Complaints about Iowa's privatized Medicaid are spiking


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
State quarterly reports show grievances and appeals filed with the three companies managing Iowa's Medicaid program have spiked by almost 270 percent — from 343 to 1,268 — in the latest three-month report published in March.

Kelli Todd, a manager of the Iowa Long-Term Care Ombudsman, said her office in March had its busiest month on record with concerns about the private companies' Medicaid practices, with 556 contacts. April’s level dropped to 448 contacts but remained high, she noted.

At the heart of the issue is Iowa's controversial decision to turn over management of its $4.2 billion annual Medicaid program to for-profit companies, an act the federal government delayed for three months last year after saying the state wasn’t ready for the transition.

Critics in 2015 warned that profits, not public health, would dominate decisions for the 568,000 poor or elderly Iowans on the program if private companies took control.
Complaints about Iowa's privatized Medicaid are spiking

Wow. Privatization still doesn't work. Modern definition of insanity applies here.

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