Congressional Budget Office releases report on AHCA


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Congressional Budget Office releases report on AHCA
Amid congressional chaos unfolding over the health care vote, the Congressional Budget Office has released its report on the legislation.

The new estimate shows smaller savings over the next decade and estimates that "enacting H.R. 1628, with the proposed amendments, would reduce federal deficits by $150 billion over the 2017-2026 period," compared to its original deficit reduction of $337 billion.

According to the report: "CBO and JCT estimate that, in 2018, 14 million more people would be uninsured under the legislation than under current law. The increase in the number of uninsured people relative to the number under current law would reach 21 million in 2020 and 24 million in 2026."

Here's the report in full:

This is just evil...The anti-christ could do little worse in his own bill if he wanted too.. WTF is wrong with you republicans? Do you worship satan or something?
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Die deathcare die!!!!

Say no to going back to the 18th century sytle suffering. Not now, not ever!!! Fuck death care!!!

This is one big death panel as the republicans will be throwing off millions of people that weren't uninsured before the ACA! People will die on street that were on the goddamn operating table!

Sick evil bastards you're if you vote for this crap!
So the recent amendments make it an even worse bill than it was. The GOP obviously wants people to die...
Which part is evil?

Throwing tens of millions of people off their insurance and some of them will be in grave need as it ends.

Millions will possibly be thrown off their insurance that had insurance for decades.
Did it throw people off healthcare? Or is that the estimate of people that will drop healthcare because they are no longer forced to purchase it?
Which part is evil?

Throwing tens of millions of people off their insurance and some of them will be in grave need as it ends.

Millions will possibly be thrown off their insurance that had insurance for decades.
Did it throw people off healthcare? Or is that the estimate of people that will drop healthcare because they are no longer forced to purchase it?

Matthew will not answer....

He'd have to think about it.
Which part is evil?

Throwing tens of millions of people off their insurance and some of them will be in grave need as it ends.

Millions will possibly be thrown off their insurance that had insurance for decades.
Did it throw people off healthcare? Or is that the estimate of people that will drop healthcare because they are no longer forced to purchase it?

Face it...the Republican Party wants the old and disabled to die. But rich people need to have the best care!
Congressional Budget Office releases report on AHCA
Amid congressional chaos unfolding over the health care vote, the Congressional Budget Office has released its report on the legislation.

The new estimate shows smaller savings over the next decade and estimates that "enacting H.R. 1628, with the proposed amendments, would reduce federal deficits by $150 billion over the 2017-2026 period," compared to its original deficit reduction of $337 billion.

According to the report: "CBO and JCT estimate that, in 2018, 14 million more people would be uninsured under the legislation than under current law. The increase in the number of uninsured people relative to the number under current law would reach 21 million in 2020 and 24 million in 2026."

Here's the report in full:

This is just evil...The anti-christ could do little worse in his own bill if he wanted too.. WTF is wrong with you republicans? Do you worship satan or something?

This is just evil...The anti-christ could do little worse in his own bill if he wanted too..

Why are you such a silly twat?
Which part is evil?

Throwing tens of millions of people off their insurance and some of them will be in grave need as it ends.

Millions will possibly be thrown off their insurance that had insurance for decades.

Millions will possibly be thrown off their insurance that had insurance for decades.

But enough about the failures of Obamacare.
It's an interesting enough read. It identifies what parts of the ACA have budgetary impact, thus which parts the ACA must be left intact and which must be altered in order to allow the ACHA to comply with the reconciliation process. What the CBO glaringly doesn't address is the impact the ACHA provisions have on people's ability to obtain health insurance and/or health care.

It's understandable that the CBO do not it is not the "Constituent Impact Analysis Office." There is no such office. Constituents, voters, have to do that analysis themselves or rely on the news or some other organization to do it for them. Regarding the ACHA, because of the structural approach to writing it -- it's a list of changes, but it often doesn't clearly identify the substance of the changes [1] -- that's not "quick 'n' easy" to do -- it's not especially hard to do, but it takes far more time than just reading the bill.

  1. The ACHA's linguistic structure takes the following form:
    • Subpart I of part A of title XXVII of the Public Health Service Act is amended—
      • (1) in section 2701(a)(1)(B), by striking ‘‘such rate’’ and inserting ‘‘subject to section 2710A, such rate’’;
      • (2) by redesignating the second section 2709 as section 2710, and
      • (3) in subsection (d), by adding at the end the following:
        ‘‘(5) SUNSET.—The provisions of this subsection shall not apply after December 31, 2019, and after such date any reference to this subsection or level of coverage or plan described in this
        subsection and any requirement under law applying such a level of coverage or plan shall have no force or effect (and such a requirement shall be applied as if this section had been repealed).’’
-- What did Subpart I of part A of title XXVII of the Public Health Service Act say in the first place?
-- What is the impact on a policyholder of replacing "such rate" with "subject to section 2710A, such rate?"
-- What is the impact on a policyholder of the sunset provision that was added at the end of section 2170?

There's no way to know until you read Subpart I of part A of title XXVII of the Public Health Service Act.. Because the above is the compositional structure of the ACHA, it's quite time consuming to determine what impact it will have on an individual's health insurance coverage and ability to get coverage.

" Who thought healthcare could be this hard?"
Congressional Budget Office releases report on AHCA
Amid congressional chaos unfolding over the health care vote, the Congressional Budget Office has released its report on the legislation.

The new estimate shows smaller savings over the next decade and estimates that "enacting H.R. 1628, with the proposed amendments, would reduce federal deficits by $150 billion over the 2017-2026 period," compared to its original deficit reduction of $337 billion.

According to the report: "CBO and JCT estimate that, in 2018, 14 million more people would be uninsured under the legislation than under current law. The increase in the number of uninsured people relative to the number under current law would reach 21 million in 2020 and 24 million in 2026."

Here's the report in full:

This is just evil...The anti-christ could do little worse in his own bill if he wanted too.. WTF is wrong with you republicans? Do you worship satan or something?

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