Confederate Flag Should Stay Up


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Sure, there is a disturbing aspect of the Confederate flag. It stood for a government that supported the enslavement of millions of people. On the other hand, it stood, and still stands for OTHER THINGS also. It stands for southern cultural heritage (food, music, language dialect, etc all having nothing to do with slavery). It also is a tribute to hundreds of thousands of combat veterans who fought under that flag, most of whom never saw a slave in their whole lives, and many who were as poor as the slaves, if not worse.

Many confederate soldiers went barefoot on the battlefield, and the lucky ones who got boots and a full uniform were known to have said >. "this is the best suit of clothes I've ever had"

Next, we should consider the writings of Dylann Roof. This kid is quite unhinged, and was doing a lot of drugs. And nothing excuses his acts of cold blooded murder. But if you read what he wrote about what angered him, there is much to learn from it. And much of it is 100% TRUE. He was influenced by Conservative web sites, but not hate sites. He was influenced by the TRUTH in those sites, which reported what liberal sites and TV stations don't report, and he said so in his "manifesto" >>

1. "the Trayvon Martin case" (instigated by race hustlers, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson) "the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?

2. "pages upon pages of brutal black on white crime"

the much higher rate of "violent" crime (per capita) among blacks, than whites

blacks "always thinking about the fact that they are black"

how blacks "get offended so easily"

6. "blacks getting away with obnoxious behavior in public, because it is expected of them"

7. "We are told to accept what is happening to us because of ancestors wrong doing, but it is all based on historical lies, exaggerations and myths. I have tried endlessly to think of reasons we deserve this, and I have only came back more irritated because there are no reasons."

8. "In a modern history class it is always emphasized that, when talking about “bad” things Whites have done in history, they were White. But when we lern about the numerous, almost countless wonderful things Whites have done, it is never pointed out that these people were White. Yet when we learn about anything important done by a black person in history, it is always pointed out repeatedly that they were black."

Roof also mentioned "affirmative action", which is pure racist discrimination against whites, which is the largest racial discrimination in America, and has victimized more people (by far), for 51 years, than all other discriminations combined. Yet, it is fully accepted countrywide, in all but 8 states that have banned it

These are the critical things that the media should be talking about, not the Confederate flag.

Lastly, I would say that this attitude that has prevailed over America, (which Dylann Roof has clearly perceived correctly) that blacks must be accomodated however they want to be, and it's OK for whites to be shoved aside in the process, is exactly what we're seeing now in the Confederate flag debate. Blacks telling everybody what to do. Giving ORDERS.

As an example I'll use Dr Alveda King who, speaking on cable news stations Fox and CNN, said "the flag must go". On CNN, college philosophy teacher Cornell West said the same thing. And this is what all those calling for the flag's removal have been saying. Notice there isn't a smidgin of compromise. Not a word about heritage. Nothing about Confederate soldiers and their heroism. Only DEMANDS, "my way or the highway", and how things MUST be done THEIR way.

Well, this is the mindset that Roof was talking about, which so many people either are oblivious to, or are in denial of. I hope that if the flag is removed, it will not cause more young, unhinged, drug abusing gun owners to go out and kill more people. And just as I type this, I see a report that some folks have been out burning the Confederate flag, and making videos of it. More fuel to the fires of the dangerous Dylann Roofs of America, and more selfish, ignoring of the rights of white people and southern heritage, so as to appease blacks, no matter what.
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Of all the conversations this nation needs to hold, banning this fucked up flag isn't one of them. I agree, keep the flag and remind the mindless supporters, you lost the damned war.
Winning or losing the war is beside the point. Blacks pushing whites aside to get whatever they want is the point, and dumbass liberals who go along with it. Even when it is harmful to them (as in affirmative action just for one example)
Sure, there is a disturbing aspect of the Confederate flag. It stood for a government that supported the enslavement of millions of people. On the other hand, it stood, and still stands for OTHER THINGS also. It stands for southern cultural heritage (food, music, language dialect, etc all having nothing to do with slavery). It also is a tribute to hundreds of thousands of combat veterans who fought under that flag, most of whom never saw a slave in their whole lives, and many who were as poor as the slaves, if not worse.

Many confederate soldiers went barefoot on the battlefield, and the lucky ones who got boots and a full uniform were known to have said >. "this is the best suit of clothes I've ever had"

Next, we should consider the writings of Dylann Roof. This kid is quite unhinged, and was doing a lot of drugs. And nothing excuses his acts of cold blooded murder. But if you read what he wrote about what angered him, there is much to learn from it. And much of it is 100% TRUE. He was influenced by Conservative web sites, but not hate sites. He was influenced by the TRUTH in those sites, which reported what liberal sites and TV stations don't report, and he said so in his "manifesto" >>

1. "the Trayvon Martin case" (instigated by race hustlers, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson) "the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?

2. "pages upon pages of brutal black on white crime"

the much higher rate of "violent" crime (per capita) among blacks, than whites

blacks "always thinking about the fact that they are black"

how blacks "get offended so easily"

6. "blacks getting away with obnoxious behavior in public, because it is expected of them"

7. "We are told to accept what is happening to us because of ancestors wrong doing, but it is all based on historical lies, exaggerations and myths. I have tried endlessly to think of reasons we deserve this, and I have only came back more irritated because there are no reasons."

8. "In a modern history class it is always emphasized that, when talking about “bad” things Whites have done in history, they were White. But when we lern about the numerous, almost countless wonderful things Whites have done, it is never pointed out that these people were White. Yet when we learn about anything important done by a black person in history, it is always pointed out repeatedly that they were black."

Roof also mentioned "affirmative action", which is pure racist discrimination against whites, which is the largest racial discrimination in America, and has victimized more people (by far), for 51 years, than all other discriminations combined. Yet, it is fully accepted countrywide, in all but 8 states that have banned it

These are the critical things that the media should be talking about, not the Confederate flag.

Lastly, I would say that this attitude that has prevailed over America, (which Dylann Roof has clearly perceived correctly) that blacks must be accomodated however they want to be, and it's OK for whites to be shoved aside in the process, is exactly what we're seeing now in the Confederate flag debate. Blacks telling everybody what to do. Giving ORDERS.

As an example I'll use Dr Alveda King who, speaking on cable news stations Fox and CNN, said "the flag must go". On CNN, college philosophy teacher Cornell West said the same thing. And this is what all those calling for the flag's removal have been saying. Notice there isn't a smidgin of compromise. Not a word about heritage. Nothing about Confederate soldiers and their heroism. Only DEMANDS, "my way or the highway", and how things MUST be done THEIR way.

Well, this is the mindset that Roof was talking about, which so many people either are oblivious to, or are in denial of. I hope that if the flag is removed, it will not cause more young, unhinged, drug abusing gun owners to go out and kill more people. And just as I type this, I see a report that some folks have been out burning the Confederate flag, and making videos of it. More fuel to the fires of the dangerous Dylann Roofs of America, and more selfish, ignoring of the rights of white people and southern heritage, so as to appease blacks, no matter what.
Only if I get to piss on it again like I do for every Juneteenth celebration.
I have never given much attention to this flag business until the left lost their minds over it after the shooting. Maybe I'll purchase a Confederate battle flag and fly it under the Gadsden we now have. Just to irk the shit out of the loons on the left
I have never given much attention to this flag business until the left lost their minds over it after the shooting. Maybe I'll purchase a Confederate battle flag and fly it under the Gadsden we now have. Just to irk the shit out of the loons on the left
Displaying the loser flag will only ID you to people so they know youre stupid even before you open your mouth to say something. By all means put it up and display it proudly.
Sure, there is a disturbing aspect of the Confederate flag. It stood for a government that supported the enslavement of millions of people. On the other hand, it stood, and still stands for OTHER THINGS also. It stands for southern cultural heritage (food, music, language dialect, etc all having nothing to do with slavery). It also is a tribute to hundreds of thousands of combat veterans who fought under that flag, most of whom never saw a slave in their whole lives, and many who were as poor as the slaves, if not worse.

Many confederate soldiers went barefoot on the battlefield, and the lucky ones who got boots and a full uniform were known to have said >. "this is the best suit of clothes I've ever had"

Next, we should consider the writings of Dylann Roof. This kid is quite unhinged, and was doing a lot of drugs. And nothing excuses his acts of cold blooded murder. But if you read what he wrote about what angered him, there is much to learn from it. And much of it is 100% TRUE. He was influenced by Conservative web sites, but not hate sites. He was influenced by the TRUTH in those sites, which reported what liberal sites and TV stations don't report, and he said so in his "manifesto" >>

1. "the Trayvon Martin case" (instigated by race hustlers, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson) "the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?

2. "pages upon pages of brutal black on white crime"

the much higher rate of "violent" crime (per capita) among blacks, than whites

blacks "always thinking about the fact that they are black"

how blacks "get offended so easily"

6. "blacks getting away with obnoxious behavior in public, because it is expected of them"

7. "We are told to accept what is happening to us because of ancestors wrong doing, but it is all based on historical lies, exaggerations and myths. I have tried endlessly to think of reasons we deserve this, and I have only came back more irritated because there are no reasons."

8. "In a modern history class it is always emphasized that, when talking about “bad” things Whites have done in history, they were White. But when we lern about the numerous, almost countless wonderful things Whites have done, it is never pointed out that these people were White. Yet when we learn about anything important done by a black person in history, it is always pointed out repeatedly that they were black."

Roof also mentioned "affirmative action", which is pure racist discrimination against whites, which is the largest racial discrimination in America, and has victimized more people (by far), for 51 years, than all other discriminations combined. Yet, it is fully accepted countrywide, in all but 8 states that have banned it

These are the critical things that the media should be talking about, not the Confederate flag.

Lastly, I would say that this attitude that has prevailed over America, (which Dylann Roof has clearly perceived correctly) that blacks must be accomodated however they want to be, and it's OK for whites to be shoved aside in the process, is exactly what we're seeing now in the Confederate flag debate. Blacks telling everybody what to do. Giving ORDERS.

As an example I'll use Dr Alveda King who, speaking on cable news stations Fox and CNN, said "the flag must go". On CNN, college philosophy teacher Cornell West said the same thing. And this is what all those calling for the flag's removal have been saying. Notice there isn't a smidgin of compromise. Not a word about heritage. Nothing about Confederate soldiers and their heroism. Only DEMANDS, "my way or the highway", and how things MUST be done THEIR way.

Well, this is the mindset that Roof was talking about, which so many people either are oblivious to, or are in denial of. I hope that if the flag is removed, it will not cause more young, unhinged, drug abusing gun owners to go out and kill more people. And just as I type this, I see a report that some folks have been out burning the Confederate flag, and making videos of it. More fuel to the fires of the dangerous Dylann Roofs of America, and more selfish, ignoring of the rights of white people and southern heritage, so as to appease blacks, no matter what.
Only if I get to piss on it again like I do for every Juneteenth celebration.
I know how you feel, couple years back in Baltimore there was this building that had the black power flag flying, we went up there one night, dropped the flag, crapped on it then smeared it in real good, then sent it back up the flag pole.
It does give you a good feeling to do these things.
Yo, had respect for Nikki Haley, now, not so much! She is caving in to a bunch of Socialist invaders!!!

Sure, there is a disturbing aspect of the Confederate flag. It stood for a government that supported the enslavement of millions of people. On the other hand, it stood, and still stands for OTHER THINGS also. It stands for southern cultural heritage (food, music, language dialect, etc all having nothing to do with slavery). It also is a tribute to hundreds of thousands of combat veterans who fought under that flag, most of whom never saw a slave in their whole lives, and many who were as poor as the slaves, if not worse.

Many confederate soldiers went barefoot on the battlefield, and the lucky ones who got boots and a full uniform were known to have said >. "this is the best suit of clothes I've ever had"

Next, we should consider the writings of Dylann Roof. This kid is quite unhinged, and was doing a lot of drugs. And nothing excuses his acts of cold blooded murder. But if you read what he wrote about what angered him, there is much to learn from it. And much of it is 100% TRUE. He was influenced by Conservative web sites, but not hate sites. He was influenced by the TRUTH in those sites, which reported what liberal sites and TV stations don't report, and he said so in his "manifesto" >>

1. "the Trayvon Martin case" (instigated by race hustlers, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson) "the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?

2. "pages upon pages of brutal black on white crime"

the much higher rate of "violent" crime (per capita) among blacks, than whites

blacks "always thinking about the fact that they are black"

how blacks "get offended so easily"

6. "blacks getting away with obnoxious behavior in public, because it is expected of them"

7. "We are told to accept what is happening to us because of ancestors wrong doing, but it is all based on historical lies, exaggerations and myths. I have tried endlessly to think of reasons we deserve this, and I have only came back more irritated because there are no reasons."

8. "In a modern history class it is always emphasized that, when talking about “bad” things Whites have done in history, they were White. But when we lern about the numerous, almost countless wonderful things Whites have done, it is never pointed out that these people were White. Yet when we learn about anything important done by a black person in history, it is always pointed out repeatedly that they were black."

Roof also mentioned "affirmative action", which is pure racist discrimination against whites, which is the largest racial discrimination in America, and has victimized more people (by far), for 51 years, than all other discriminations combined. Yet, it is fully accepted countrywide, in all but 8 states that have banned it

These are the critical things that the media should be talking about, not the Confederate flag.

Lastly, I would say that this attitude that has prevailed over America, (which Dylann Roof has clearly perceived correctly) that blacks must be accomodated however they want to be, and it's OK for whites to be shoved aside in the process, is exactly what we're seeing now in the Confederate flag debate. Blacks telling everybody what to do. Giving ORDERS.

As an example I'll use Dr Alveda King who, speaking on cable news stations Fox and CNN, said "the flag must go". On CNN, college philosophy teacher Cornell West said the same thing. And this is what all those calling for the flag's removal have been saying. Notice there isn't a smidgin of compromise. Not a word about heritage. Nothing about Confederate soldiers and their heroism. Only DEMANDS, "my way or the highway", and how things MUST be done THEIR way.

Well, this is the mindset that Roof was talking about, which so many people either are oblivious to, or are in denial of. I hope that if the flag is removed, it will not cause more young, unhinged, drug abusing gun owners to go out and kill more people. And just as I type this, I see a report that some folks have been out burning the Confederate flag, and making videos of it. More fuel to the fires of the dangerous Dylann Roofs of America, and more selfish, ignoring of the rights of white people and southern heritage, so as to appease blacks, no matter what.
Only if I get to piss on it again like I do for every Juneteenth celebration.
I know how you feel, couple years back in Baltimore there was this building that had the black power flag flying, we went up there one night, dropped the flag, crapped on it then smeared it in real good, then sent it back up the flag pole.
It does give you a good feeling to do these things.
Sure you did buddy. :laugh:
The really important point isn't the flag. It's Roof's age. Younger people aren't totally lost to the poison of diversity. Roof might have been drugged to the point of mindlessness but his principles are known to the next generation.
Sure, there is a disturbing aspect of the Confederate flag. It stood for a government that supported the enslavement of millions of people. On the other hand, it stood, and still stands for OTHER THINGS also. It stands for southern cultural heritage (food, music, language dialect, etc all having nothing to do with slavery). It also is a tribute to hundreds of thousands of combat veterans who fought under that flag, most of whom never saw a slave in their whole lives, and many who were as poor as the slaves, if not worse.

Many confederate soldiers went barefoot on the battlefield, and the lucky ones who got boots and a full uniform were known to have said >. "this is the best suit of clothes I've ever had"

Next, we should consider the writings of Dylann Roof. This kid is quite unhinged, and was doing a lot of drugs. And nothing excuses his acts of cold blooded murder. But if you read what he wrote about what angered him, there is much to learn from it. And much of it is 100% TRUE. He was influenced by Conservative web sites, but not hate sites. He was influenced by the TRUTH in those sites, which reported what liberal sites and TV stations don't report, and he said so in his "manifesto" >>

1. "the Trayvon Martin case" (instigated by race hustlers, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson) "the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?

2. "pages upon pages of brutal black on white crime"

the much higher rate of "violent" crime (per capita) among blacks, than whites

blacks "always thinking about the fact that they are black"

how blacks "get offended so easily"

6. "blacks getting away with obnoxious behavior in public, because it is expected of them"

7. "We are told to accept what is happening to us because of ancestors wrong doing, but it is all based on historical lies, exaggerations and myths. I have tried endlessly to think of reasons we deserve this, and I have only came back more irritated because there are no reasons."

8. "In a modern history class it is always emphasized that, when talking about “bad” things Whites have done in history, they were White. But when we lern about the numerous, almost countless wonderful things Whites have done, it is never pointed out that these people were White. Yet when we learn about anything important done by a black person in history, it is always pointed out repeatedly that they were black."

Roof also mentioned "affirmative action", which is pure racist discrimination against whites, which is the largest racial discrimination in America, and has victimized more people (by far), for 51 years, than all other discriminations combined. Yet, it is fully accepted countrywide, in all but 8 states that have banned it

These are the critical things that the media should be talking about, not the Confederate flag.

Lastly, I would say that this attitude that has prevailed over America, (which Dylann Roof has clearly perceived correctly) that blacks must be accomodated however they want to be, and it's OK for whites to be shoved aside in the process, is exactly what we're seeing now in the Confederate flag debate. Blacks telling everybody what to do. Giving ORDERS.

As an example I'll use Dr Alveda King who, speaking on cable news stations Fox and CNN, said "the flag must go". On CNN, college philosophy teacher Cornell West said the same thing. And this is what all those calling for the flag's removal have been saying. Notice there isn't a smidgin of compromise. Not a word about heritage. Nothing about Confederate soldiers and their heroism. Only DEMANDS, "my way or the highway", and how things MUST be done THEIR way.

Well, this is the mindset that Roof was talking about, which so many people either are oblivious to, or are in denial of. I hope that if the flag is removed, it will not cause more young, unhinged, drug abusing gun owners to go out and kill more people. And just as I type this, I see a report that some folks have been out burning the Confederate flag, and making videos of it. More fuel to the fires of the dangerous Dylann Roofs of America, and more selfish, ignoring of the rights of white people and southern heritage, so as to appease blacks, no matter what.
Only if I get to piss on it again like I do for every Juneteenth celebration.
I know how you feel, couple years back in Baltimore there was this building that had the black power flag flying, we went up there one night, dropped the flag, crapped on it then smeared it in real good, then sent it back up the flag pole.
It does give you a good feeling to do these things.
Sure you did buddy. :laugh:
actually we did, it was back in my younger drinking days.
long time ago.
Nikki Haley will keep the Legislature in session until she gets a 2/3 majority of both House and Senate.

Gov. Haley has more balls than any garden variety USMB racist.

Regards from Rosie
Sure, there is a disturbing aspect of the Confederate flag. It stood for a government that supported the enslavement of millions of people. On the other hand, it stood, and still stands for OTHER THINGS also. It stands for southern cultural heritage (food, music, language dialect, etc all having nothing to do with slavery). It also is a tribute to hundreds of thousands of combat veterans who fought under that flag, most of whom never saw a slave in their whole lives, and many who were as poor as the slaves, if not worse.

Many confederate soldiers went barefoot on the battlefield, and the lucky ones who got boots and a full uniform were known to have said >. "this is the best suit of clothes I've ever had"

Next, we should consider the writings of Dylann Roof. This kid is quite unhinged, and was doing a lot of drugs. And nothing excuses his acts of cold blooded murder. But if you read what he wrote about what angered him, there is much to learn from it. And much of it is 100% TRUE. He was influenced by Conservative web sites, but not hate sites. He was influenced by the TRUTH in those sites, which reported what liberal sites and TV stations don't report, and he said so in his "manifesto" >>

1. "the Trayvon Martin case" (instigated by race hustlers, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson) "the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?

2. "pages upon pages of brutal black on white crime"

the much higher rate of "violent" crime (per capita) among blacks, than whites

blacks "always thinking about the fact that they are black"

how blacks "get offended so easily"

6. "blacks getting away with obnoxious behavior in public, because it is expected of them"

7. "We are told to accept what is happening to us because of ancestors wrong doing, but it is all based on historical lies, exaggerations and myths. I have tried endlessly to think of reasons we deserve this, and I have only came back more irritated because there are no reasons."

8. "In a modern history class it is always emphasized that, when talking about “bad” things Whites have done in history, they were White. But when we lern about the numerous, almost countless wonderful things Whites have done, it is never pointed out that these people were White. Yet when we learn about anything important done by a black person in history, it is always pointed out repeatedly that they were black."

Roof also mentioned "affirmative action", which is pure racist discrimination against whites, which is the largest racial discrimination in America, and has victimized more people (by far), for 51 years, than all other discriminations combined. Yet, it is fully accepted countrywide, in all but 8 states that have banned it

These are the critical things that the media should be talking about, not the Confederate flag.

Lastly, I would say that this attitude that has prevailed over America, (which Dylann Roof has clearly perceived correctly) that blacks must be accomodated however they want to be, and it's OK for whites to be shoved aside in the process, is exactly what we're seeing now in the Confederate flag debate. Blacks telling everybody what to do. Giving ORDERS.

As an example I'll use Dr Alveda King who, speaking on cable news stations Fox and CNN, said "the flag must go". On CNN, college philosophy teacher Cornell West said the same thing. And this is what all those calling for the flag's removal have been saying. Notice there isn't a smidgin of compromise. Not a word about heritage. Nothing about Confederate soldiers and their heroism. Only DEMANDS, "my way or the highway", and how things MUST be done THEIR way.

Well, this is the mindset that Roof was talking about, which so many people either are oblivious to, or are in denial of. I hope that if the flag is removed, it will not cause more young, unhinged, drug abusing gun owners to go out and kill more people. And just as I type this, I see a report that some folks have been out burning the Confederate flag, and making videos of it. More fuel to the fires of the dangerous Dylann Roofs of America, and more selfish, ignoring of the rights of white people and southern heritage, so as to appease blacks, no matter what.
Only if I get to piss on it again like I do for every Juneteenth celebration.
I know how you feel, couple years back in Baltimore there was this building that had the black power flag flying, we went up there one night, dropped the flag, crapped on it then smeared it in real good, then sent it back up the flag pole.
It does give you a good feeling to do these things.
Sure you did buddy. :laugh:
actually we did, it was back in my younger drinking days.
long time ago.
You probably got lucky like I did when I snatched one off the back of a truck and pissed on it in Georgia. I was only 19 and thought I would never die.
Sure, there is a disturbing aspect of the Confederate flag. It stood for a government that supported the enslavement of millions of people. On the other hand, it stood, and still stands for OTHER THINGS also. It stands for southern cultural heritage (food, music, language dialect, etc all having nothing to do with slavery). It also is a tribute to hundreds of thousands of combat veterans who fought under that flag, most of whom never saw a slave in their whole lives, and many who were as poor as the slaves, if not worse.

Many confederate soldiers went barefoot on the battlefield, and the lucky ones who got boots and a full uniform were known to have said >. "this is the best suit of clothes I've ever had"

Next, we should consider the writings of Dylann Roof. This kid is quite unhinged, and was doing a lot of drugs. And nothing excuses his acts of cold blooded murder. But if you read what he wrote about what angered him, there is much to learn from it. And much of it is 100% TRUE. He was influenced by Conservative web sites, but not hate sites. He was influenced by the TRUTH in those sites, which reported what liberal sites and TV stations don't report, and he said so in his "manifesto" >>

1. "the Trayvon Martin case" (instigated by race hustlers, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson) "the news be blowing up the Trayvon Martin case while hundreds of these black on White murders got ignored?

2. "pages upon pages of brutal black on white crime"

the much higher rate of "violent" crime (per capita) among blacks, than whites

blacks "always thinking about the fact that they are black"

how blacks "get offended so easily"

6. "blacks getting away with obnoxious behavior in public, because it is expected of them"

7. "We are told to accept what is happening to us because of ancestors wrong doing, but it is all based on historical lies, exaggerations and myths. I have tried endlessly to think of reasons we deserve this, and I have only came back more irritated because there are no reasons."

8. "In a modern history class it is always emphasized that, when talking about “bad” things Whites have done in history, they were White. But when we lern about the numerous, almost countless wonderful things Whites have done, it is never pointed out that these people were White. Yet when we learn about anything important done by a black person in history, it is always pointed out repeatedly that they were black."

Roof also mentioned "affirmative action", which is pure racist discrimination against whites, which is the largest racial discrimination in America, and has victimized more people (by far), for 51 years, than all other discriminations combined. Yet, it is fully accepted countrywide, in all but 8 states that have banned it

These are the critical things that the media should be talking about, not the Confederate flag.

Lastly, I would say that this attitude that has prevailed over America, (which Dylann Roof has clearly perceived correctly) that blacks must be accomodated however they want to be, and it's OK for whites to be shoved aside in the process, is exactly what we're seeing now in the Confederate flag debate. Blacks telling everybody what to do. Giving ORDERS.

As an example I'll use Dr Alveda King who, speaking on cable news stations Fox and CNN, said "the flag must go". On CNN, college philosophy teacher Cornell West said the same thing. And this is what all those calling for the flag's removal have been saying. Notice there isn't a smidgin of compromise. Not a word about heritage. Nothing about Confederate soldiers and their heroism. Only DEMANDS, "my way or the highway", and how things MUST be done THEIR way.

Well, this is the mindset that Roof was talking about, which so many people either are oblivious to, or are in denial of. I hope that if the flag is removed, it will not cause more young, unhinged, drug abusing gun owners to go out and kill more people. And just as I type this, I see a report that some folks have been out burning the Confederate flag, and making videos of it. More fuel to the fires of the dangerous Dylann Roofs of America, and more selfish, ignoring of the rights of white people and southern heritage, so as to appease blacks, no matter what.
Only if I get to piss on it again like I do for every Juneteenth celebration.
I know how you feel, couple years back in Baltimore there was this building that had the black power flag flying, we went up there one night, dropped the flag, crapped on it then smeared it in real good, then sent it back up the flag pole.
It does give you a good feeling to do these things.
Sure you did buddy. :laugh:

shooting bird.jpg


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