCal area...he brings it up in his advertising and as his title. I admire vets running for office....but flashing it so much is a bit militaristic. May be just me....but the government and military are SUPPOSED to be separate....any overlap is not so good.

I have no problem with a candidate mentioning or emphasizing his/her military experience, especially in as heavy a military area as Fairfax County, but using your title for your campaign is just off to me. And he does campaign as "Colonel (Ret) Perkins", not "Chris Perkins" or "Col Chris Perkins, USA ret". hmmmm maybe that's part of it too..."Colonel (Ret) Perkins" is not proper address for retired military.
Typical Libberhoid "Roman Catholic" - supports gay marriage / pro-choice (Baby Killer).

That pole-smoker needs to get to confession, STAT.
Typical Libberhoid "Roman Catholic" - supports gay marriage / pro-choice (Baby Killer).

That pole-smoker needs to get to confession, STAT.

i'm sure jesus just waits for your evaluation of each and every polesmoking asswipe that doesn't meet your high ethical standards, warbler.

when i think catholic, i think of a foulmouthed, knuckledragging bigot who spent his *career* flipping sliders far from harm's way.

like you, beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeatch
Connolly [D - VA]: Veterans “Unqualified to Serve” in Congress Because Deployments Prevent Veterans from Serving Local Communities

Fairfax, VA – Virginia Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-11) shocked constituents by suggesting that military Veterans are unqualified to serve in Congress because their deployments prevent them from putting “sweat equity” into the districts they hope to serve in Congress.

Congressman Connolly is running against Colonel Chris Perkins, a retired officer who served most of his more than 24 years in uniform as an Army Green Beret deployed overseas. Connolly has repeatedly suggested that Perkins’ lack of local involvement because of his military career makes him unqualified to hold federal office.


October 29, 2012 Congressman Connolly D-VA - Veterans Unqualified to Serve in Congress

What an asshole. :rolleyes:

This doesn't surprise me, the disconnect between our Veterans/Military and the private sector is growing by the day, pretty soon they will just say Veterans are unqualified for any jobs after they get out and just leave it at that.
While I do find Perkins' use of his rank in his campaigning (Colonel (Ret) Perkins for Congress) distasteful, Connelley's statements are outrageous, especially in such a military-heavy district.

We've got a retired Major General from the USAF running for State Senate here in the SoCal area...he brings it up in his advertising and as his title. I admire vets running for office....but flashing it so much is a bit militaristic. May be just me....but the government and military are SUPPOSED to be separate....any overlap is not so good.

I have no problem with a candidate mentioning or emphasizing his/her military experience, especially in as heavy a military area as Fairfax County, but using your title for your campaign is just off to me. And he does campaign as "Colonel (Ret) Perkins", not "Chris Perkins" or "Col Chris Perkins, USA ret". hmmmm maybe that's part of it too..."Colonel (Ret) Perkins" is not proper address for retired military.

So Mr. President should never be for an ex-President? Or Governor for ex-Governor?

He SAID his time AWAY makes him UNQUALIFIED in LOCAL matters.

Jesus Christ on a cracker you people are unbelievable.

Attacking a veteran for their service is a moronic move. This guy should lose just for that alone.
Being somewhat suspicious of things that are posted on a message board, I researched this to see exactly what Connolly said. His comments are attributed to an interview he did with the Washington Post on October 22.

Here is exactly what he said in the interview:

If Connolly is worried, he isn’t showing it. He dismisses Perkins as unqualified, based on what he calls his failure since leaving the Army to become civically engaged in the 11th District.

Connolly’s record in Congress is more substance than flash - The Washington Post

The article linked in the OP is a total fabrication.
Just a typical liberal piece of shit....they all hate the military at some level, others are good at hiding it like Obamination.

This is just like when Senator John Glenn ripped his fellow Democrap Senator from OH on the Senate floor claiming "career Vets never had a real job."
I would suggest that the statement made by Gerry Connolly is not only unture its lacking in a basic knowledge of what someone who has served in the Military has done when it comes to "experience" . The congressman seems to suggest that all of us who have served in the Military and still further those of us who have made it a career lack business experience. Let's look at that for a moment, from everything from logistics, to management of everything from an aircraft to an aircraft carrier that contains everything from power plant management, to food services, to human resources, to aircraft maintenance, ship handling, medical services, and countless numbers of other skills needed to manage men and women it would seem that a career Military member has gained MORE than the needed skills in the so called business world to compensate for being away from their families for years on end defending this nation. Most if not all "Vets" have gained the skills needed to offset any civilian business skills and in most cases are more qualified than their civilian counterparts. The bottom liine is this, the Congressman should be thanking his opponent for his service rather than trying to use as a a means to score political points which is this case make the Congressman looks less than honorable.


He SAID his time AWAY makes him UNQUALIFIED in LOCAL matters.

Jesus Christ on a cracker you people are unbelievable.

Ravi, while I don't know what you mean by "you people", I do suggest you read my post again , as I am well aware what the Congressman said, and my post suggests that his qualifications make him MORE than qualified in Local matters, as well as any others associated with the job, in fact, I went on to suggest that his opponents military service often times gives him more qualifications in matters of business, finanace, people management skills, and a while array of others that translate to both local and national matters.
I would suggest that the statement made by Gerry Connolly is not only unture its lacking in a basic knowledge of what someone who has served in the Military has done when it comes to "experience" . The congressman seems to suggest that all of us who have served in the Military and still further those of us who have made it a career lack business experience. Let's look at that for a moment, from everything from logistics, to management of everything from an aircraft to an aircraft carrier that contains everything from power plant management, to food services, to human resources, to aircraft maintenance, ship handling, medical services, and countless numbers of other skills needed to manage men and women it would seem that a career Military member has gained MORE than the needed skills in the so called business world to compensate for being away from their families for years on end defending this nation. Most if not all "Vets" have gained the skills needed to offset any civilian business skills and in most cases are more qualified than their civilian counterparts. The bottom liine is this, the Congressman should be thanking his opponent for his service rather than trying to use as a a means to score political points which is this case make the Congressman looks less than honorable.


He SAID his time AWAY makes him UNQUALIFIED in LOCAL matters.

Jesus Christ on a cracker you people are unbelievable.

Ravi, while I don't know what you mean by "you people", I do suggest you read my post again , as I am well aware what the Congressman said, and my post suggests that his qualifications make him MORE than qualified in Local matters, as well as any others associated with the job, in fact, I went on to suggest that his opponents military service often times gives him more qualifications in matters of business, finanace, people management skills, and a while array of others that translate to both local and national matters.

Please see my subsequent post with exactly what he said and get back to me.

He SAID his time AWAY makes him UNQUALIFIED in LOCAL matters.

Jesus Christ on a cracker you people are unbelievable.

Ravi, while I don't know what you mean by "you people", I do suggest you read my post again , as I am well aware what the Congressman said, and my post suggests that his qualifications make him MORE than qualified in Local matters, as well as any others associated with the job, in fact, I went on to suggest that his opponents military service often times gives him more qualifications in matters of business, finanace, people management skills, and a while array of others that translate to both local and national matters.

Please see my subsequent post with exactly what he said and get back to me.

Getting back to you, the Congressman is still incorrect, as his " TIME AWAY " does NOT make him " UNQUALIFIED" in "LOACAL" matters for the reasons I stated above, and the reason(s) I stated in my other posts on here. The contention that any person in the Military is not qualified in Local matters because they are simply away is nonsense, for a not only the reason I stated above but, another reason is that it assumes that those in the Military who are deployed are completely detached from where they are from in terms of local matters, politics, sports, civil matters, etc. and nothing can be further from the truth especially today, with the internet, news, and several others methods to stay in touch with with whats going on at home. So the Congressman in this case is completely wrong. Take that and the fact that most men and women who are highly trained in the skills I mentioned, the fact that the Congressmans backside has been sitting in a chair at home does not make him more qualified than the man who has been away defending it.
Ravi, while I don't know what you mean by "you people", I do suggest you read my post again , as I am well aware what the Congressman said, and my post suggests that his qualifications make him MORE than qualified in Local matters, as well as any others associated with the job, in fact, I went on to suggest that his opponents military service often times gives him more qualifications in matters of business, finanace, people management skills, and a while array of others that translate to both local and national matters.

Please see my subsequent post with exactly what he said and get back to me.

Getting back to you, the Congressman is still incorrect, as his " TIME AWAY " does NOT make him " UNQUALIFIED" in "LOACAL" matters for the reasons I stated above, and the reason(s) I stated in my other posts on here. The contention that any person in the Military is not qualified in Local matters because they are simply away is nonsense, for a not only the reason I stated above but, another reason is that it assumes that those in the Military who are deployed are completely detached from where they are from in terms of local matters, politics, sports, civil matters, etc. and nothing can be further from the truth especially today, with the internet, news, and several others methods to stay in touch with with whats going on at home. So the Congressman in this case is completely wrong. Take that and the fact that most men and women who are highly trained in the skills I mentioned, the fact that the Congressmans backside has been sitting in a chair at home does not make him more qualified than the man who has been away defending it.

You're basing on your opinion on something the guy didn't even say.

He said, as I quoted above:

If Connolly is worried, he isn’t showing it. He dismisses Perkins as unqualified, based on what he calls his failure since leaving the Army to become civically engaged in the 11th District.
Please see my subsequent post with exactly what he said and get back to me.

Getting back to you, the Congressman is still incorrect, as his " TIME AWAY " does NOT make him " UNQUALIFIED" in "LOACAL" matters for the reasons I stated above, and the reason(s) I stated in my other posts on here. The contention that any person in the Military is not qualified in Local matters because they are simply away is nonsense, for a not only the reason I stated above but, another reason is that it assumes that those in the Military who are deployed are completely detached from where they are from in terms of local matters, politics, sports, civil matters, etc. and nothing can be further from the truth especially today, with the internet, news, and several others methods to stay in touch with with whats going on at home. So the Congressman in this case is completely wrong. Take that and the fact that most men and women who are highly trained in the skills I mentioned, the fact that the Congressmans backside has been sitting in a chair at home does not make him more qualified than the man who has been away defending it.

You're basing on your opinion on something the guy didn't even say.

He said, as I quoted above:

If Connolly is worried, he isn’t showing it. He dismisses Perkins as unqualified, based on what he calls his failure since leaving the Army to become civically engaged in the 11th District.
I too, looked further into it. Yes, the original article is inflammatory, but it's not too far off the mark. So, let's see what the horse's mouth says.

In Springfield last month, there was a meet and greet with Connolly. He STRONGLY suggests that Perkins is NOT qualified to serve in Congress because of his service in the military. While Connolly said he honors Perkins' service, he still does not believe Perkins is qualified to serve the 11th District in US Congress because his service was to the military and not the community. He claims that Perkins didn't even vote (how anyone would know that is suspicious, at best). You can listen to Connolly's meme straight from the horse's mouth.

[ame=]Congressman Gerry Connolly,VA 11th Congressional District, at Legislative Meet and Greet Program - YouTube[/ame]

Apparently, this is the meme of Connolly's campaign - that Connolly is more qualified to serve in US Congress because Connolly was here and not deployed.

While I admit that Perkins' statements about what Connolly says - "vets are unqualified" - is not EXACTLY what Connolly says, Connolly certainly suggests it over and over: Someone serving in the US military is not as qualified to serve in US Congress as someone who is a career politician serving the country and locally.

You may find that is a reasonable meme. I do not. I find it ludicrous. I even find it insulting. And, most of all, it's plain stupid considering the demographics of the 11th District of VA - so many are military.
I listened to it, damn you for posting it, lol.

The worst thing he said was that his opponent hasn't been involved locally in the ten years since he's retired from the military. That isn't a criticism of his service, of veterans, or whatever wahrrior thanked you for without even listening to it. It's a criticism of his opponent.

Sounded like he's claimed that his opponent didn't even vote in the last election!
I listened to it, damn you for posting it, lol.

The worst thing he said was that his opponent hasn't been involved locally in the ten years since he's retired from the military. That isn't a criticism of his service, of veterans, or whatever wahrrior thanked you for without even listening to it. It's a criticism of his opponent.

Sounded like he's claimed that his opponent didn't even vote in the last election!
Yeah, and I'm wondering how Connolly (or anyone, for that matter) would know whether someone voted or not.

Now, if that is true, I will likely change my mind. So, I'm still looking to see if Perkins has said anything about his voting, because technically, Perkins is the ONLY one who SHOULD know (or claim to know) about whether he voted or not.
I listened to it, damn you for posting it, lol.

The worst thing he said was that his opponent hasn't been involved locally in the ten years since he's retired from the military. That isn't a criticism of his service, of veterans, or whatever wahrrior thanked you for without even listening to it. It's a criticism of his opponent.

Sounded like he's claimed that his opponent didn't even vote in the last election!
Yeah, and I'm wondering how Connolly (or anyone, for that matter) would know whether someone voted or not.

Now, if that is true, I will likely change my mind. So, I'm still looking to see if Perkins has said anything about his voting, because technically, Perkins is the ONLY one who SHOULD know (or claim to know) about whether he voted or not.

I'll see if I can find anything. But I believe it is a matter of public record if you have voted or not. At least when I once upon a time worked for, we got lists of who voted, who was merely registered, etc. Not how the vote was cast, just that it was.
I listened to it, damn you for posting it, lol.

The worst thing he said was that his opponent hasn't been involved locally in the ten years since he's retired from the military. That isn't a criticism of his service, of veterans, or whatever wahrrior thanked you for without even listening to it. It's a criticism of his opponent.

Sounded like he's claimed that his opponent didn't even vote in the last election!
Yeah, and I'm wondering how Connolly (or anyone, for that matter) would know whether someone voted or not.

Now, if that is true, I will likely change my mind. So, I'm still looking to see if Perkins has said anything about his voting, because technically, Perkins is the ONLY one who SHOULD know (or claim to know) about whether he voted or not.

I'll see if I can find anything. But I believe it is a matter of public record if you have voted or not. At least when I once upon a time worked for, we got lists of who voted, who was merely registered, etc. Not how the vote was cast, just that it was.
Wow. I did not know that one could find out if someone voted and that it was public info.

I had no idea and have no idea where to even look.

Seriously, if that is true about Perkins, I don't take kindly to that - not voting. Would those records include absentee?
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