Confederate Flag Should Stay Up

Whats to appreciate about losers that fought to keep people enslaved? I could give a flying fuck about understanding or appreciating you losers.
You ignoramus. 90% of Confederate soldiers did't even know slavery existed. They were all poor. Only a tiny minority of rich people had a slave. Their fighting had nothing to do with slavery. The only fought because everyone told them they were expected to (much like we were told in the 60s), and unlike with Vietnam, the US southerners' home turf was being invaded. That's where the civil war was fought - in the South.
Do you really expect me to believe white people were that fucking stupid that they didnt know they were fighting to keep people enslaved?
How ironic seeing as you are doing the exact same thing LOL
Then you cannot fly the flag of Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, Italy, Greece, France, Germany, China, Native American Nations, all flags of the Muslim world...because at some point in their history the practiced slavery.
Which country fought a war to keep slavery and used a loser traitor symbol as a flag?
Fought a war to prevent an invasion of their newly declared nation by entire regiments of the US Army that could not speak English. Fought a war to stand for states rights because it's what they believed in when the 1787 Constitution was born. They felt it was not a binding contract.Fought a war to prevent Northern industrialist from stealing southern wealth.
They werent given permission to start a new country for one. They clearly identified their reason as slavery in the Cornerstone Speech. You white boys are more fun that a barrel of monkeys.
Thank you....these are the same nuts, who chastise others who want to celebrate their heritage. Muslims can't have mosques, Jews can't have the synagogue, blacks can't have the AME.....all buildings at some point and time in our history these nuts blew up with bombs....How many buildings or places of worship have blacks blew up???? But I can tell you, that flag comes down, every white nut in the country is gonna make hell for people in this country....let em keep it, who should care.
Who the hell ever said "Jews can't have the synagogue, blacks can't have the AME" other than a very small number of extremists ? But you're right. If that flag comes down some unhinged, drugged-out 21 year olds are gonna have their say about it, with a gun, much like Dylan Roof. All the more reason why the removers are idiots.
Are you advocating we should give in to terrorism now?
No. Islamic terrorist should be pursued like rabid dogs and destroyed.
for what? what would they be taking a stand for? support of racism?
If they vote to keep it up they'll be taking a stand for >> WHITE LIVES MATTER.

And against the people who want to remove the flag who say > White lives DON'T matter.
Then you cannot fly the flag of Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, Italy, Greece, France, Germany, China, Native American Nations, all flags of the Muslim world...because at some point in their history the practiced slavery.
Which country fought a war to keep slavery and used a loser traitor symbol as a flag?
Roman Republic? Spain? Great Britain? The Muslim caliphate?
Are you asking me? If so no none of them did. If youre telling me then youre stupid.
Then you cannot fly the flag of Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, Italy, Greece, France, Germany, China, Native American Nations, all flags of the Muslim world...because at some point in their history the practiced slavery.
Which country fought a war to keep slavery and used a loser traitor symbol as a flag?
Fought a war to prevent an invasion of their newly declared nation by entire regiments of the US Army that could not speak English. Fought a war to stand for states rights because it's what they believed in when the 1787 Constitution was born. They felt it was not a binding contract.Fought a war to prevent Northern industrialist from stealing southern wealth.
They werent given permission to start a new country for one. They clearly identified their reason as slavery in the Cornerstone Speech. You white boys are more fun that a barrel of monkeys.
Just like the Founding Fathers were not given permission to have a revolution.
Then you cannot fly the flag of Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, Italy, Greece, France, Germany, China, Native American Nations, all flags of the Muslim world...because at some point in their history the practiced slavery.
Which country fought a war to keep slavery and used a loser traitor symbol as a flag?
Roman Republic? Spain? Great Britain? The Muslim caliphate?
Are you asking me? If so no none of them did. If youre telling me then youre stupid.
They all did. Slavery goes back to Moses and the Old Testament dip shit.
Whats to appreciate about losers that fought to keep people enslaved? I could give a flying fuck about understanding or appreciating you losers.
You ignoramus. 90% of Confederate soldiers did't even know slavery existed. They were all poor. Only a tiny minority of rich people had a slave. Their fighting had nothing to do with slavery. The only fought because everyone told them they were expected to (much like we were told in the 60s), and unlike with Vietnam, the US southerners' home turf was being invaded. That's where the civil war was fought - in the South.
Do you really expect me to believe white people were that fucking stupid that they didnt know they were fighting to keep people enslaved?
How ironic seeing as you are doing the exact same thing LOL
No. I'm not going to battle and getting shot for any flag. Try something relevant.
Then you cannot fly the flag of Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, Italy, Greece, France, Germany, China, Native American Nations, all flags of the Muslim world...because at some point in their history the practiced slavery.
Which country fought a war to keep slavery and used a loser traitor symbol as a flag?
Roman Republic? Spain? Great Britain? The Muslim caliphate?
Are you asking me? If so no none of them did. If youre telling me then youre stupid.
They all did. Slavery goes back to Moses and the Old Testament dip shit.
What does that have to do with fighting a war over slavery and still flying the flag that represented that?
Then you cannot fly the flag of Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, Italy, Greece, France, Germany, China, Native American Nations, all flags of the Muslim world...because at some point in their history the practiced slavery.
Which country fought a war to keep slavery and used a loser traitor symbol as a flag?
Fought a war to prevent an invasion of their newly declared nation by entire regiments of the US Army that could not speak English. Fought a war to stand for states rights because it's what they believed in when the 1787 Constitution was born. They felt it was not a binding contract.Fought a war to prevent Northern industrialist from stealing southern wealth.
They werent given permission to start a new country for one. They clearly identified their reason as slavery in the Cornerstone Speech. You white boys are more fun that a barrel of monkeys.
Just like the Founding Fathers were not given permission to have a revolution.
They won though. You losers and traitors lost. :eek-52:
Whats to appreciate about losers that fought to keep people enslaved? I could give a flying fuck about understanding or appreciating you losers.
You ignoramus. 90% of Confederate soldiers did't even know slavery existed. They were all poor. Only a tiny minority of rich people had a slave. Their fighting had nothing to do with slavery. The only fought because everyone told them they were expected to (much like we were told in the 60s), and unlike with Vietnam, the US southerners' home turf was being invaded. That's where the civil war was fought - in the South.

The civil war was not fought to free the slaves, it was fought to unite the nation under one government. Lincoln it was said, struggled with slavery and wanted not to free slaves and is said to have wished he could do this war without freeing slaves.
Whats to appreciate about losers that fought to keep people enslaved? I could give a flying fuck about understanding or appreciating you losers.
You ignoramus. 90% of Confederate soldiers did't even know slavery existed. They were all poor. Only a tiny minority of rich people had a slave. Their fighting had nothing to do with slavery. The only fought because everyone told them they were expected to (much like we were told in the 60s), and unlike with Vietnam, the US southerners' home turf was being invaded. That's where the civil war was fought - in the South.
south carolina seceded because of slavery.

and you don't just get to make up statistics. 85% of people know that.
Yes, it should stay. Up your ass with the rest of that rebel crap you people cling to.
This thread is moving way too fast, with nothing being said about the important message IN THE OP. I want to bring this back to that >>

1. "the Trayvon Martin case" (instigated by race hustlers, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson) "the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?

"pages upon pages of brutal black on white crime"

the much higher rate of "violent" crime (per capita) among blacks, than whites

blacks "always thinking about the fact that they are black"

how blacks "get offended so easily"

6. "blacks getting away with obnoxious behavior in public, because it is expected of them"

7. "We are told to accept what is happening to us because of ancestors wrong doing, but it is all based on historical lies, exaggerations and myths. I have tried endlessly to think of reasons we deserve this, and I have only came back more irritated because there are no reasons."

8. "In a modern history class it is always emphasized that, when talking about “bad” things Whites have done in history, they were White. But when we lern about the numerous, almost countless wonderful things Whites have done, it is never pointed out that these people were White. Yet when we learn about anything important done by a black person in history, it is always pointed out repeatedly that they were black."

Roof also mentioned "affirmative action", which is pure racist discrimination against whites, which is the largest racial discrimination in America, and has victimized more people (by far), for 51 years, than all other discriminations combined. Yet, it is fully accepted countrywide, in all but 8 states that have banned it

These are the critical things that the media should be talking about, not the Confederate flag.

Lastly, I would say that this attitude that has prevailed over America, (which Dylann Roof has clearly perceived correctly) that blacks must be accomodated however they want to be, and it's OK for whites to be shoved aside in the process, is exactly what we're seeing now in the Confederate flag debate. Blacks telling everybody what to do. Giving ORDERS.
south carolina seceded because of slavery. and you don't just get to make up statistics. 85% of people know that.
YOU don't get to make up staistics either. I said 90% of Confederate soldiers did't even know slavery existed. They were all poor. Only a tiny minority of rich people had a slave. They fought because their turf was invaded.Their fighting had nothing to do with slavery, I THINK YOU HEARD ME RIGHT.
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YOU don't get to make up staistics either. I said 90% of Confederate soldiers did't even know slavery existed. They were all poor. Only a tiny minority of rich people had a slave. Their fighting had nothing to do with slavery, I THINK YOU HEARD ME RIGHT.

They were really really stupid to fight and die for the Southern Aristocrats ...the poor hard scrabble farmer dying for the Robert E Lee types...

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