Communism, Socialism or Capitalism?

Mar 26, 2009
OK Fellow American's which do you prefer for our country, Communism, Socialism or Capitalism? and what is the reason for your preference?
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It's more complicated than that - None of those systems works by itself because human frailty must still be involved in their day to day management.

Capitalism and free choice is required for development of new ideas.

A certain amount of socialism is required to keep greed in check and maintain the infrastructure that the wealthy need but don't use all the time.

Communism is an unworkable pipe-dream as long as people manage it.

OK Fellow American's which do you prefer for our country, Communism, Socialism or Capitalism? and what is the reason for your preference?

currently all three one for or another....

the private sector of business is capitalisim....

the nonprofit sector is socialist....

the union work force is communist...
I have to disagree with your opinion on Socialism, to state the obvious yes greed is a problem in the world today but I don't think people should be penalized under a social government because they made good/lucky decisions or even bad decisions. Look at GM, did we really need to bail out the auto industry? Under capitalism the government allows the companies to fail. That in my opinion is how this country should be ran, live or die by your own decisions. F*** the government, my life, my rules, my company, my rules.

It's more complicated than that - None of those systems works by itself because human frailty must still be involved in their day to day management.

Capitalism and free choice is required for development of new ideas.

A certain amount of socialism is required to keep greed in check and maintain the infrastructure that the wealthy need but don't use all the time.

Communism is an unworkable pipe-dream as long as people manage it.

Why do I get the distinct impression that some people don't really know what socialism is? It isn't the government governing or providing infrastructure. It's government ownership and control of the means for production and distribution. In other words, government control of business and industry. And no, there is no occasion when that is necessary.

Capitalism is the most realistic of the three, taking into account and working with the natural inclinations of human nature, rather than suppressing them or trying to pretend they don't exist.
Isn't Government control a part of Communism?

Why do I get the distinct impression that some people don't really know what socialism is? It isn't the government governing or providing infrastructure. It's government ownership and control of the means for production and distribution. In other words, government control of business and industry. And no, there is no occasion when that is necessary.

Capitalism is the most realistic of the three, taking into account and working with the natural inclinations of human nature, rather than suppressing them or trying to pretend they don't exist.
Isn't Government control a part of Communism?

Why do I get the distinct impression that some people don't really know what socialism is? It isn't the government governing or providing infrastructure. It's government ownership and control of the means for production and distribution. In other words, government control of business and industry. And no, there is no occasion when that is necessary.

Capitalism is the most realistic of the three, taking into account and working with the natural inclinations of human nature, rather than suppressing them or trying to pretend they don't exist.

No. Pure communism supposes that we will all be so altruistic and collectively-oriented that government as such will not be necessary, and we will all own everything jointly and operate it for the good of the whole. The idea, according to Marxists, is that a benevolent government, operated by the enlightened elite, will take control of everything and run it altruistically for the collective until the unwashed masses achieve the same high plane of spiritual evolution that the anointed have. Thus, socialism is a step on the road to communism, and this is why countries that are clearly socialist, many to the point of being totalitarian dictatorships, self-describe as communist. They are allegedly aspiring toward that goal.
Capitalism is the natural order of economics...

Socialism, which is communism at an early stage of development... is a function of secularism, and the unbridled arrogance of the Social Scientists that they've some means to control the Economy...

It's the same arrogance which allows them to believe that they can control the environment.

When the left has finally pissed the world off and the inevitable spasm comes which destroys them; what will rise from tha ashes of that extinction will be Capitalism... Defined as the free exchange of the goods and services to the mutual benefit of both parties; capitalism is simply how people trade the value which they possess for the value which they desire, want or need... and it works every time that it is tried...

What I love about the advocates of 'mixed economies' is how they clammer on about how corruption is inherent in capitalism; so they demand that 'just enough Socialism is necessary to keep capitalism in check...' when the socialism is being advanced by the same beings which could not manage to honestly exchange fair value for fair value... So their SOLUTUION is to give those same CORRUPTIBLE PEOPLE MORE POWER... through which their unbridled arrogance will corrupt far more deeply, and in ways which are far more destructive...

Socialism is a lie... it's not an economic system of any kind... it's a ideology... which uses economics as a means to its decietful end.

Socialism is merely a rationalization where the individual is said to be incapable of maintaining their responsibilities, so those responsibilities are placed upon the State. What the advocates of Social Science fail to recognize is that liberty, FREEDOM, is directly attributable TO THE RESPONSIBILITY RESTING WITH THE INDIVIDUAL and that/those individual holding himself and his neighbor accountable to those responsibilties. The responsibility to fairly trade with their neighbor, is an intrinsic, inseparable element of their human RIGHT... where that responsibility is forfeited, the right is forfeited and with that right goes FREEDOM.

The solution is not to succumb the the weakness which seeks to rest one's burdeon of responsibility upon the ethereal myth of "The People"... as such will never be the option of the freeman to look back upon... the solution is to hold one's self and each other accountable; and to do so through, in the case of the United States, the Constitutional Republic which was designed to DO JUST THAT. The Constitution that was designed to LIMIT the scope of Government power and to protect the rights of the individual and to HOLD EACH ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS in maintaining their responsibility to not infringe upon the rights of another, in the process of exercising their rights.

Socialism... the Advocacy of Social Science is not a viable economic theory... Communism is not a viable theory of cultural cooperation... They're one in the same rationalization, where each individual advocate wants to separate the THEMSELVES from their RESPONSIBILITIES... and this I suspect in yet another human attempt to 'have their cake and eat it too...' Left-think is little more than a means to find an 'easier way'... than the day to day struggle, the burden common in each one of us, to do the right thing...

The worst part; and I do mean the worst... is that the liberty born from the US Constitution, individual liberty to freely exchange the goods and service to the mutual benefit of both parties... free to choose our own path, set out own course... THIS IS AS EASY AS IT GETS and the socialists are dreaming us back into bondage... where inevitably generations after us will wonder how lame did we have to be, to freely give up our freedom, on the hope that we could separate our freedom from our simple responsibility to do the right thing.
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In the case of Communism you can't get there from here starting out with Human beings. You always end up with something like the former Soviet Union, Mao's China, Pol Pot's Cambodia, or Mugabe's Zimbabwe.

Pure socialism exists no where, currently. Where almost everyone in the west is at including the US is A sort of truncated capitalism layered about and grossly encumbered by various and sundry Socialist programs, and when the burdensome rules and regulations combined with more and more people drawing some sort of government check reach the tipping point the wheels run off the rims and things get really rough for a while. That is what we see now.
Anarchy is always a transitory state in which murder and mayhem are common place until someone usually a more charismnatic than usual thug takes over and resores some semblance of order.
Anarchy is always a transitory state in which murder and mayhem are common place until someone usually a more charismnatic than usual thug takes over and resores some semblance of order.

Try the Congo for something more recent. Or for that matter almost anywhere else ion Subsaharan Africa. And for someting much lighter try Post Soviet Russia.
Try the Congo for something more recent. Or for that matter almost anywhere else ion Subsaharan Africa. And for someting much lighter try Post Soviet Russia.

Is Putin a charasmatic thug?
No reasonably intelligent person will believe that you can have a purely capitalistic or socialist or communist country. I believe that it takes a little bit of all through to make this country work. Yes, Fox News and the Republicans are on the roof top yelling that Obama is taking the country to socialism, and some idiots like Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity also be that the country is headed to Communism! I really wish that we would be put our politics for a least until we fix our current problems!

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