Common Sense and Our Dangerous National Debt


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
At latest count, we are now $18 trillion in debt, which is more than our GDP, and the government continues to run a deficit of around half a trillion dollars each year.

Common sense and basic math tell us that we will never get out of debt unless we first stop going into debt.

Yet Obama and the Democrats continue to want to increase federal spending. They also want to raise taxes--on gas, on investments, on just about everything.

How do Democrats expect the economy to grow if the government keeps taking more and more money out of it? How do the Democrats expect to ever balance the budget, much less to start paying down the debt, when they constantly want to increase federal spending? Have they learned nothing from Greece, Spain, Italy? You can't tax and spend your way to a balanced budget and prosperity.

If you wanna be pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, pro-
card check, pro-amnesty, fine. But why can't you follow basic math when it comes to the budget and the debt? No sensible, rational person would run their personal finances the way the Democrats want to run the federal budget.

When you're $18 trillion in debt and rising, that is not the time for more "investing" (read: more federal spending)--that's the time to cut spending down to revenue, to balance the budget, and start the long process of paying down the debt. When you're $18 trillion in debt, you don't try to get an increase in your line of credit--it's time to bite the bullet and stop charging on the national credit card.
Yet Obama and the Democrats continue to want to increase federal spending.

Tell me something. Has the government deficit been going up or down since Obama took office?

If down, how do you come to the conclusion the Democrats want to increase federal spending?

Also, during the 8 years of the Bush Administration, did Republicans increase or decrease federal spending?

If they increased it, how did you arrive at the conclusion that only Democrats increase federal spending?

Democrats: Tax and spend.

Republicans: Borrow and spend.
Debt? What Debt? thats how Democrats see it, they dont care so long as they can buy 2nd/3rd homes and expensive cars on that borrowed money. right?
At latest count, we are now $18 trillion in debt, which is more than our GDP, and the government continues to run a deficit of around half a trillion dollars each year.

Common sense and basic math tell us that we will never get out of debt unless we first stop going into debt.

Yet Obama and the Democrats continue to want to increase federal spending. They also want to raise taxes--on gas, on investments, on just about everything.

How do Democrats expect the economy to grow if the government keeps taking more and more money out of it? How do the Democrats expect to ever balance the budget, much less to start paying down the debt, when they constantly want to increase federal spending? Have they learned nothing from Greece, Spain, Italy? You can't tax and spend your way to a balanced budget and prosperity.

If you wanna be pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, pro-
card check, pro-amnesty, fine. But why can't you follow basic math when it comes to the budget and the debt? No sensible, rational person would run their personal finances the way the Democrats want to run the federal budget.

When you're $18 trillion in debt and rising, that is not the time for more "investing" (read: more federal spending)--that's the time to cut spending down to revenue, to balance the budget, and start the long process of paying down the debt. When you're $18 trillion in debt, you don't try to get an increase in your line of credit--it's time to bite the bullet and stop charging on the national credit card.
Does anyone believe that we will ever see a Democrat deliver a statement informing Americans that every baby born already/or eventually will owe one million dollars?
Debt? What Debt? thats how Democrats see it, they dont care so long as they can buy 2nd/3rd homes and expensive cars on that borrowed money. right?
As long as there is a plurality of rubes who believe only the opposition party adds to our debt, those same suckers will keep voting in politicians from their own party who are part of the problem.

Well done, suckers! Well done.
At latest count, we are now $18 trillion in debt, which is more than our GDP, and the government continues to run a deficit of around half a trillion dollars each year.

Common sense and basic math tell us that we will never get out of debt unless we first stop going into debt.

Yet Obama and the Democrats continue to want to increase federal spending. They also want to raise taxes--on gas, on investments, on just about everything.

How do Democrats expect the economy to grow if the government keeps taking more and more money out of it? How do the Democrats expect to ever balance the budget, much less to start paying down the debt, when they constantly want to increase federal spending? Have they learned nothing from Greece, Spain, Italy? You can't tax and spend your way to a balanced budget and prosperity.

If you wanna be pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, pro-
card check, pro-amnesty, fine. But why can't you follow basic math when it comes to the budget and the debt? No sensible, rational person would run their personal finances the way the Democrats want to run the federal budget.

When you're $18 trillion in debt and rising, that is not the time for more "investing" (read: more federal spending)--that's the time to cut spending down to revenue, to balance the budget, and start the long process of paying down the debt. When you're $18 trillion in debt, you don't try to get an increase in your line of credit--it's time to bite the bullet and stop charging on the national credit card.
republicans believe you can raise revenue by lowering taxes. democrats believe that we can improve industry (and thus raise revenue) through having infrastructure to support it.

and trying to pretend that the federal budget is analogous to your kitchen table budget is ludicrous.
you will never hear that the economic boom on DC is pretty much all on borrowed billions from our children. maybe thats where a lot of that printed money is going.
After you guys live long enough, through Republican Presidents and Democratic Presidents, Republican Congresses and Democratic Congresses, you will finally wake up to the fact that BOTH parties are tag-teaming your rectum.
At latest count, we are now $18 trillion in debt, which is more than our GDP, and the government continues to run a deficit of around half a trillion dollars each year.

Common sense and basic math tell us that we will never get out of debt unless we first stop going into debt.

Yet Obama and the Democrats continue to want to increase federal spending. They also want to raise taxes--on gas, on investments, on just about everything.

How do Democrats expect the economy to grow if the government keeps taking more and more money out of it? How do the Democrats expect to ever balance the budget, much less to start paying down the debt, when they constantly want to increase federal spending? Have they learned nothing from Greece, Spain, Italy? You can't tax and spend your way to a balanced budget and prosperity.

If you wanna be pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, pro-
card check, pro-amnesty, fine. But why can't you follow basic math when it comes to the budget and the debt? No sensible, rational person would run their personal finances the way the Democrats want to run the federal budget.

When you're $18 trillion in debt and rising, that is not the time for more "investing" (read: more federal spending)--that's the time to cut spending down to revenue, to balance the budget, and start the long process of paying down the debt. When you're $18 trillion in debt, you don't try to get an increase in your line of credit--it's time to bite the bullet and stop charging on the national credit card.
The fails as a straw man fallacy.

And to perceive the debt as 'dangerous' is not consistent with common sense.

Issues such as the debt need to be addressed in a pragmatic, factual manner, not in the context of errant partisan dogma, the premise of your thread being one such example.
Yet Obama and the Democrats continue to want to increase federal spending. They also want to raise taxes--on gas, on investments, on just about everything.

You must have been in a coma when Republicans piled on half of that $18 trillion
apparently debt isn't that dangerous. The debt has grown under every modern day POTUS and not one single Congress has attempted to do a damn thing about it. Either they don't give a hoot or said danger doesn't exist unless one side or the other is trying to get elected.
apparently debt isn't that dangerous. The debt has grown under every modern day POTUS and not one single Congress has attempted to do a damn thing about it. Either they don't give a hoot or said danger doesn't exist unless one side or the other is trying to get elected.

So how high can we run it up, $30 trillion, $40 trillion, $50 trillion, before hyperinflation sets in and the Fed has to start printing $1,000 bills in order for us to buy a candy bar?
apparently debt isn't that dangerous. The debt has grown under every modern day POTUS and not one single Congress has attempted to do a damn thing about it. Either they don't give a hoot or said danger doesn't exist unless one side or the other is trying to get elected.

So how high can we run it up, $30 trillion, $40 trillion, $50 trillion, before hyperinflation sets in and the Fed has to start printing $1,000 bills in order for us to buy a candy bar?

ask Congress, they can do something about the debt, I can't.
Yet Obama and the Democrats continue to want to increase federal spending.

Tell me something. Has the government deficit been going up or down since Obama took office?

If down, how do you come to the conclusion the Democrats want to increase federal spending?

Also, during the 8 years of the Bush Administration, did Republicans increase or decrease federal spending?

If they increased it, how did you arrive at the conclusion that only Democrats increase federal spending?

Democrats: Tax and spend.

Republicans: Borrow and spend.

The 2009 Federal Budget was about $3.1 trillion. It goes up every year. For 2015, the White House is asking for $3.9 trillion. The budget has grown about 25% under Obama. The deficit for this year will only look frugal when compared to the mind-boggling $1+ trillion deficits of a few years ago. It's like if I spent $10,000 last month on sandwich condiments. If I cut down to $5,000 this month, wow, I cut my spending by 50%. It's still ridiculous though, unless I own a mega-restaurant or something. Yet, people are sort of fooled by that kind of math, saying that Obama has cut the deficits. Obama's deficits are still significantly larger than Bush's, with the exception of 2009 (which I hold Bush accountable for even though Obama took office).

I used to think we were doomed. Then I realized that everything is relative. If we're one scintilla less idiotic than the rest of the world, investment will continue to flow toward us. As far as the debt goes, we'll never pay off the principle. Eventually there will be a WWIII or some other game changer that will reset the whole balance.

We have the most obnoxiously massive military in the world, and the USD is still the world's currency and is still used to back local currencies of central banks almost everywhere. And we have less serious environmental problems and less overpopulation problems than other countries. We have the best farmland.

So, we play by different rules to begin with, and we're less stunted by taxes and regulation than Europe, more open and less corrupt than China. Got a huge head start on India. Russia is in a major funk.

Let's raise taxes and cut spending

Who is in?
Yet Obama and the Democrats continue to want to increase federal spending.

Tell me something. Has the government deficit been going up or down since Obama took office?

If down, how do you come to the conclusion the Democrats want to increase federal spending?

Also, during the 8 years of the Bush Administration, did Republicans increase or decrease federal spending?

If they increased it, how did you arrive at the conclusion that only Democrats increase federal spending?

Democrats: Tax and spend.

Republicans: Borrow and spend.

Look Moron, When Obama moved into the WHITE House federal revenue was way down and the deficit was way up because we were in a recession. As the private sector slowly drags us out of the recession in spite of the Obama Regime, Federal revenues go back up decreasing the deficit. Without Obama's roadblocks we would have been in a boom since 2010.

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