Congressman Tells How Israel Lobby AIPAC Smeared Him as Anti-Semitic for Voting Against Iraq War


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012

Saying that Israel and the Israeli lobbying group AIPAC considered the US invasion of the Middle East a top priority, Virginia Congressman Jim Moran describes how he refused to bow to AIPAC's demand that he vote for the war, for which he was then subjected to a campaign portraying him as anti-semitic.

The overthrow of Saddam and other Arab governments has been a goal of Israel for decades, articulated in the paper by Oded Yinon entitled "A Strategy or Israel for the Nineteen Eighties." Yinon wrote:

"Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel’s targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria. Iraq is stronger than Syria. In the short run it is Iraqi power which constitutes the greatest threat to Israel."

In 1996 future Defense Department officials of the Bush administration published a paper intended as a policy guide for Israeli prime minister Netanyahu, "A Clean Break," which echoed Oded Yinon's call for Iraq, Syria, and other Arab governments to be overthrown, a task which could only be accomplished by American forces. The primary author was David Wurmser, Middle East Adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney. Another co-author was Douglas Feith, Bush's under secretary of Defense for Policy. Wurmser wrote:

"Israel can shape its strategic environment, in cooperation with Turkey and Jordan, by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq — an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right — as a means of foiling Syria’s regional ambitions."

On September 4, 2004, the Washington Post reported that FBI counterintelligence investigators had questioned Wurmser, along with Douglas Feith, Harold Rhode, and Paul Wolfowitz about the passing of classified information to Ahmad Chalabi and/or the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

AIPAC has taken great pains to conceal its role in lobbying for the Iraq War. Marshall Wittmann, AIPAC’s communications director, told the New York Times (as reported in a expose' )

“To remove any misinformation or confusion, AIPAC took no position whatsoever on the Iraq war, nor did we lobby on this issue — this is an entirely false and misleading argument.”

More on AIPAC lobbying for the Iraq War:

AIPAC and Iraq, by Matt Iglesias, The Atlantic

Saying that Israel and the Israeli lobbying group AIPAC considered the US invasion of the Middle East a top priority, Virginia Congressman Jim Moran describes how he refused to bow to AIPAC's demand that he vote for the war, for which he was then subjected to a campaign portraying him as anti-semitic.

The overthrow of Saddam and other Arab governments has been a goal of Israel for decades, articulated in the paper by Oded Yinon entitled "A Strategy or Israel for the Nineteen Eighties." Yinon wrote:

"Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel’s targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria. Iraq is stronger than Syria. In the short run it is Iraqi power which constitutes the greatest threat to Israel."

In 1996 future Defense Department officials of the Bush administration published a paper intended as a policy guide for Israeli prime minister Netanyahu, "A Clean Break," which echoed Oded Yinon's call for Iraq, Syria, and other Arab governments to be overthrown, a task which could only be accomplished by American forces. The primary author was David Wurmser, Middle East Adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney. Another co-author was Douglas Feith, Bush's under secretary of Defense for Policy. Wurmser wrote:

"Israel can shape its strategic environment, in cooperation with Turkey and Jordan, by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq — an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right — as a means of foiling Syria’s regional ambitions."

On September 4, 2004, the Washington Post reported that FBI counterintelligence investigators had questioned Wurmser, along with Douglas Feith, Harold Rhode, and Paul Wolfowitz about the passing of classified information to Ahmad Chalabi and/or the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

AIPAC has taken great pains to conceal its role in lobbying for the Iraq War. Marshall Wittmann, AIPAC’s communications director, told the New York Times (as reported in a expose' )

“To remove any misinformation or confusion, AIPAC took no position whatsoever on the Iraq war, nor did we lobby on this issue — this is an entirely false and misleading argument.”

More on AIPAC lobbying for the Iraq War:

AIPAC and Iraq, by Matt Iglesias, The Atlantic

We used to call him Jim Moron back in Virginia........
Israel is a military dictatorship that controls via violence and oppression a majority of the people living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, denying them basic human rights because they are not Jewish. The US supports 73% of the world’s dictatorships, so there is nothing at all odd about our support for Israel’s apartheid; we supported South Africa’s as well. And now, Israel is helping us move toward a privatized police state which surveils its own citizenry.


The U.S. Border Patrol and an Israeli Military Contractor Are Putting a Native American Reservation Under “Persistent Surveillance”

Should go nicely with our militarized white nationalist police force. Our future is quietly being put into place while we quibble over something twitterhead said? Yeah, we’re truly such an exceptional people ain’t we.
I don't know Jim Moran from Adam but he sounds like a smart guy with good sense to me. The Iraq war was a disaster orchestrated by neocons. Eff them.
There is a book that details how AIPAC destroys political careers of sitting politicians up for reelection and those just running for the first time.

Prof. John Mearscheimer, a coauthor of The Israel Lobby, is interviewed in the documentary that the OP clip is from, very impressive. The other author is Stephen Walt of Harvard. Of course AIPAC calls them just another couple of anti-semites.

It's not like the knowledge is not out there to fight the takeover of our country by a foreign power (not "Jews," Zionists, they love confusing the two.) It's about people caring and spreading the word.

Merschiemer at about 2:00


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