Confidence Down :(


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
The LINK at the Bottom of This Here Li'l Quote Box said:
"Perceived non-cooperation on the budget deficit is one problem for the Republicans in Congress. Seventy-one percent say the GOP is not willing enough to compromise with Obama on the deficit; that even includes 42 percent of Republicans. Fifty-two percent overall also say Obama isn't willing enough to compromise -- still a majority, but a substantially smaller one. (Indeed, 30 percent call Obama "too willing" to make peace; half as many say that about the GOP.)

"It follows that on another measure, the public by a 14-point margin says it's more apt to hold the Republicans than Obama responsible if the budget impasse forces a partial government shutdown. (Then again, three in 10 also say a partial shutdown would be a good thing.)"

I'm finding myself in the company of like-minded strangers.

So far, I'm diggin' the way MY fresh-faced Senator is thinkin'! ;)

The Same Fucking Link as the Quote Box Above said:
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., told the New York Times that sailing may be no smoother in the Senate. (Freshman Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., already announced his plans to vote against the bill.)

"Different members have different goals," Sen. McConnell said. "So this will be an interesting challenge as we go forward."

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The LINK. It's In The Usual Spot said:
"Just 31 percent now say the war in Afghanistan has been worth fighting, a new low. Sixty-four percent call it not worth fighting, and 49 percent feel that way 'strongly,' both record highs in ABC/Post polls.

"Two-to-one opposition for the first time puts public criticism of the war in Afghanistan at the level seen for the war in Iraq."

It seems that I finally find myself in the majority thinking on the wars too.

:eek: Scary.​
Until the people are willing to act, what they think isn't really very important, Joe.
Until the people are willing to act, what they think isn't really very important, Joe.
Before people are willing to act....they need to spend some significant time trying to understand the difference between what they think....and, what they know!

There have been too-many lynch-mobs, in the past, who thought they had-it-right.​
The LINK. It's In The Usual Spot said:
"Just 31 percent now say the war in Afghanistan has been worth fighting, a new low. Sixty-four percent call it not worth fighting, and 49 percent feel that way 'strongly,' both record highs in ABC/Post polls.

"Two-to-one opposition for the first time puts public criticism of the war in Afghanistan at the level seen for the war in Iraq."

It seems that I finally find myself in the majority thinking on the wars too.

:eek: Scary.​

I've been there for a long time now. I can't think of a single person in the ME that is worth one drop of American blood. If they want to live in the 11th century I'm good with that. We cannot police the world nor should we try.
Interesting, the democrats had a majority in both houses and punted THEIR budget down the road, failing to do their job. But it is the new congresses fault for the current budget that should have been done before they took office.

Is it any fuckin' wonder confidence is down?
Compromise with Obama on the deficit??? Obama don't care about it and INCREASES spending... and it is not right to compromise by agreeing to spend more and not less
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Quote: Originally Posted by Douger View Post
Anyone who voluntarily joins the military is a fool.Anyone who went by force is a bigger fool.

I joined in 1966 and I am not a fool. Douger is pretty brave sitting at his computer desk making judgment about things he doesn't understand.

this way was never a good idea, We have never been successful in imposing our way of life and thinking on another culture. The people in that part of the world have been fighting since recorded history and they seem to like. As soon as we leave it will be business as usual.
14 t in the hole, 2.5T dollar deficit, spiraling economy, never ending QE, and the best we can do is offer up 2 week continuing resolutions???????????

Yeah, this will end nicely.
Interesting, the democrats had a majority in both houses and punted THEIR budget down the road, failing to do their job. But it is the new congresses fault for the current budget that should have been done before they took office.

Is it any fuckin' wonder confidence is down?

RealClearPolitics - VIDEO
Congressman Mike Green, Idaho - on Temporary 2011 Federal Spending:

"The outrage here is that we are having to do this because the majority, the former majority -- when they had the majority in the House and the majority in the Senate and the White House failed to pass an appropriation bill. They left the American people and this country with this pile of crap. They should not complain about how we try to clean this up" ...
Until the people are willing to act, what they think isn't really very important, Joe.

Ahhhhh.... but thinking, especially for themselves, is the first step for people down a road that's harder to travel but far more rewarding.

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