Congress Is A Brotherhood

Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Gadsden Alabama
Do you feel represented by Congress? If you're not corporate America, Wall Street, a wealthy or powerful individual, chances are that you have absolutely no representation in Congress, or in government. Do you feel that Congress works hard to ensure equal opportunity, equal rights, and a better way of life for all citizens? If you feel they do, then can you explain the loss of privacy, the injustices in our judicial system, growing poverty and homelessness, and the millions dependent on government assistance programs?

In reality, Congress is a brotherhood of puppets, dancing to the tunes played by corporate America, Wall Street, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. Members of Congress do what they're told to do by the ones that placed them in office. Members of Congress owe favors, they have political debt to repay, and they sell their votes on the floors of Congress in order to satisfy those obligations. Lobbyists hand out hundreds of millions of dollars to ensure that members of Congress never forget how they got to be members of Congress.

It's also important that we all remember that Congress is comprised of Democrats, Republicans, Liberals, Conservatives, Independents, Right wings, Left Wings, and any other label one wishes to attach. Regardless of the label, they're all politicians, doing what politicians do. John Q. Public is without representation in Washington, and the daily headlines bear witness to that truism. The only reason that we have what little we have today, is that Congress hasn't figured out how to take it from us without an all out civil revolt. Their process so far has been to take from us, piece by piece, little by little, in hopes that continuous minor pain stretched out over decades, will keep us from noticing their master plan, and from feeling the harsh sting all at once.

The Washington Brotherhood is an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. Their power and control is just the opposite of what our founding fathers envisioned for this nation. We have been defeated by their greed, and by their thirst and hunger for power and complete control.
Do you feel represented by Congress? If you're not corporate America, Wall Street, a wealthy or powerful individual, chances are that you have absolutely no representation in Congress, or in government. Do you feel that Congress works hard to ensure equal opportunity, equal rights, and a better way of life for all citizens? If you feel they do, then can you explain the loss of privacy, the injustices in our judicial system, growing poverty and homelessness, and the millions dependent on government assistance programs?

In reality, Congress is a brotherhood of puppets, dancing to the tunes played by corporate America, Wall Street, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. Members of Congress do what they're told to do by the ones that placed them in office. Members of Congress owe favors, they have political debt to repay, and they sell their votes on the floors of Congress in order to satisfy those obligations. Lobbyists hand out hundreds of millions of dollars to ensure that members of Congress never forget how they got to be members of Congress.

It's also important that we all remember that Congress is comprised of Democrats, Republicans, Liberals, Conservatives, Independents, Right wings, Left Wings, and any other label one wishes to attach. Regardless of the label, they're all politicians, doing what politicians do. John Q. Public is without representation in Washington, and the daily headlines bear witness to that truism. The only reason that we have what little we have today, is that Congress hasn't figured out how to take it from us without an all out civil revolt. Their process so far has been to take from us, piece by piece, little by little, in hopes that continuous minor pain stretched out over decades, will keep us from noticing their master plan, and from feeling the harsh sting all at once.

The Washington Brotherhood is an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. Their power and control is just the opposite of what our founding fathers envisioned for this nation. We have been defeated by their greed, and by their thirst and hunger for power and complete control.
Did you freaking anti-American idiots ever call a congressman about an issue? I did and my (republican) congressman took care of my problem. The anti-Wall Street idiocy has been addressed by the American people and the democrats were kicked out.
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Do you feel represented by Congress? If you're not corporate America, Wall Street, a wealthy or powerful individual, chances are that you have absolutely no representation in Congress, or in government. Do you feel that Congress works hard to ensure equal opportunity, equal rights, and a better way of life for all citizens? If you feel they do, then can you explain the loss of privacy, the injustices in our judicial system, growing poverty and homelessness, and the millions dependent on government assistance programs?

In reality, Congress is a brotherhood of puppets, dancing to the tunes played by corporate America, Wall Street, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. Members of Congress do what they're told to do by the ones that placed them in office. Members of Congress owe favors, they have political debt to repay, and they sell their votes on the floors of Congress in order to satisfy those obligations. Lobbyists hand out hundreds of millions of dollars to ensure that members of Congress never forget how they got to be members of Congress.

It's also important that we all remember that Congress is comprised of Democrats, Republicans, Liberals, Conservatives, Independents, Right wings, Left Wings, and any other label one wishes to attach. Regardless of the label, they're all politicians, doing what politicians do. John Q. Public is without representation in Washington, and the daily headlines bear witness to that truism. The only reason that we have what little we have today, is that Congress hasn't figured out how to take it from us without an all out civil revolt. Their process so far has been to take from us, piece by piece, little by little, in hopes that continuous minor pain stretched out over decades, will keep us from noticing their master plan, and from feeling the harsh sting all at once.

The Washington Brotherhood is an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. Their power and control is just the opposite of what our founding fathers envisioned for this nation. We have been defeated by their greed, and by their thirst and hunger for power and complete control.
Did you freaking anti-American idiots ever call a congressman about an issue? I did and my (republican) congressman took care of my problem. The anti-Wall Street idiocy has been addressed by the American people and the democrats were kicked out.
First, I'm very much pro-America. Secondly, I'm certainly no idiot. Thirdly, name calling and personal attack are silly, immature, and totally uncalled for. Please attempt to be adult and civil in these conversations, thanks. Fourth, yes, I have talked to my representatives by phone. Also, it matters not whether one is Democrat or Republican. They're all professional politicians doing what professional politicians do. Regardless of party, professional politicians are all about egos, self-service, power, influence, greed, and climbing the political ladder at all cost. I do realize that the truth is a hard pill to swallow. But, no one can deny what has taken place over the past 60 plus years to this once great nation. Puff and blow all you want, but the facts are facts, truth is truth, and none of us has representation in Washington.
Do you feel represented by Congress? If you're not corporate America, Wall Street, a wealthy or powerful individual, chances are that you have absolutely no representation in Congress, or in government. Do you feel that Congress works hard to ensure equal opportunity, equal rights, and a better way of life for all citizens? If you feel they do, then can you explain the loss of privacy, the injustices in our judicial system, growing poverty and homelessness, and the millions dependent on government assistance programs?

In reality, Congress is a brotherhood of puppets, dancing to the tunes played by corporate America, Wall Street, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. Members of Congress do what they're told to do by the ones that placed them in office. Members of Congress owe favors, they have political debt to repay, and they sell their votes on the floors of Congress in order to satisfy those obligations. Lobbyists hand out hundreds of millions of dollars to ensure that members of Congress never forget how they got to be members of Congress.

It's also important that we all remember that Congress is comprised of Democrats, Republicans, Liberals, Conservatives, Independents, Right wings, Left Wings, and any other label one wishes to attach. Regardless of the label, they're all politicians, doing what politicians do. John Q. Public is without representation in Washington, and the daily headlines bear witness to that truism. The only reason that we have what little we have today, is that Congress hasn't figured out how to take it from us without an all out civil revolt. Their process so far has been to take from us, piece by piece, little by little, in hopes that continuous minor pain stretched out over decades, will keep us from noticing their master plan, and from feeling the harsh sting all at once.

The Washington Brotherhood is an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. Their power and control is just the opposite of what our founding fathers envisioned for this nation. We have been defeated by their greed, and by their thirst and hunger for power and complete control.
another excellent thread of yours.:clap::clap::clap:

yeah congress represents the bankers and wall street serving them instead of us, thats why everything you mentioned is happening.they are ignoring everything the people are are asking for to get government reformed constantly lying they will do something but never doing what they say they will.
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Do you feel represented by Congress? If you're not corporate America, Wall Street, a wealthy or powerful individual, chances are that you have absolutely no representation in Congress, or in government. Do you feel that Congress works hard to ensure equal opportunity, equal rights, and a better way of life for all citizens? If you feel they do, then can you explain the loss of privacy, the injustices in our judicial system, growing poverty and homelessness, and the millions dependent on government assistance programs?

In reality, Congress is a brotherhood of puppets, dancing to the tunes played by corporate America, Wall Street, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. Members of Congress do what they're told to do by the ones that placed them in office. Members of Congress owe favors, they have political debt to repay, and they sell their votes on the floors of Congress in order to satisfy those obligations. Lobbyists hand out hundreds of millions of dollars to ensure that members of Congress never forget how they got to be members of Congress.

It's also important that we all remember that Congress is comprised of Democrats, Republicans, Liberals, Conservatives, Independents, Right wings, Left Wings, and any other label one wishes to attach. Regardless of the label, they're all politicians, doing what politicians do. John Q. Public is without representation in Washington, and the daily headlines bear witness to that truism. The only reason that we have what little we have today, is that Congress hasn't figured out how to take it from us without an all out civil revolt. Their process so far has been to take from us, piece by piece, little by little, in hopes that continuous minor pain stretched out over decades, will keep us from noticing their master plan, and from feeling the harsh sting all at once.

The Washington Brotherhood is an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. Their power and control is just the opposite of what our founding fathers envisioned for this nation. We have been defeated by their greed, and by their thirst and hunger for power and complete control.
another excellent thread of yours.:clap::clap::clap:

yeah congress represents the bankers and wall street serving them instead of us, thats why everything you mentioned is happening.they are ignoring everything the people are are asking for to get government reformed constantly lying they will do something but never doing what they say they will.
You are absolutely correct. We're lied to every single day. They know exactly what they're doing, and we know it also.
Do you feel represented by Congress? If you're not corporate America, Wall Street, a wealthy or powerful individual, chances are that you have absolutely no representation in Congress, or in government. Do you feel that Congress works hard to ensure equal opportunity, equal rights, and a better way of life for all citizens? If you feel they do, then can you explain the loss of privacy, the injustices in our judicial system, growing poverty and homelessness, and the millions dependent on government assistance programs?

In reality, Congress is a brotherhood of puppets, dancing to the tunes played by corporate America, Wall Street, the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. Members of Congress do what they're told to do by the ones that placed them in office. Members of Congress owe favors, they have political debt to repay, and they sell their votes on the floors of Congress in order to satisfy those obligations. Lobbyists hand out hundreds of millions of dollars to ensure that members of Congress never forget how they got to be members of Congress.

It's also important that we all remember that Congress is comprised of Democrats, Republicans, Liberals, Conservatives, Independents, Right wings, Left Wings, and any other label one wishes to attach. Regardless of the label, they're all politicians, doing what politicians do. John Q. Public is without representation in Washington, and the daily headlines bear witness to that truism. The only reason that we have what little we have today, is that Congress hasn't figured out how to take it from us without an all out civil revolt. Their process so far has been to take from us, piece by piece, little by little, in hopes that continuous minor pain stretched out over decades, will keep us from noticing their master plan, and from feeling the harsh sting all at once.

The Washington Brotherhood is an entity unto itself, answerable to no one except itself. Their power and control is just the opposite of what our founding fathers envisioned for this nation. We have been defeated by their greed, and by their thirst and hunger for power and complete control.
Did you freaking anti-American idiots ever call a congressman about an issue? I did and my (republican) congressman took care of my problem. The anti-Wall Street idiocy has been addressed by the American people and the democrats were kicked out.
First, I'm very much pro-America. Secondly, I'm certainly no idiot. Thirdly, name calling and personal attack are silly, immature, and totally uncalled for. Please attempt to be adult and civil in these conversations, thanks. Fourth, yes, I have talked to my representatives by phone. Also, it matters not whether one is Democrat or Republican. They're all professional politicians doing what professional politicians do. Regardless of party, professional politicians are all about egos, self-service, power, influence, greed, and climbing the political ladder at all cost. I do realize that the truth is a hard pill to swallow. But, no one can deny what has taken place over the past 60 plus years to this once great nation. Puff and blow all you want, but the facts are facts, truth is truth, and none of us has representation in Washington.

welcome to the litte world troll whitehall lives in.when he cant refute facts he goes into a tirade of name calling.this troll actually thinks oswald killed kennedy.:lmao: seriously im not joking.:lol: ask him.he has me on ignore cause he got frustrated with me proving him wrong on that so many times before.:biggrin:

ask him if he is that stupid that he really believes in magic bullets.thats a good way to get him to put you on ignore.He can dish it out but he cant take it.:lol: pesky little facts he cant deal with.:lol:

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