Congratulations 31 Pro Gun Congress.. don't succumb to hysteria!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011

What is wrong with you idiots that are asking to BAN an inanimate object?
NOT ONE person has EVER been killed by a gun UNLESS a human was responsible!

NOT ONE bullet was ever fired without some human intervention! Dropped a loaded gun
BAM goes off! Who's fault?

A warped out video game JUNKIE steals guns and fires the guns... NOT once did the
gun fire by itself!

\WHY are you people so agitated over an inanimate object?
Why aren't you as angry at the ADVERTISING industry that every second modifies our
behavior in some ways and the gaming industry modifying behavior of people like Lanza!

Probably it's because LIKE little kids you "ban the gun" advocates can ONLY handle what is in front of you and NOT the reality that NO GUN by itself killed anyone!

Ban the video games that glorify killing! Ban TV shows that glorify killing!
But banning an inanimate object? Why not ban knives? Cars? Coal fired utilities?

The gun did not kill the kids... the warped KID killed the kids!
Totally agree. The point I can't get around is assault weapons are not used for hunting, they are not used for anything but gun violence. Pistols are just as dangerous at close range, but they don't look as threatening. IMHO we need to do some of the other things on the poll I just posted.
Totally agree. The point I can't get around is assault weapons are not used for hunting, they are not used for anything but gun violence. Pistols are just as dangerous at close range, but they don't look as threatening. IMHO we need to do some of the other things on the poll I just posted.

Why is everyone talking about "Assault" type weapons. None were used at Sandy Hook Elementary. Handguns were used and everyone wants to take away your rifle. "Assault" weapons may not be for hunting but are for defending against for all enemy's, foreign and domestic.
All these threads on this is a total waste of time, your time would be better spent calling your reps at the state and fed levels.

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