Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Gadsden Alabama
This is for all the American citizens afflicted with "Blind Patriotism", and there are millions of you. The following article is just another illustration of just how much representation you have in government.
Payday lenders throw millions at powerful politicians to get their way - Dec. 18 2014
Payday lenders throw millions at powerful politicians to get their way

What you have is a government seated in Washington that is bought and paid for. Once elected to office, they exert their will, and not the will of the people. Money buys votes on the floors of Congress. The U.S. Government is corrupt, on the take, and engages in self-service and greed. If you've ever voted to elect or to re-elect a professional politician to serve in government, then you've aided and abetted the crooks that run this country. Remember, honesty and politics mix like water and oil.
great thread.

yeah the sheople here in the states are so brainwashed they continue to believe that their vote counts,that there is any difference between romney and obama other than one is black and not a us citizen and the other is white and is one,thats about the only two differences in the two though.

they both work for wall street and serve them,not us. the sheople dont get that nor that its actually a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so they think they have a choice in who gets elected when they vote for a demopublican or reprocrat who are like pro wrestlers,inside the ring they pretend to hate each other but outside they are good friends and have a beer together.same thing.

they dont get it that its all a script thats been planned out for years on who they want to put in office,that voting machines are rigged so whoever they want in gets the vote in congress or many sheep still actually believe their vote matters and they put these people in office.they'll never wake up.
  • Thread starter
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  • #3
great thread.

yeah the sheople here in the states are so brainwashed they continue to believe that their vote counts,that there is any difference between romney and obama other than one is black and not a us citizen and the other is white and is one,thats about the only two differences in the two though.

they both work for wall street and serve them,not us. the sheople dont get that nor that its actually a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so they think they have a choice in who gets elected when they vote for a demopublican or reprocrat who are like pro wrestlers,inside the ring they pretend to hate each other but outside they are good friends and have a beer together.same thing.

they dont get it that its all a script thats been planned out for years on who they want to put in office,that voting machines are rigged so whoever they want in gets the vote in congress or many sheep still actually believe their vote matters and they put these people in office.they'll never wake up.
You are 110% correct. I really don't believe that voters will ever wake up and smell the coffee. Voters will swallow anything spewed from the mouths of professional politicians. I always laugh when I hear people argue over whether Republicans are to blame, or Democrats are to blame. They don't stop to think that politics is politics, politicians are always politicians, and all of them play "politics as usual". It's all a game in Washington. Yet, we have voters that actually believe that one party is better than the other, and that there is a difference between the two. It's unreal and unbelievable that so many people can be so damn stupid, so many times, and for so long. It seems like a light would go off sooner or later and that they would wake up and see the light.
great thread.

yeah the sheople here in the states are so brainwashed they continue to believe that their vote counts,that there is any difference between romney and obama other than one is black and not a us citizen and the other is white and is one,thats about the only two differences in the two though.

they both work for wall street and serve them,not us. the sheople dont get that nor that its actually a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so they think they have a choice in who gets elected when they vote for a demopublican or reprocrat who are like pro wrestlers,inside the ring they pretend to hate each other but outside they are good friends and have a beer together.same thing.

they dont get it that its all a script thats been planned out for years on who they want to put in office,that voting machines are rigged so whoever they want in gets the vote in congress or many sheep still actually believe their vote matters and they put these people in office.they'll never wake up.
You are 110% correct. I really don't believe that voters will ever wake up and smell the coffee. Voters will swallow anything spewed from the mouths of professional politicians. I always laugh when I hear people argue over whether Republicans are to blame, or Democrats are to blame. They don't stop to think that politics is politics, politicians are always politicians, and all of them play "politics as usual". It's all a game in Washington. Yet, we have voters that actually believe that one party is better than the other, and that there is a difference between the two. It's unreal and unbelievable that so many people can be so damn stupid, so many times, and for so long. It seems like a light would go off sooner or later and that they would wake up and see the light.

yeah no doubt.everytime november 22nd always comes around it always saddens me because that was a day that altered not only the future of our country forever for the worst but also for the future of the world because our right to freely elect our own people and put them in office was taken away from us that day.

thats what happens when you have a president who serves the people instead of the bankers.He was our last real president we had who did forever altered the course of the world because we were on the verge of returning to a government of the people where the people had control over the government instead of these big corporations that do now.

He had returned us to having our money backed by backed by soemthing.the money issued said united states notes on them.federal reserve notes we have now are backed by nothing,they are worth no more than monopoly his assassination still affects us today.

His executive order he signed was going to eliminate the federal reserve.once he got assassinated.LBJ immediately stopped the printing of the US notes though and got us back to the printing of federal reserve notes that we have now.the traiter.No president since then has enated his executive order that was going to ban the fed cause they know they will suffer the same fate if they try..

prepare to have some government disinformation plants that will come on here and post propaganda internet links saying everything i said is b.s,thats what their handlers pay them to do.

But they cant change the facts that united states notes were printed up and immediately after his assination with a couple days or so,LBJ stopped the printing of them and they went back to the printing of federal reserve notes.

ever see the video THE OBAMA DECEPTION by chance? I have that in my link on must see video if you havent seen talks all about all that what I just mentioned.

its a couple hours long but it IS a must see video.
Last edited:
  • Thread starter
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  • #5
great thread.

yeah the sheople here in the states are so brainwashed they continue to believe that their vote counts,that there is any difference between romney and obama other than one is black and not a us citizen and the other is white and is one,thats about the only two differences in the two though.

they both work for wall street and serve them,not us. the sheople dont get that nor that its actually a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so they think they have a choice in who gets elected when they vote for a demopublican or reprocrat who are like pro wrestlers,inside the ring they pretend to hate each other but outside they are good friends and have a beer together.same thing.

they dont get it that its all a script thats been planned out for years on who they want to put in office,that voting machines are rigged so whoever they want in gets the vote in congress or many sheep still actually believe their vote matters and they put these people in office.they'll never wake up.
You are 110% correct. I really don't believe that voters will ever wake up and smell the coffee. Voters will swallow anything spewed from the mouths of professional politicians. I always laugh when I hear people argue over whether Republicans are to blame, or Democrats are to blame. They don't stop to think that politics is politics, politicians are always politicians, and all of them play "politics as usual". It's all a game in Washington. Yet, we have voters that actually believe that one party is better than the other, and that there is a difference between the two. It's unreal and unbelievable that so many people can be so damn stupid, so many times, and for so long. It seems like a light would go off sooner or later and that they would wake up and see the light.

yeah no doubt.everytime november 22nd always comes around it always saddens me because that was a day that altered not only the future of our country forever for the worst but also for the future of the world because our right to freely elect our own people and put them in office was taken away from us that day.

thats what happens when you have a president who serves the people instead of the bankers.He was our last real president we had who did forever altered the course of the world because we were on the verge of returning to a government of the people where the people had control over the government instead of these big corporations that do now.

He had returned us to having our money backed by backed by soemthing.the money issued said united states notes on them.federal reserve notes we have now are backed by nothing,they are worth no more than monopoly his assassination still affects us today.

His executive order he signed was going to eliminate the federal reserve.once he got assassinated.LBJ immediately stopped the printing of the US notes though and got us back to the printing of federal reserve notes that we have now.the traiter.No president since then has enated his executive order that was going to ban the fed cause they know they will suffer the same fate if they try..

prepare to have some government disinformation plants that will come on here and post propaganda internet links saying everything i said is b.s,thats what their handlers pay them to do.

But they cant change the facts that united states notes were printed up and immediately after his assination with a couple days or so,LBJ stopped the printing of them and they went back to the printing of federal reserve notes.

ever see the video THE OBAMA DECEPTION by chance? I have that in my link on must see video if you havent seen talks all about all that what I just mentioned.

its a couple hours long but it IS a must see video.
Thank you very much. I really appreciate your comment and the information within. Yes, I agree, we've been going downhill for 60 plus years now. I saw all of this coming many years ago. The sad part is that we haven't seen and experienced the worst yet. I honestly believe that we'll have to hit rock bottom before the general public wakes up. Thanks again for your response, much appreciated.
great thread.

yeah the sheople here in the states are so brainwashed they continue to believe that their vote counts,that there is any difference between romney and obama other than one is black and not a us citizen and the other is white and is one,thats about the only two differences in the two though.

they both work for wall street and serve them,not us. the sheople dont get that nor that its actually a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so they think they have a choice in who gets elected when they vote for a demopublican or reprocrat who are like pro wrestlers,inside the ring they pretend to hate each other but outside they are good friends and have a beer together.same thing.

they dont get it that its all a script thats been planned out for years on who they want to put in office,that voting machines are rigged so whoever they want in gets the vote in congress or many sheep still actually believe their vote matters and they put these people in office.they'll never wake up.
You are 110% correct. I really don't believe that voters will ever wake up and smell the coffee. Voters will swallow anything spewed from the mouths of professional politicians. I always laugh when I hear people argue over whether Republicans are to blame, or Democrats are to blame. They don't stop to think that politics is politics, politicians are always politicians, and all of them play "politics as usual". It's all a game in Washington. Yet, we have voters that actually believe that one party is better than the other, and that there is a difference between the two. It's unreal and unbelievable that so many people can be so damn stupid, so many times, and for so long. It seems like a light would go off sooner or later and that they would wake up and see the light.

yeah no doubt.everytime november 22nd always comes around it always saddens me because that was a day that altered not only the future of our country forever for the worst but also for the future of the world because our right to freely elect our own people and put them in office was taken away from us that day.

thats what happens when you have a president who serves the people instead of the bankers.He was our last real president we had who did forever altered the course of the world because we were on the verge of returning to a government of the people where the people had control over the government instead of these big corporations that do now.

He had returned us to having our money backed by backed by soemthing.the money issued said united states notes on them.federal reserve notes we have now are backed by nothing,they are worth no more than monopoly his assassination still affects us today.

His executive order he signed was going to eliminate the federal reserve.once he got assassinated.LBJ immediately stopped the printing of the US notes though and got us back to the printing of federal reserve notes that we have now.the traiter.No president since then has enated his executive order that was going to ban the fed cause they know they will suffer the same fate if they try..

prepare to have some government disinformation plants that will come on here and post propaganda internet links saying everything i said is b.s,thats what their handlers pay them to do.

But they cant change the facts that united states notes were printed up and immediately after his assination with a couple days or so,LBJ stopped the printing of them and they went back to the printing of federal reserve notes.

ever see the video THE OBAMA DECEPTION by chance? I have that in my link on must see video if you havent seen talks all about all that what I just mentioned.

its a couple hours long but it IS a must see video.
Thank you very much. I really appreciate your comment and the information within. Yes, I agree, we've been going downhill for 60 plus years now. I saw all of this coming many years ago. The sad part is that we haven't seen and experienced the worst yet. I honestly believe that we'll have to hit rock bottom before the general public wakes up. Thanks again for your response, much appreciated.
great thread.

yeah the sheople here in the states are so brainwashed they continue to believe that their vote counts,that there is any difference between romney and obama other than one is black and not a us citizen and the other is white and is one,thats about the only two differences in the two though.

they both work for wall street and serve them,not us. the sheople dont get that nor that its actually a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so they think they have a choice in who gets elected when they vote for a demopublican or reprocrat who are like pro wrestlers,inside the ring they pretend to hate each other but outside they are good friends and have a beer together.same thing.

they dont get it that its all a script thats been planned out for years on who they want to put in office,that voting machines are rigged so whoever they want in gets the vote in congress or many sheep still actually believe their vote matters and they put these people in office.they'll never wake up.
You are 110% correct. I really don't believe that voters will ever wake up and smell the coffee. Voters will swallow anything spewed from the mouths of professional politicians. I always laugh when I hear people argue over whether Republicans are to blame, or Democrats are to blame. They don't stop to think that politics is politics, politicians are always politicians, and all of them play "politics as usual". It's all a game in Washington. Yet, we have voters that actually believe that one party is better than the other, and that there is a difference between the two. It's unreal and unbelievable that so many people can be so damn stupid, so many times, and for so long. It seems like a light would go off sooner or later and that they would wake up and see the light.

yeah no doubt.everytime november 22nd always comes around it always saddens me because that was a day that altered not only the future of our country forever for the worst but also for the future of the world because our right to freely elect our own people and put them in office was taken away from us that day.

thats what happens when you have a president who serves the people instead of the bankers.He was our last real president we had who did forever altered the course of the world because we were on the verge of returning to a government of the people where the people had control over the government instead of these big corporations that do now.

He had returned us to having our money backed by backed by soemthing.the money issued said united states notes on them.federal reserve notes we have now are backed by nothing,they are worth no more than monopoly his assassination still affects us today.

His executive order he signed was going to eliminate the federal reserve.once he got assassinated.LBJ immediately stopped the printing of the US notes though and got us back to the printing of federal reserve notes that we have now.the traiter.No president since then has enated his executive order that was going to ban the fed cause they know they will suffer the same fate if they try..

prepare to have some government disinformation plants that will come on here and post propaganda internet links saying everything i said is b.s,thats what their handlers pay them to do.

But they cant change the facts that united states notes were printed up and immediately after his assination with a couple days or so,LBJ stopped the printing of them and they went back to the printing of federal reserve notes.

ever see the video THE OBAMA DECEPTION by chance? I have that in my link on must see video if you havent seen talks all about all that what I just mentioned.

its a couple hours long but it IS a must see video.
Thank you very much. I really appreciate your comment and the information within. Yes, I agree, we've been going downhill for 60 plus years now. I saw all of this coming many years ago. The sad part is that we haven't seen and experienced the worst yet. I honestly believe that we'll have to hit rock bottom before the general public wakes up. Thanks again for your response, much appreciated.
you saw all this coming many years ago huh? so have you seen that video by chance? sadly you are correct that we will have to hit rock bottom before they wake up and and yes you are so correct,that we have not seen and experienced the worst yet. every single president that gets in office will be more evil and corrupt than the previous one form here on out as long as we have this corrupt two party system.they always are.

the first one that got in that was far worse than the previous one,was 1981 and ever since then each one that has got in has been worse and more evil than the previous one.

Not because they are natually more evil than the other.Its just the establishment ups their agenda for the next incoming president who serves them.

Like by nature,Clinton isnt as evil as Bush sr is but his actions as president topped Bushs and that again is because he was following the orders of what his masters were telling him to do is why.
This is for all the American citizens afflicted with "Blind Patriotism", and there are millions of you. The following article is just another illustration of just how much representation you have in government.
Payday lenders throw millions at powerful politicians to get their way - Dec. 18 2014
Payday lenders throw millions at powerful politicians to get their way

What you have is a government seated in Washington that is bought and paid for. Once elected to office, they exert their will, and not the will of the people. Money buys votes on the floors of Congress. The U.S. Government is corrupt, on the take, and engages in self-service and greed. If you've ever voted to elect or to re-elect a professional politician to serve in government, then you've aided and abetted the crooks that run this country. Remember, honesty and politics mix like water and oil.

Uh, our "president" was put in power by the Chicago Mob....
This is for all the American citizens afflicted with "Blind Patriotism", and there are millions of you. The following article is just another illustration of just how much representation you have in government.
Payday lenders throw millions at powerful politicians to get their way - Dec. 18 2014
Payday lenders throw millions at powerful politicians to get their way

What you have is a government seated in Washington that is bought and paid for. Once elected to office, they exert their will, and not the will of the people. Money buys votes on the floors of Congress. The U.S. Government is corrupt, on the take, and engages in self-service and greed. If you've ever voted to elect or to re-elect a professional politician to serve in government, then you've aided and abetted the crooks that run this country. Remember, honesty and politics mix like water and oil.

Uh, our "president" was put in power by the Chicago Mob....

Edit - oh this is about keeping Obama out of prison for his interstate extortion racket.

It won't work.
Operation Choke Point is a gangland extortion racket. It is a class A felony that Eric Holder and Barack Obama are engaged in. Obama and Holder belong in prison. This is open corruption that you celebrate because you hold party above all.
great thread.

yeah the sheople here in the states are so brainwashed they continue to believe that their vote counts,that there is any difference between romney and obama other than one is black and not a us citizen and the other is white and is one,thats about the only two differences in the two though.

they both work for wall street and serve them,not us. the sheople dont get that nor that its actually a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so they think they have a choice in who gets elected when they vote for a demopublican or reprocrat who are like pro wrestlers,inside the ring they pretend to hate each other but outside they are good friends and have a beer together.same thing.

they dont get it that its all a script thats been planned out for years on who they want to put in office,that voting machines are rigged so whoever they want in gets the vote in congress or many sheep still actually believe their vote matters and they put these people in office.they'll never wake up.
You are 110% correct. I really don't believe that voters will ever wake up and smell the coffee. Voters will swallow anything spewed from the mouths of professional politicians. I always laugh when I hear people argue over whether Republicans are to blame, or Democrats are to blame. They don't stop to think that politics is politics, politicians are always politicians, and all of them play "politics as usual". It's all a game in Washington. Yet, we have voters that actually believe that one party is better than the other, and that there is a difference between the two. It's unreal and unbelievable that so many people can be so damn stupid, so many times, and for so long. It seems like a light would go off sooner or later and that they would wake up and see the light.

yeah no doubt.everytime november 22nd always comes around it always saddens me because that was a day that altered not only the future of our country forever for the worst but also for the future of the world because our right to freely elect our own people and put them in office was taken away from us that day.

thats what happens when you have a president who serves the people instead of the bankers.He was our last real president we had who did forever altered the course of the world because we were on the verge of returning to a government of the people where the people had control over the government instead of these big corporations that do now.

He had returned us to having our money backed by backed by soemthing.the money issued said united states notes on them.federal reserve notes we have now are backed by nothing,they are worth no more than monopoly his assassination still affects us today.

His executive order he signed was going to eliminate the federal reserve.once he got assassinated.LBJ immediately stopped the printing of the US notes though and got us back to the printing of federal reserve notes that we have now.the traiter.No president since then has enated his executive order that was going to ban the fed cause they know they will suffer the same fate if they try..

prepare to have some government disinformation plants that will come on here and post propaganda internet links saying everything i said is b.s,thats what their handlers pay them to do.

But they cant change the facts that united states notes were printed up and immediately after his assination with a couple days or so,LBJ stopped the printing of them and they went back to the printing of federal reserve notes.

ever see the video THE OBAMA DECEPTION by chance? I have that in my link on must see video if you havent seen talks all about all that what I just mentioned.

its a couple hours long but it IS a must see video.
Thank you very much. I really appreciate your comment and the information within. Yes, I agree, we've been going downhill for 60 plus years now. I saw all of this coming many years ago. The sad part is that we haven't seen and experienced the worst yet. I honestly believe that we'll have to hit rock bottom before the general public wakes up. Thanks again for your response, much appreciated.
great thread.

yeah the sheople here in the states are so brainwashed they continue to believe that their vote counts,that there is any difference between romney and obama other than one is black and not a us citizen and the other is white and is one,thats about the only two differences in the two though.

they both work for wall street and serve them,not us. the sheople dont get that nor that its actually a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so they think they have a choice in who gets elected when they vote for a demopublican or reprocrat who are like pro wrestlers,inside the ring they pretend to hate each other but outside they are good friends and have a beer together.same thing.

they dont get it that its all a script thats been planned out for years on who they want to put in office,that voting machines are rigged so whoever they want in gets the vote in congress or many sheep still actually believe their vote matters and they put these people in office.they'll never wake up.
You are 110% correct. I really don't believe that voters will ever wake up and smell the coffee. Voters will swallow anything spewed from the mouths of professional politicians. I always laugh when I hear people argue over whether Republicans are to blame, or Democrats are to blame. They don't stop to think that politics is politics, politicians are always politicians, and all of them play "politics as usual". It's all a game in Washington. Yet, we have voters that actually believe that one party is better than the other, and that there is a difference between the two. It's unreal and unbelievable that so many people can be so damn stupid, so many times, and for so long. It seems like a light would go off sooner or later and that they would wake up and see the light.

yeah no doubt.everytime november 22nd always comes around it always saddens me because that was a day that altered not only the future of our country forever for the worst but also for the future of the world because our right to freely elect our own people and put them in office was taken away from us that day.

thats what happens when you have a president who serves the people instead of the bankers.He was our last real president we had who did forever altered the course of the world because we were on the verge of returning to a government of the people where the people had control over the government instead of these big corporations that do now.

He had returned us to having our money backed by backed by soemthing.the money issued said united states notes on them.federal reserve notes we have now are backed by nothing,they are worth no more than monopoly his assassination still affects us today.

His executive order he signed was going to eliminate the federal reserve.once he got assassinated.LBJ immediately stopped the printing of the US notes though and got us back to the printing of federal reserve notes that we have now.the traiter.No president since then has enated his executive order that was going to ban the fed cause they know they will suffer the same fate if they try..

prepare to have some government disinformation plants that will come on here and post propaganda internet links saying everything i said is b.s,thats what their handlers pay them to do.

But they cant change the facts that united states notes were printed up and immediately after his assination with a couple days or so,LBJ stopped the printing of them and they went back to the printing of federal reserve notes.

ever see the video THE OBAMA DECEPTION by chance? I have that in my link on must see video if you havent seen talks all about all that what I just mentioned.

its a couple hours long but it IS a must see video.
Thank you very much. I really appreciate your comment and the information within. Yes, I agree, we've been going downhill for 60 plus years now. I saw all of this coming many years ago. The sad part is that we haven't seen and experienced the worst yet. I honestly believe that we'll have to hit rock bottom before the general public wakes up. Thanks again for your response, much appreciated.
you saw all this coming many years ago huh? so have you seen that video by chance? sadly you are correct that we will have to hit rock bottom before they wake up and and yes you are so correct,that we have not seen and experienced the worst yet. every single president that gets in office will be more evil and corrupt than the previous one form here on out as long as we have this corrupt two party system.they always are.

the first one that got in that was far worse than the previous one,was 1981 and ever since then each one that has got in has been worse and more evil than the previous one.

Not because they are natually more evil than the other.Its just the establishment ups their agenda for the next incoming president who serves them.

Like by nature,Clinton isnt as evil as Bush sr is but his actions as president topped Bushs and that again is because he was following the orders of what his masters were telling him to do is why.
Yes, honestly, I have seen this sad situation coming for many years now. I have been writing about it on a regular basis since 2005. I first noticed what was taking place when I was in my early 30's, back in 1979 and 1980. It finally dawned on me that we had absolutely no representation in government, and that the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential controlled government. From that point on, I educated myself on what exactly was at the root of all of our socioeconomic problems. I soon discovered that our government is actual a puppet, dancing to the tunes played by the wealthy and powerful of the world. We have become a part of an international economic machine designed to make world economies co-dependent. There's a lot more to the story, but lets just say that all of this didn't happen by accident or chance. And, you are correct. Each administration has dug the hole deeper. We've had brief moments of false feelings of Dr. Feelgood, but sooner or later, the wheels fell off and we had to climb back up the mountain. It would take a huge about face to have any hope of repairing the damage at this stage of the game. My guess is that we'll eventually hit the proverbial rock bottom, then rebuild with a much different process, one geared to ensuring that we never again allow so much control to fall into the wrong hands. I'm 67 so I may not be around to see the start of the rebuilding stage, but I have no doubt that my grandkids will see it. We can't continue down this present road too much longer. Socially and economically, something has to give soon. We've been way too passive and have allowed the decline process to happen little by little, piece by piece. Thus the reason no one made a big deal out of it due to the length of time that it took to reach its present stage. Small changes over an extended period kind of time, collectively, became huge pieces and way too big to handle. This is the tragedy of trusting the wrong people with too much power. And, now, we must all pay the price of our mistrust. Thanks for your response, it's much appreciated.
great thread.

yeah the sheople here in the states are so brainwashed they continue to believe that their vote counts,that there is any difference between romney and obama other than one is black and not a us citizen and the other is white and is one,thats about the only two differences in the two though.

they both work for wall street and serve them,not us. the sheople dont get that nor that its actually a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so they think they have a choice in who gets elected when they vote for a demopublican or reprocrat who are like pro wrestlers,inside the ring they pretend to hate each other but outside they are good friends and have a beer together.same thing.

they dont get it that its all a script thats been planned out for years on who they want to put in office,that voting machines are rigged so whoever they want in gets the vote in congress or many sheep still actually believe their vote matters and they put these people in office.they'll never wake up.
The key is to get most of the voters to stay home, thinking their vote does not count.

That way the sheeple piss away the freedoms we have enjoyed at such a cost.
This is for all the American citizens afflicted with "Blind Patriotism", and there are millions of you. The following article is just another illustration of just how much representation you have in government.
Payday lenders throw millions at powerful politicians to get their way - Dec. 18 2014
Payday lenders throw millions at powerful politicians to get their way

What you have is a government seated in Washington that is bought and paid for. Once elected to office, they exert their will, and not the will of the people. Money buys votes on the floors of Congress. The U.S. Government is corrupt, on the take, and engages in self-service and greed. If you've ever voted to elect or to re-elect a professional politician to serve in government, then you've aided and abetted the crooks that run this country. Remember, honesty and politics mix like water and oil.

Uh, our "president" was put in power by the Chicago Mob....

Edit - oh this is about keeping Obama out of prison for his interstate extortion racket.

It won't work.
I don't understand what you mean. I wasn't talking about Mr. Obama.
This is for all the American citizens afflicted with "Blind Patriotism", and there are millions of you. The following article is just another illustration of just how much representation you have in government.
Payday lenders throw millions at powerful politicians to get their way - Dec. 18 2014
Payday lenders throw millions at powerful politicians to get their way

What you have is a government seated in Washington that is bought and paid for. Once elected to office, they exert their will, and not the will of the people. Money buys votes on the floors of Congress. The U.S. Government is corrupt, on the take, and engages in self-service and greed. If you've ever voted to elect or to re-elect a professional politician to serve in government, then you've aided and abetted the crooks that run this country. Remember, honesty and politics mix like water and oil.

Which is why it's very important to put 'people' in front of big business,

-Base Federal tax or corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-off’s/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 400 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2013 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.
I don't understand what you mean. I wasn't talking about Mr. Obama.

You may not grasp that you are talking about Obama, but you are. This is a preemptive strike by Obama's propaganda team to spin the extortion racket Obama is engaged in.

With the Republicans in control of Congress, many are demanding that Obama face justice for his felonies. Obama has openly engage in class A federal felonies, to wit interstate extortion. CNN is demonizing one of his victims as a defense for the criminal behavior of the gangster in chief.
great thread.

yeah the sheople here in the states are so brainwashed they continue to believe that their vote counts,that there is any difference between romney and obama other than one is black and not a us citizen and the other is white and is one,thats about the only two differences in the two though.

they both work for wall street and serve them,not us. the sheople dont get that nor that its actually a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two parties so they think they have a choice in who gets elected when they vote for a demopublican or reprocrat who are like pro wrestlers,inside the ring they pretend to hate each other but outside they are good friends and have a beer together.same thing.

they dont get it that its all a script thats been planned out for years on who they want to put in office,that voting machines are rigged so whoever they want in gets the vote in congress or many sheep still actually believe their vote matters and they put these people in office.they'll never wake up.
The key is to get most of the voters to stay home, thinking their vote does not count.

That way the sheeple piss away the freedoms we have enjoyed at such a cost.
The key is to get people to write-in a candidate instead of voting for the ones that the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential have placed on the ballots. Never NOT vote. Always vote, but don't play into their hands. Always exercise your right to vote, it's your responsibility to vote. But, be wise enough to not vote for the ones that the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential have placed on the ballots. Don't aid and abet the crooks that are hell-bent on further destroying this once great nation. Your vote will send a very strong signal that the American people aren't idiots that swallow hook, line, and sinker, every single word spewed from the mouths of professional politicians. Besides, once elected to office, they exert their will and not the will of the people. Our present socioeconomic situation bears witness to that statement. remember, "Blind Patriotism" is a terrible affliction, and many are afflicted. Don't be counted among them. Stand up for your rights, your freedom, and for your country.
This is for all the American citizens afflicted with "Blind Patriotism", and there are millions of you. The following article is just another illustration of just how much representation you have in government.
Payday lenders throw millions at powerful politicians to get their way - Dec. 18 2014
Payday lenders throw millions at powerful politicians to get their way

What you have is a government seated in Washington that is bought and paid for. Once elected to office, they exert their will, and not the will of the people. Money buys votes on the floors of Congress. The U.S. Government is corrupt, on the take, and engages in self-service and greed. If you've ever voted to elect or to re-elect a professional politician to serve in government, then you've aided and abetted the crooks that run this country. Remember, honesty and politics mix like water and oil.

Which is why it's very important to put 'people' in front of big business,

-Base Federal tax or corporations at 30% of revenue.

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-off’s/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 400 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2013 price structure.

-Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.

-Make inversion illegal.
Wouldn't it be a lot easier to just put pro-America representatives in Washington? In my opinion, getting rid of the Washington Brotherhood would solve all of our problems. Every single one of our problems can be traced back to our anti-America government. It has occurred for over 60 plus years now. It's time to put pro-America people in government and allow them to make the necessary changes.
I don't understand what you mean. I wasn't talking about Mr. Obama.

You may not grasp that you are talking about Obama, but you are. This is a preemptive strike by Obama's propaganda team to spin the extortion racket Obama is engaged in.

With the Republicans in control of Congress, many are demanding that Obama face justice for his felonies. Obama has openly engage in class A federal felonies, to wit interstate extortion. CNN is demonizing one of his victims as a defense for the criminal behavior of the gangster in chief.
I disagree. I was NOT talking about Mr. Obama. I was talking about the entire "Washington Brotherhood". Everyone in Washington politics is a self-serving crook, no exceptions. Mr. Obama just happens to be the head puppet. They all dance to the same tune.
This is for all the American citizens afflicted with "Blind Patriotism", and there are millions of you. The following article is just another illustration of just how much representation you have in government.
Payday lenders throw millions at powerful politicians to get their way - Dec. 18 2014
Payday lenders throw millions at powerful politicians to get their way

What you have is a government seated in Washington that is bought and paid for. Once elected to office, they exert their will, and not the will of the people. Money buys votes on the floors of Congress. The U.S. Government is corrupt, on the take, and engages in self-service and greed. If you've ever voted to elect or to re-elect a professional politician to serve in government, then you've aided and abetted the crooks that run this country. Remember, honesty and politics mix like water and oil.

Uh, our "president" was put in power by the Chicago Mob....

Edit - oh this is about keeping Obama out of prison for his interstate extortion racket.

It won't work.
I would very much like to see Mr. Obama in prison, along with the entire Washington Brotherhood.

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