Communists Call a Confrence...


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
"We need a bigger, bolder Communist Party if we are to meet the challenges of the day," Sam Webb, national chair of the Communist Party, USA, said in an interview.
"With the all out attacks on workers rights' in Wisconsin and states across our nation, it is imperative that we build the Communist Party as we help build the grassroots movement for jobs and democracy," Webb continued...In fact, Communist Party members are working in coalition with other progressive groups...

The conference will bring communists and left and progressive activists together from all over the country to discuss, plan and act.
CPUSA to host first annual conference » cpusa

Who do you think will be in attendance as they discuss their tactics in April?
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"We need a bigger, bolder Communist Party if we are to meet the challenges of the day," Sam Webb, national chair of the Communist Party, USA, said in an interview.
"With the all out attacks on workers rights' in Wisconsin and states across our nation, it is imperative that we build the Communist Party as we help build the grassroots movement for jobs and democracy," Webb continued...In fact, Communist Party members are working in coalition with other progressive groups...

The conference will bring communists and left and progressive activists together from all over the country to discuss, plan and act.
CPUSA to host first annual conference » cpusa

I remember the day when just saying "communism" would get some attention. I'm not sure it means anything to anyone these days. I guess I'm just old ?
Apparently, empowering the workers so they don't have a union controlling their life hurts workers right someonehow. Who knew?

Im sure the communists will talk about things that have no basis in reality and how they need to use violence to obtain control to impliment these inherently flawed ideas.
"We need a bigger, bolder Communist Party if we are to meet the challenges of the day," Sam Webb, national chair of the Communist Party, USA, said in an interview.
"With the all out attacks on workers rights' in Wisconsin and states across our nation, it is imperative that we build the Communist Party as we help build the grassroots movement for jobs and democracy," Webb continued...In fact, Communist Party members are working in coalition with other progressive groups...

The conference will bring communists and left and progressive activists together from all over the country to discuss, plan and act.
CPUSA to host first annual conference » cpusa

Who do you think will be in attendance as they discuss their tactics in April?
Van Jones

Cass Sunstein

Anita Dunne

Ed Shultz

Lawrence O'donnell

That's just for starters
Let's see what the revolutionary coalition between the unions and the communist party can do. I'm all for an honest up-front effort by communists and the Obama administration to change the political fabric of the United States. It would clear the air and give voters a chance to chose between the Constitution and the (sad to say) democrat party.
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Im sure the communists will talk about things that have no basis in reality and how they need to use violence to obtain control to impliment these inherently flawed ideas.

I think the revolutionaries have been pushed to the wings. Communism in the West largely works through government nowadays. To an extent, many self-proclaimed Communists (like many self-proclaimed Liberals) are really more like democratic socialists than anything else

That said, they'll surely denounce the banks and the control of the federal government by monied parties and advocate (t least in their rhetoric, if less so in practice) a more decentralized system
Apparently, empowering the workers so they don't have a union controlling their life hurts workers right someonehow. Who knew?

Im sure the communists will talk about things that have no basis in reality and how they need to use violence to obtain control to impliment these inherently flawed ideas.

i don't know how much control unions have over the workers but can't the same thing be said about big business, religion, government?

don't all of these things exercise control over workers lives?

and at least unions work to ensure the workers of higher salaries, over time pay, holiday pay, vacations, sick leave, medical and dental benefits...

i have no doubt that were unions to dissolve completely many of the benefits that so many Americans enjoy (et tu?) would disappear

why should big business be forced to pay for medical benefits?
or dental?
or vacations?

without organized unions to fight for these things they could disappear
Apparently, empowering the workers so they don't have a union controlling their life hurts workers right someonehow. Who knew?

Im sure the communists will talk about things that have no basis in reality and how they need to use violence to obtain control to impliment these inherently flawed ideas.

i don't know how much control unions have over the workers but can't the same thing be said about big business, religion, government?

don't all of these things exercise control over workers lives?

and at least unions work to ensure the workers of higher salaries, over time pay, holiday pay, vacations, sick leave, medical and dental benefits...

i have no doubt that were unions to dissolve completely many of the benefits that so many Americans enjoy (et tu?) would disappear

why should big business be forced to pay for medical benefits?
or dental?
or vacations?

without organized unions to fight for these things they could disappear
Forced membership. Forced due confiscation. Sounds very non-controling to me.
Im sure the communists will talk about things that have no basis in reality and how they need to use violence to obtain control to impliment these inherently flawed ideas.

I think the revolutionaries have been pushed to the wings. Communism in the West largely works through government nowadays. To an extent, many self-proclaimed Communists (like many self-proclaimed Liberals) are really more like democratic socialists than anything else

That said, they'll surely denounce the banks and the control of the federal government by monied parties and advocate (t least in their rhetoric, if less so in practice) a more decentralized system

I wish that were true, but i dont think it is at all. The revolutionaries just realized they need to change their means in order to reach their end. They are merely biding their time to show their true colors.

After all, communists are liars.
Nothing to see here, folks. Just another con circle jerk.
The OP is a conservative?

Or you simply have nothing intelligent to say?

I'm betting on the latter

Did I say the OP is a conservative? That's right. I didn't. But clearly, this thread turned into a liberal-bashing circle jerk, no matter the OP's original intentions. Are you too stupid to figure that out, or are you just blind? I'm betting on the former. Now, go fuck yourself, ass wipe.
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Nothing to see here, folks. Just another con circle jerk.
The OP is a conservative?

Or you simply have nothing intelligent to say?

I'm betting on the latter

Did I say the OP is a conservative? That's right. I didn't. But clearly, this thread turned into a liberal-bashing circle jerk, no matter the OP's original intentions. Are you too stupid to figure that out, or are you just blind? I'm betting on the former. Now, go fuck yourself, ass wipe.
Well then, maybe you need to go find yourself a con bashing thread there, Sparky!

There's plenty of 'em, Clephus.

You can all piss and moan like the whiney libs you are, about how it's the con's fault that your asinine liberal/progressive agenda is going right down the proverbial toilet there, Jethro!

Have fun, Gomer!
The OP is a conservative?

Or you simply have nothing intelligent to say?

I'm betting on the latter

Did I say the OP is a conservative? That's right. I didn't. But clearly, this thread turned into a liberal-bashing circle jerk, no matter the OP's original intentions. Are you too stupid to figure that out, or are you just blind? I'm betting on the former. Now, go fuck yourself, ass wipe.
Well then, maybe you need to go find yourself a con bashing thread there, Sparky!

There's plenty of 'em, Clephus.

You can all piss and moan like the whiney libs you are, about how it's the con's fault that your asinine liberal/progressive agenda is going right down the proverbial toilet there, Jethro!

Have fun, Gomer!

Bipitty bobitty boop blibitty blibitty blah

Sorry, what did you say? I don't speak Moronese.
Did I say the OP is a conservative? That's right. I didn't. But clearly, this thread turned into a liberal-bashing circle jerk, no matter the OP's original intentions. Are you too stupid to figure that out, or are you just blind? I'm betting on the former. Now, go fuck yourself, ass wipe.
Well then, maybe you need to go find yourself a con bashing thread there, Sparky!

There's plenty of 'em, Clephus.

You can all piss and moan like the whiney libs you are, about how it's the con's fault that your asinine liberal/progressive agenda is going right down the proverbial toilet there, Jethro!

Have fun, Gomer!

Bipitty bobitty boop blibitty blibitty blah

Sorry, what did you say? I don't speak Moronese.
Quit your whinin', lil' miss Percy.
"We need a bigger, bolder Communist Party if we are to meet the challenges of the day," Sam Webb, national chair of the Communist Party, USA, said in an interview.
"With the all out attacks on workers rights' in Wisconsin and states across our nation, it is imperative that we build the Communist Party as we help build the grassroots movement for jobs and democracy," Webb continued...In fact, Communist Party members are working in coalition with other progressive groups...

The conference will bring communists and left and progressive activists together from all over the country to discuss, plan and act.
CPUSA to host first annual conference » cpusa

Who do you think will be in attendance as they discuss their tactics in April?

Maybe they'll invite Glenn Beck as a key speaker. He can bring his chalkboards and explain how the Communist Party will align itself with Islamic terrorists.
Apparently, empowering the workers so they don't have a union controlling their life hurts workers right someonehow. Who knew?

Im sure the communists will talk about things that have no basis in reality and how they need to use violence to obtain control to impliment these inherently flawed ideas.

Isn't it interesting that the Communists/Marxists/Socialists called the people, the unions together to circumvent government under the guise of for the worker...and when they get into power? Abolish them outright?

Lenin did it, Stalin did it, Hitler did it.
Apparently, empowering the workers so they don't have a union controlling their life hurts workers right someonehow. Who knew?

Im sure the communists will talk about things that have no basis in reality and how they need to use violence to obtain control to impliment these inherently flawed ideas.

When was the last time Communists used violence?
Well then, maybe you need to go find yourself a con bashing thread there, Sparky!

There's plenty of 'em, Clephus.

You can all piss and moan like the whiney libs you are, about how it's the con's fault that your asinine liberal/progressive agenda is going right down the proverbial toilet there, Jethro!

Have fun, Gomer!

Bipitty bobitty boop blibitty blibitty blah

Sorry, what did you say? I don't speak Moronese.
Quit your whinin', lil' miss Percy.

You're the one doing the whining. Go fuck yourself, pussy.

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